9:49 p.m January 28th

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"(Y/n)! (Y/n), say something something!" Anti screamed trying to dig through the ruble, "Come on, (Y/n)!" he begged gasping for air.

He was about to scream once more when a gurgled cry echoed around him.

Anti slowly backed away, he grabbed the torch and the journal, "d-don't worry, (Y/n)! I'm going to get help!" Anti promised before sprinting towards the rope.

He pulled himself up and froze, several monsters were picking away at the corpses.

Anti silently gagged before pulling out his knife he slowly side stepped away before one of the monsters looked up and launched towards him.

The monster knocked Anti to the ground, right before it attacked Anti drove his knife into it's face.

The monster screamed and staggered back, by this time the others had begun to notice Anti.

He slightly hesitated before he scurried out of the room and up the ladder.

Anti gasped for air as he forced the secret door shut behind. Anti's breaths were panicked and uneven, he grimaced and touched his neck... blood. The monster had been able to slightly open his stitches.

Anti collapsed to his knees as he began crying and retching. The only sounds in the apartment was Anti's persistent coughing and gagging, every so often being cut off by a loud sob.

The image of those corpses, being ruthlessly picked apart and devoured were stained into Anti's mind.

His mind started wandering, would those things get to (Y/n)? Just the thought of (Y/n), being ripped apart, like he/she was just a piece of meat, made Anti sick.

A loud banging echoed from the other side of the secret door, Anti hastily crawled back, his whole body was shaking.

The loud banging continued endlessly, Anti quickly grabbed his knife and started sprinting downstairs, to the exit. Anti barely got down the first flight of stairs when a loud crash greeted his ears, accompanied by the monster's cry's... they had broken through.

Anti continued running, he could hear those things getting closer, as if they were closing him in.

The monsters cry's racked his mind and ruthlessly filled his thoughts, Anti felt like he was going completely insane, he felt like he was going to die. Anti rushed though the exit doors and sprinted down the empty road.

Anti put his hands over his ears, he couldn't take it anymore.

A monster suddenly tackled Anti, knocking him onto the cold ground, it's claws torn through his shoulder.

Anti screamed and scrambled to pick up his knife before the monster roughly hit him in the gut causing Anti to collapse.

Anti helplessly tried to push the monster away, but he was defenseless. The monster began ruthlessly beating Anti, slashing his cheek and completely ripping open his stitched neck.

Anti let out a strangled cry as he began desperately reaching for his knife.

Anti successfully grabbed his knife before stabbing the monster in the chest.

The monster staggered back before Anti tackled it, Anti began hectically stabbing the monster as tears streamed down his face... he didn't even realize he had started crying.

Even after the monster Anti kept viciously stabbing it as he continued sobbing. Anti was near consolable, all sense of reason and logic had left his mind.

Still Worth Fighting For (Damien/Darkiplier x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now