11:57 a.m October 11th

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(Y/n) cracked open a door, before pausing, he/she could hear Damien and The Colonel arguing. 

(Y/n) sighed and looked down trying to decide who could have done this. Damien was completely distraught, so it obviously wasn't him, The Colonel didn't seem too fond of Mark, but (Y/n) knows he wouldn't give Damien this type of grief. 

Benjamin was (Y/n)'s friend and he/she trusts him. Abe was a bit strange but he was kind and seemed honest. Even though The Chef lashed out a lot (Y/n) believed he was good at heart.

"Come find me when you pull your head out of your ass" Damien spat storming off towards (Y/n)'s direction. 

"Excuse me" Damien grumbled gently pushing (Y/n) out of the way, refusing to make eye contact with him/her. 

(Y/n) took a shaky breath and held back his/her tears, this was all too much. Everyone was on edge and pointing fingers at each other. (Y/n) didn't want any of them to be guilty, he/she just wanted to make sure no one else got hurt... or even worse, killed.

(Y/n) shook his/her head and entered the room, quietly making his/her way to colonel. "Damien! I don't- oh, (Y/n)" The Colonel interrupted himself and stood up, giving (Y/n) a smile.

 "Good to see you again! You were quite the rapscallion at last nights festivities" The Colonel added, he seemed relaxed as if nothing happened. This probably should've annoyed (Y/n), but he/she appreciated the change in mood. 

(Y/n) gave an over-exaggerated gasp and put a hand over his/her heart, "what, rapscallion?! How dare you, I am an angel" he/she jokes, The Colonel laughed. "I'm glad you've kept your sense of humour" he chimed before letting out a sigh.

"But your probably here to help the detective with his 'investigation of murder'" The Colonel quipped almost bitterly. 

(Y/n) sighed and shook his/her head, "it had less to do with helping Abe and more because I hate seeing Damien so distraught" he/she explained. The Colonel's facial expression softened, slightly. 

The Colonel shook his head, "anyway I'll help you, I'll tell you what happened to our dear friend Mark" he replied sarcastically.

With over exaggerated hand movements and a strange voice The Colonel mockingly 'explained' what happened. (Y/n) unintentionally held his/her breath in an attempt to keep a serious expression. 

"...Gotta go off to the little boy's room. Who wants to join me?" The Colonel continued, causing (Y/n) to finally erupt into a fit of badly controlled giggles. The Colonel smiled, proud he made (Y/n) laugh, and continued with his 'explanation'. When the Colonel finished this 'explanation' (Y/n) was almost in tears from laughing.

"And that's what happened... probably anyway" The Colonel concluded, walking back over to his seat. "So if you need to corroborate this story with anybody else, be on your way and investigate the entire house, I'll be here if you need me" The Colonel said with a sigh. 

(Y/n) nodded and started out of the room before pausing. "I understand you didn't like Mark, hell Mark has done things that pissed me off also. But..." he/she trailed off and took a deep breath. "But, Damien cared about him, so if you won't do this for Mark... do it for Damien" (Y/n) explained continuing out of the room.

"(Y/n), come with me. I need to show you something" Benjamin urged motioning for (Y/n) to follow him, which he/she did. "Now if you're looking for answers, I might be able to assist" Benjamin stated. "There's not a single detail of this house that I'm not privy to, and not a single guest that I have not personally vetted" he further explained stopping at the wine cellar.

"Now I warn you, what you are about to see may be disturbing" Benjamin added beginning to walk down the stairs. The room was relatively empty, besides a shattered wine bottle and several crumbled photos. 

Still Worth Fighting For (Damien/Darkiplier x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now