6:50 p.m January 25th

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(Y/n) looked out the car window, before glancing over at Dark. (Y/n) warmly smile as he/she examined Dark, in a way, he looked different, yet at the same time, he still looked like the same man (Y/n) had fallen in love with. 

(Y/n) hesitated before reaching over and holding Dark's hand, which was resting on the arm rest. Dark smiled and lightly chuckled as he gently squeezed (Y/n)'s hand. Dark parked the car on top of a hill and stepped out, he then opened the door for (Y/n).

There wasn't a cloud in the night sky and the stars shimmered throughout. (Y/n) stared out at the familiar field... he/she has been here before. 

"Do you remember this place?" Dark asked, gently grabbing (Y/n) by the waist. 

(Y/n) slowly nodded, "it's where we first met" he/she acknowledged almost in a whisper. (Y/n) chuckled and pointed over at a large tree, "it was sixth grade" he/she began. "I-I was lost and cold... and afraid" he/she continued. Dark smiled and motioned for (Y/n) to walk with him towards the tree.

"I snuck out of my house that night, I wanted to explore" Dark noted looking over at (Y/n). "When I saw you, I rushed over to help... I was worried" Dark explained as he sat against the tree. 

(Y/n) sat next to him and chuckled, "we ended up talking for hours" he/she continued laying his/her head on Dark's shoulder. Dark hummed and gently kissed the top of (Y/n)'s head, "and almost everyday for the next few years we sat here and talked" Dark noted with a warm smile.

(Y/n) opened his/her mouth, to mention Mark, but quickly shut it. They could discuss Mark and the others later. Dark wrapped his arms around (Y/n) and put his head on his/her shoulder. 

"You still wear that watch" Dark observed quietly, (Y/n) gently nodded. "The hat, that you left in the car, wasn't that the detective's?" Dark asked quietly, (Y/n) nodded again. 

(Y/n) sighed and looked up at the stars, he/she knew things would be different, but he/she was with Dark and at the moment that's all (Y/n) needed.

(Y/n) smiled and basically jumped to his/her feet, "oh! Dark, I want to show you something" he/she exclaimed, Dark stood up and dusted off his clothes. 

(Y/n) impatiently grabbed Darks hand and practically drug him down the field. "(Y/n)! Where are we going?!" Dark exclaimed as they sprinted past the tree line. (Y/n) didn't answer, he/she simply led Dark past the trees and started down a hill. (Y/n) stopped as they came to the bottom of the hill.

Dark stood in awe, (Y/n) had led him to a beautiful lake, the rippling water was shimmering in the moon's light. 

"I found this place late September... I never had a chance to show you" (Y/n) explained quietly as they walked to the edge of the lake, Dark gave a small hum in response. 

(Y/n) looked over at Dark and grinned, he was lost in thought. Without warning (Y/n) pushed Dark forward, he let out a surprised yelp as he fell into the water.

Dark surfaced from the water and gasped for breath. "That's payback for pushing me into the river that one time" (Y/n) stated. "That was like eight months ago!" Dark exclaimed with amusement. "It was traumatic" (Y/n) shot back jokingly. 

Dark lovingly rolled his eyes before grabbing (Y/n)'s leg and pulling him/her into the water with him. "You jerk!" (Y/n) exclaimed with a laugh. Dark chuckled, "that's what you get for getting my suit wet" he responded with a smirk.

(Y/n) grinned before splashing Dark, "now you've done it" Dark exclaimed splashing (Y/n) splashed Dark once more before turning away and wading through the water away from Dark. 

"Oh, come here, you" Dark said as he started chasing (Y/n). (Y/n) continued splashing Dark until he got close enough to grab him/her. "Let go of me, you vile demon" (Y/n) joked before Dark dunked him/her under the water.

Dark pulled (Y/n) back up and held him/her close to him, "how did you know how to find me?" Dark asked in a whisper. 

(Y/n) lightly chuckled, "I met your... interesting green haired friend" he/she answered, Dark chuckled before pulling (Y/n) into a kiss. 

"I missed you" Dark admitted lightly kissing (Y/n)'s forehead. Dark chuckled as he felt (Y/n) shiver, "let's get home" Dark suggested, (Y/n) nodded as he/she followed Dark.

(Y/n) hesitated as they got to the car, "the seats will get wet" he/she noted, Dark simply shrugged and opened the car door. 

"How did you escape?" Dark asked as he started driving. "It's a long story" (Y/n) said. "Besides, I need to know what happened outside the Manor" (Y/n) expressed. Dark chuckled, "I guess we both have a lot of explaining to do" he stated, (Y/n) hummed in agreement. (Y/n) took a deep breath, "there's an old man, spirit, at the Manor... he owned the Manor before Mark did" (Y/n) began as he/she looked out the window.

"Anyways, Abe came back to life, like how Mark did... I eventually sent him to look for William" (Y/n) explained. Dark sighed, "I found William... he goes by Wilford, and in a way, he's gone mad" he spoke cautiously, (Y/n) slowly nodded. "Celine came back to Manor, she got me out, but she..." (Y/n trailed off and sighed. "She didn't make it" he/she finished.

"What about Anti, how did you meet him?" Dark asked pulling into the driveway. "For a while, after I got out of the Manor, I was in a coma-like state... Anti's the one who found me" (Y/n) replied as they walked into Dark's house. (Y/n) and Dark talked for several more minutes before they both climbed into bed, (Y/n) fell into a deep sleep almost as soon as he/she laid down.

I have no idea how to end this chapter

Question of the chapter:
If you could choose anyone, who would you pick as your mentor?

...Anyways have a good morning/evening/night

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