3:22 p.m January 26th

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"Come on, just a hint" (Y/n) pleaded

Dark simply chuckled and shook his head. "Don't worry, we're here" Dark assured pulling into a park driveway. 

Dark slowly stepped out and opened (Y/n)'s door, he/she stepped out of the car and looked over at Dark. 

In the distance, (Y/n) could hear two faint familiar male voices. Dark motioned for (Y/n) to follow him, they we're heading in the direction of the voices.

(Y/n) and Dark walked silently until they spotted two men, facing away from them. "Will, I don't understand what we're doing her-" the familiar voice stopped as (Y/n) let out a tiny gasp. 

The man that was speaking turned around... it was Abe. (Y/n) and Abe stood in silence for a moment, neither knew exactly what to say. "P-Partner is that you?" Abe asked, (Y/n) couldn't seem to coherently speak and instead gave a small nod.

Without too much of a warning Abe sprinted towards (Y/n) and gave him/her a tight hug, (Y/n) laughed and embraced his/her friend. 

"See, I told you it would work out" (Y/n) mused, Abe chuckled and nodded. "And you're still wearing the hat I gave you" Abe noted, (Y/n) gave a small hum and nodded. 

"Let me get a good look at you" (Y/n) beamed pulling away from Abe, but still holding his shoulders. 

Abe's hair had grown slightly and he was still wearing his 'detective's clothes', only difference being that Wilford's old pun was still pinned to his jacket.

(Y/n) smiled and hugged Abe again, "I thought I was never going to see you again" Abe admitted. (Y/n) let out a soft chuckle, "oh, come on, Abe. It'll take more than that to get rid of me" he/she chimed causing Abe to laugh. 

"You better not scare me like that again" Abe playfully warned letting go of (Y/n) and casually putting his arm on his/her shoulders. "Ehh, no promises, good sir" (Y/n) responded jokingly with a shrug.

"Oh, I found William... but he's a bit... different" Abe informed, (Y/n) gave him an almost questioning look. 

"Why don't you see for yourself" Abe suggested motioning toward a pink haired man, who was talking to Dark. (Y/n) and Abe walked over to the two, before they both turned around. 

"Oh, hello there, it's nice to meet you. My name is Wilford" Wilford greeted holding out his hand. (Y/n) slightly hesitated before shaking his hand... he didn't remember (Y/n) either.

"Well, this is like a big fuckin' family reunion" Anti chimed as he dangled upside down from a tree right above them. 

Abe yelped and jumped back. Anti giggled, "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare ya" he said before getting down from the tree. 

(Y/n) smiled and patted Abe's shoulder, "don't worry, he's a friend" he/she assured, Abe gave a halfway relieved sigh. Anti bounded over towards Abe, "So, you're a friend of (Y/n)... well, I'm Anti, glad to meet ya" Anti greeted, Abe politely smiled, "my name is Abe" he replied softly.

(Y/n) opened his/her mouth to say something when a sharp ringing greeted his/her ears. (Y/n) felt lightheaded and leaned on Dark's shoulder for support. 

Through the sharp ringing (Y/n) heard a distant voice cry out for help. The ringing subsided as suddenly and mysteriously as it had started, (Y/n) looked around as if he/she was searching for something.

"Hey, (Y/n), are you okay" Dark fretted, (Y/n) snapped out of his/her thoughts, "y-yeah, I'm fine... my legs are just hurting a bit" (Y/n) lied as he/she stopped leaning on Dark. 

"Hey, why don't we go to your place, Dark" Wilford suggested, Dark shrugged and looked over at (Y/n). "Would you like me to carry you" Dark asked, (Y/n) slightly blushed and nodded. 

"Here I'll carry his/her bag" Abe offered, (Y/n) smiled and handed his/her bag to Abe before Dark lifted him/her off of his/her feet.

They spent most of the trip home joking and laughing about random subjects. 

Abe helped Dark unlock and open the front door, Abe followed Dark as he sat (Y/n) down on the living room couch. 

"Uh, Dark. I think Wilford and Anti are raiding your fridge" Abe commented looking over at the kitchen. Dark chuckled and shook his head, "Why am I not surprised" he mused heading into the kitchen.

"Hey, Abe. Does the last name 'Lancaster' sound familiar to you?" (Y/n) asked suddenly. 

Abe thought for a moment before snapping his fingers, "wasn't that Kristopher's last name" Abe confirmed, 

(Y/n)'s eyes widened in realization. "I met an elderly woman, named 'Margaret Lancaster', do you think that..." (Y/n) trailed off, but Abe seemed to understand what (Y/n) was thinking.

 Abe nodded, "maybe, you should talk to her soon" he suggested, (Y/n) absentmindedly nodded.

Abe looked over at (Y/n), "I'm really glad you're safe... I honestly thought that you had..." he trailed off and shook his head to clear his thoughts. 

(Y/n) gave a small smile and put his/her hand on Abe's shoulder, "don't worry, Abe. We're safe" (Y/n) replied, Abe smiled and nodded. 

(Y/n) gave a small sigh before reaching up and taking off Abe's old hat. (Y/n) hesitated and softly played with the hem of the hat before looking over at Abe. "Here, now that we've been reunited, I feel like you should have this back" (Y/n) explained placing the hat on Abe's head.

Dark came back into the living room with several glasses, "Do you two want tea?" He asked. Both Abe and (Y/n) nodded before Dark handed both of them a tea glass. 

"I was thinking we all could go out and do something together later" (Y/n) stated taking a sip of tea, Abe gave a small nod in agreement. 

"I heard there was a firework show soon" Wilford suggested draping his arms over Abe, who jumped in surprise. "Oh, fireworks! I wanna go!" Anti chimed grabbing (Y/n)'s arm. 

"It's fine with me, you just need to ask Dark" (Y/n) replied. Anti sprinted over and grabbed Dark's arm, "please, Dark! Please!" Anti begged. Dark rolled his eyes, "alright, fine, we'll go" he said with a sigh, Anti cheered and tackled Dark into a hug.

The others laughed as Dark gave a half glare at them. (Y/n) stretched and stood up, "alright, you three keep doing... whatever it is that you're doing. Me and Abe are going on a walk" he/she stated grabbing his/her wallet and keys. 

"Wait, where are you going?" Dark asked as (Y/n) and Abe headed towards the door. "Don't know yet, it'll be an adventure" (Y/n) responded opening the door. "Don't worry, we're just having some friend bonding time" Abe assured. Dark nodded, "alright, just be careful" he warned, (Y/n) gave a thumbs up before they walked outside.

Wow, more banter... don't worry things will pick up soon
So if any of you remember I'm learning Serbian (because I watch leathericecream and I lowkey Love him and all of you should go watch him)

This is what I got so far:
Zdravo, ja se zovem Kira, drago mi je. Sam šesnaest godina star i živi u tekas.
(Hello, my name is Kyra, nice to meet you. I'm sixteen years old and live in Texas)
I'm not good, but I'm trying

Question of the chapter:
What's the best/worst gift you've ever given/received?

...Anyways have a good morning/evening/night


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