8:33 a.m January 29th

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Abe, Dark, and Mark sat in front of a map of the general area, trying to plan out where they should search for (Y/n).

"Wilford and I searched that apartment area Anti talked about" Abe said before clearing his throat. "We got to the other side of the collapsed wall, there was quite a bit of blood, but (Y/n) wasn't there" he informed as Dark crossed out the apartment on the map.

"That is either very good or very bad" Mark noted, Dark nodded in agreement. "Wilford is still trying to console Anti" Dark informed absentmindedly. "I wonder what the hell happened" Mark said quietly.

"Alright, here's the three places we haven't checked" Dark explained softly. "Mark, you check over here" he said with a pause. "I'll check over by the lake" he continued. "Abe, you check over by the river" he said before standing up.

Abe nodded and began running over to the river, he stopped as he heard a loud bang. "That's right, you freaks better run!" Chef yelled, Abe rushed over to see that Chef was trying to console Benjamin, who was quivering on the floor.

"What the hell happened?! Is Benjamin okay?!" Abe fretted as he got over to them.

"I-I don't know, he won't respond" Chef stammered as he brushed Benjamin's hair back and lightly grabbed his arm.

Abe put his hand on Chef's shoulder, "what happened?" he repeated slowly. "I-I don't know, I heard him scream, so I came running, a couple of monsters were attacking him" Chef explained as he continued trying to comfort Benjamin.

"Please, t-tell us what happened" Chef begged, Abe had never seen Chef look so helpless.

Benjamin looked up at them, tears streaming down his face. "(Y/n)... bridge" he said hastily. "(Y/n), rope... noose" Benjamin continued in a panicked voice. "Man. Red man. Red man. The red man" Benjamin rambled as he started rocking back and forth.

"Who's the red man?" Abe questioned gently, Benjamin looked up at him and shook his head. "Red. The red man. The red man" Benjamin repeated before suddenly grabbing onto the Chef. "The red man. He's going to kill us! He's going to kill us!" Benjamin blurted out.

"Alright, he's in shock" Abe stated. "Chef, you need to get him out of here" he ordered as he stood up. "Where do we go?" Chef asked, Abe slightly shrugged.

"Anywhere away from this place, just get as far as you can" Abe answered. Chef nodded before picking up Benjamin, he turned to leave but hesitated. "Good luck" he murmured before he sprinted away.

Abe took a shaky breath before he continued walking towards the river, he froze when he saw a man from the corner of his eye.

Abe silently reached for his gun, "there's no need, detective" an unfamiliar male voice said.

Abe gulped but didn't turn to face the man, "who are you?" Abe demanded.

The man laughed, "how rude of me" he stated, "people call me 'the red man', it's a pleasure to meet you" The red man introduced, Abe slightly clenched his fist.

"Okay, 'red man'" Abe began. "What do you want" he questioned bitterly. The red man chuckled, "I came to offer you a deal" he expressed, Abe didn't respond but motioned for him to continue.

"(Y/n) will survive, if you sacrifice Wilford's soul and Dark's soul" he clarified, Abe finally turned to face the red man. "Where's (Y/n)?! What did you do to my partner?!" Abe demanded, the red man casually shrugged.

"Don't know" he said. "I tried to hang him/her on the bridge, but the rope snapped" the red man clarified before smirking at Abe. "So, (Y/n) is either dying, or dead at the bottom of the river" The red man concluded.

Abe was frozen with shock, "I'm giving you a head start" The red man informed. "Tick, tock. Tick, tock" he began, Abe stepped back, "You're a monster" he spat before rushing off toward the river.

"(Y/n)! (Y/n), where are you?!" Abe screamed as he sprinted as fast as he could. Abe paused as he saw blood stained rocks by the river, he started hyperventilating, tears now trailing freely down his face.

Abe was about to scream (Y/n)'s name again when a slow dragging noise greeted his ears.

Abe looked towards the noise... a corrupted was dragging (Y/n) by his/her arm. (Y/n) looked lifeless, his/her bruised and battered body was covered in blood and dirt, a small golden cat statue was still clutched in his/her left hand.

Abe quickly grabbed his gun and repeatedly shot at the monster until it fell lifelessly to the ground.

Abe rushed over to (Y/n), his/her breathing was extremely shallow and his/her skin was cold and pale.

"(Y/n)... p-partner, please wake up" Abe begged, he felt helpless and weak. "A...Abe" (Y/n) managed weakly, Abe looked down at (Y/n), his/her eyes were barely cracked open as tears streamed down his/her cheeks.

"It... it hurts Abe. Everything hurts so much" (Y/n) whimpered, Abe softly nodded. "I-I know it does partner" he sympathized. "I'm going to have to pick you up" Abe informed quietly.

Abe lifted (Y/n) as gently as he could, although he/she still let out a cry of pain.

"It hurts" (Y/n) whimpered. "Can you make the pain stop? Abe, please make it stop" (Y/n) begged as Abe started carrying him/her to safety.

"Just hang in there, (Y/n). It's going to be okay" Abe assured trying to sound optimistic. "(Y/n), you'll be okay" Abe promised before looking down at (Y/n)... his/her eyes were shut, he/she wasn't responding, and his/her breathing became even more shallow.

"No! Don't you dare die on me, partner" Abe yelled as he started running as fast as he could.

Abe could vaguely see Dark, Mark, and Kristopher in the distance, they looked upset.

"Guys!" Abe screamed. "I-I found (Y/n)... he/she needs help!" Abe screamed again, the three sprinted over to meet Abe.

"Let me see him/her" Dark demanded before Abe handed (Y/n) to him. "Mark! Come on, we don't have much time!" Dark ordered before him an Mark ran off with (Y/n) to help treat him/her.

Abe looked over at Kristopher, who seemed distressed. "What happened?" Abe asked hastily. Kristopher looked over at him and spoke in a hoarse voice, "Margaret has gone missing."

(Y/n) is still alive, but is hanging by a thread

Um, so someone private messaged me on here (I won't say their username because I'm not that mean) accusing me of doing the 'question of the chapter' just to get more comments and that I don't care about anyone who reads my stories... that's not true at all. I wanted to do the 'question of the chapter' thing because I felt like I could better understand the people who read my stories, it's too, in some way, build a connection with all of you. I believe that getting to know and interact with the people who read my stories is extremely important, I love the responses I get.

Sorry for ranting

Question of the chapter:
If you could have any animal as a pet, what animal would you choose?

...Anyways have a good morning/evening/night

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