2:09 p.m March 1st

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"You see..." Kristopher trailed off and fidgeted nervously. "Me, Margaret, and Sebastian, our brother, got involved in this organization" he paused and bit his lip.

"It was called 'The First Sons', they were a somewhat shady organization that study subjects like soul energy" Kristopher explained before sighing. "No. It was more than just studying" he admitted softly.

"They were more than willing to kill innocent people for their research" he expressed softly as he bit his nails.

"The work fascinated us, we were blinded by our curiosity..." Kristopher trailed off and somberly looked down. "We ended many innocent lives during our research" he admitted slowly.

"We learned a lot about souls but..." Kristopher's words seemed to get caught in his throat. "But, our morbid curiosity, o-our obsession, went to far" he stated before wiping away his tears.

"We... we were working on this device... to concentrate soul energy. But, Sebastian got too close to the device... damn thing was like a miniature black hole, there was nothing left of him" Kristopher explained as he looked at the ground, almost in shame.

Kristopher cleared his throat and shook his head, "That's when Margaret and I went to the Manor" he explained as he stood up.

"That's why we have to go to the Manor" Anti concluded, Kristopher shook his head. "I wish it was that simple" Kristopher responded as he walked over to the mirror, "Mark and Anti can't come with us" he stated.

"What?! Why?!" Anti exclaimed as he jumped to his feet. "You and Mark's friend, Jack, have bonded souls" Kristopher expressed as Mark slowly stood up.

"So, the red man could go after Jack and end up killing them both" Mark concluded, Kristopher somberly nodded.

"N-no..." Anti whispered as he took a step back, his eyes were brimming with tears. Anti sniffled, "No!" he refused before he tightly grabbed Dark's arm.

"I'm not going to leave" Anti whimpered as he buried his face into Dark's shoulder. "You can't make me leave!" Anti screamed with a loud sob.

Dark sighed softly, "Anti, look at me" he urged, Anti hesitantly looked up at Dark. "You have to go, Anti" Dark urged gently. "We have no other choice" he explained, Anti looked down somberly.

"B-but, I'm scared" Anti weakly protested, Dark pulled Anti into a hug. "I know, I'm scared too" Dark admitted sympathetically, Anti let out another sob.

Dark pulled away and looked Anti in the eyes, "you can do this" he assured. "You're strong, I believe in you" Dark stated softly as he wiped away Anti's tears.

Anti hesitantly nodded and stepped back, "O-okay, I'll go" Anti agreed as he wiped away his tears.

Anti turned towards (Y/n) and the others, (Y/n) smiled, "I guess this is goodbye, for now" he/she said quietly.

"You guys better not die on us" Mark warned jokingly, "we'll try our best" Abe replied with a small smile. Mark sniffled and quickly wiped away a tear.

"Come on, you two, there's no need to cry. We'll see each other again once this is over, I promise" (Y/n) assured gently.

"I'm holding you to that promise" Mark replied as him and Anti walked over to the front door, they hesitated for a moment before they left the house.

(Y/n) stared absentmindedly for a moment before shaking his/her head, "you guys figure stuff out, I'm going to relax for a while" he/she stated before walking over to his/her bedroom

(Y/n) shut the bedroom door and slid to the floor, his/her eyes were dilated and his/her head was pounding.

It felt like the room was closing in on (Y/n), like a heavy weight was pressed against his/her chest, making it difficult to breathe.

(Y/n) started hyperventilating, his/her body was uncontrollably shaking, (Y/n) felt like he/she was losing his/her mind.

(Y/n)'s vision faded in his/her panicked state, and his/her thoughts were not longer clear or coherent. (Y/n) wanted to scream for help, but he/she couldn't seem to make any noise, no matter how desperately he/she tried.

Dark slowly opened the bedroom door, as soon as he saw (Y/n) he rushed over to his/her side.

"(Y/n)! (Y/n), look at me!" Dark urged as he knelt in front on (Y/n). "I can't breathe" (Y/n) whimpered, his/her voice was shaking.

Dark pulled (Y/n) onto his lap, "it's okay, you're okay, you're safe" he assured as he held (Y/n) protectively.

"I don't want to go back" (Y/n) eventually whimpered as he/she clutched onto Dark's shirt. "I know, sweetheart" he consoled as he gently rested his chin on the top of (Y/n)'s head.

(Y/n) let out a broken sob, "I don't want to end up alone. Not after..." he/she trailed off and let out another sob. Dark gently kissed (Y/n)'s forehead, "I won't leave you, I promise" he assured gently.

Dark softly sighed, "I love you, (Y/n)" he whispered, (Y/n) sniffled and looked up at Dark, "I love you too" he/she responded with a small smile as he/she hugged Dark.

"How about, after this is over, we get a pet" Dark offered gently, (Y/n) giggled, "I'm totally naming it" he/she responded softly.

Dark took a deep breath, "we need to get going, it's a pretty long drive" he informed almost somberly. (Y/n) shook his/her head, "five more minutes" (Y/n) mumbled into Dark's chest, Dark couldn't bring himself to protest.

(Y/n) quickly fell asleep before the five minutes was over, Dark sighed and grabbed (Y/n)'s bag before he carried him/her to the car.

Story time- I was playing outlast on the computer and I had my wired keyboard balanced on my knees. I got jumped scared and lowkey threw my keyboard. The cord got ripped out of the computer and now my keyboard is not working
...I'm a fuckin' genius aren't I

Also I just realized that this is technically chapter 28
Like, god damn we've come far
We're getting close to the end
I kinda don't want it to end, but I also want to finish the story so I can start working on other stories
It's very conflicting

Question of the chapter:
If you opened a business, what kind of business would it be?

...Anyways have a good morning/evening/night

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