8:37 p.m January 28th

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"(Y/n)! Are you okay?!" Anti screamed as he dropped down from the ladder and rushed over to (Y/n), who was lying on his/her back and holding his/her head.

"I'm fine, I'm okay" (Y/n) assured as he/she sat up.

"(Y/n), your leg" Anti noted, (Y/n) looked down, his/her ankle had a grotesque black and purple bruise, in the shape of a hand print.

(Y/n) groaned and stood up, he/she brushed off his/her clothes before popping his/her back.

"Well, that's one way to get down, I suppose" (Y/n) joked, Anti giggled and playfully rolled his eyes.

(Y/n) motioned for Anti to follow him/her as he/she walked over to a rusted door. Anti and (Y/n) roughly pushed the door open and stepped inside.

They were automatically greeted with the overwhelming stench of blood and decay.

The room was pitch black, (Y/n) lit Chef's lighter, that he/she had forgotten to return. The lighter provided very little light, as it only created a small glow around them.

The part of the room that they could now see was ransacked, blood soaked papers and torn cloth were scattered on the floor.

(Y/n) put the light up to the wall, the all to familiar words, 'the red man' littered the blood stained walls.

"What the hell happened here?" (Y/n) murmured trying not to panic. "Hey, (Y/n)! I found something!" Anti exclaimed holding up a torch.

"Good job, Anti" (Y/n) congratulated lighting the torch and putting the lighter back into his/her bag. The torch flickered and lit up most of the room. "Holy shit" (Y/n) whispered slightly gagging, several mutilated corpses were sprawled across the floor. Anti pulled a bloodstained paper out of the clutched hand of one of the bodies.

"They're watching me, they're going to kill me. Help, please, help" Anti read aloud, (Y/n) softly shuddered.

"Damn, what a way to go" (Y/n) commented as he/she started walking to the other side of the room.

"Do you think that 'the red man' did this?" Anti wondered, (Y/n) slightly shrugged and wandered over to the wooden section of the floor.

(Y/n) didn't get far before the floor collapsed under his/her feet, Anti jumped and grabbed his/her arm. (Y/n) club tightly to Anti's arm as he pulled him/her up.

They both collapsed to the floor and gasped for breath. "I am getting SO sick of falling" (Y/n) stated trying to steady his/her breathing.

Anti was about to say something when a pained cry echoed from the hole.

(Y/n) and Anti looked over at each other, "you hear that?" (Y/n) asked, Anti nodded before another pleading cry greeted their ears.

Anti picked up the torch and started desperately looking around. "Sorry, man. I have to take this" (Y/n) said as he/she grabbed a long rope from the clutched hands of a corpse.

(Y/n) tied the rope firmly around a bent metal pole. "Are you sure this is a good idea?" Anti questioned as (Y/n) ties the rope around his/her waist.

"No" (Y/n) stated. "This is, in fact, a horrible idea" he/she paused before grabbing the torch from Anti, "but something is alive down there" (Y/n) clarified walking to the edge of the hole.

"Just make sure the rope doesn't come undone" (Y/n) expressed before lowering himself/herself down.

(Y/n) landed and untied the rope around his/her waist. (Y/n) tentatively began looking around the room, he/she propped the torch up against the wall before picking up an old blood soaked journal and flipping through the few legible pages.

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