8:17 p.m January 26th

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(Y/n) and Abe walked through the strip mall, almost absentmindedly before (Y/n) eventually convinced Abe to watch his/her favourite movie.

"That was amazing!" Abe gushed as they exited the movie theater.

(Y/n) chuckled and nudged Abe, "I told you, you would like it" he/she replied.

Abe playfully rolled his eyes, "okay, fine, it was a good movie" he admitted as they walked to his car.

"So, what should we do?" Abe asked, (Y/n) thought for a moment and bit his/her lip. "We can go to the park" (Y/n) suggestioned. "After all it's close by" he/she clarified, Abe gave a thumbs up and started his car.

Abe and (Y/n) slowly walked through the park and eventually sat in the swings.

"You're nose is red, are you cold?" (Y/n) teased playfully, Abe chuckled and lightly shoved (Y/n) causing him/her to swing sideways.

"I don't get cold. I'm a man!" Abe joked, (Y/n) laughed as they began to swing.

"I'm real glad you're back, partner" Abe admitted gently, (Y/n) hummed in agreement before letting out a sigh. "I'm glad too... but I just wish that Kristopher..." (Y/n) trailed off and shook his/her head.

Abe looked over at (Y/n) sympathetically, he knew (Y/n) felt guilty for leaving without Kristopher.

"Y'know, (Y/n). You're a real good person" Abe assured before taking a deep breath. "But, everyone has a breaking point, even you" he sympathized, (Y/n) shrugged absentmindedly as he/she stared out into the darkness.

"Abe, I feel like, as of now, you're probably my best friend. Besides Dark, you're also the person I trust the most" (Y/n) admitted with a soft smile.

Abe and (Y/n) sat there for a while in silence, it wasn't an uncomfortable silence, but rather a peaceful and serene silence.

It had gotten dark and there wasn't a single cloud in the starry night sky.

"What do you feel, when you look at the stars? (Y/n) asked suddenly, his/her voice calm and gentle.

Abe hesitated to think about the question, "Y'know, I never really thought about it" he stated.

Abe was silent for a moment before speaking again, "I guess... it makes me feel hopeful, in a way" he spoke. "There are some many possible things that could be out in space, there's so much left to explore" Abe clarified, he stared up at the stars before looking back at (Y/n).

"It also makes me hopeful because..." Abe trailed off for a moment and looked back up at the night sky. "...because, maybe, somewhere out there, someone is looking at the same stars I am" Abe admitted quietly with a small smile.

Abe looked over at (Y/n), "what about you, how does it make you feel" he queried, (Y/n) looked up at the stars.

"It used to make me feel peaceful and relaxed... then again, I didn't look at the stars much before now" (Y/n) stated almost in a whisper.

"After what happened at the Manor, I..." (Y/n) cut him/herself off with a sigh, Abe put a hand on (Y/n)'s shoulder, as he realized the scarring events at the Manor took a toll on (Y/n), more than he/she was willing to admit.

(Y/n) shook his/her head softly, as if to clear his/her thoughts. "I've had a lot of time to think, and I started to view thinks differently" (Y/n) explained before sighing.

"It makes me feel... lonely, I guess" (Y/n) said quietly. "Everything is so dark and empty, and everything is so far apart" he/she clarified looking up at the stars.

"I wonder if the stars could ever get lonely" (Y/n) murmured.

Abe yawned and rubbed his eyes, (Y/n) looked over at him and smiled, "you must be tired, why don't you head back" he/she suggested as he/she stopped swinging.

"What about you?" Abe asked as they both got off of the swings. "I'm going to go talk to the woman I told you about" (Y/n) answered, Abe nodded before pausing.

"Oh, uh, the old man gave me this when I met him, he told me to give it to you when you escape" Abe explained handing (Y/n) a blue star shaped charm.

"Do you know what it is?" Abe questioned, (Y/n) softly nodded. "Yeah, I've read something about it" (Y/n) stated. "It's called a wayfinder charm. It's a good luck charm, several people are supposed to have one" (Y/n) explained.

(Y/n) shook his/her head, "Anyways, I'll see you later" he/she said turning to walk to Margaret's shop.

"Wait, partner" Abe called grabbing (Y/n)'s shoulder, "be careful." (Y/n) nodded and smiled before he/she continued walking.

(Y/n) shivered as he/she stopped in front of the small shop. Margaret looked over at (Y/n) and motioned for him/her to come inside.

(Y/n) clutched the charm and took a deep breath, before slowly walking inside.

"Hello, (Y/n), what brings you here?" Margaret asked preparing them both of tea.

(Y/n) started to speak but hesitated and sat in a seat. Margaret sat beside (Y/n) and handed him/her a glass of tea.

(Y/n) racked his/her brain, trying to figure out what to say. "Umm... have you seen this before" (Y/n) questioned putting the charm on the table.

Margaret's eyes widened, "who's the original owner of this charm, where are they?!" she demanded hastily.

(Y/n) hesitated before he/she started to explain everything, up until (Y/n) met Kristopher.

"... I was going to follow them to the grounds when I thought I saw someone walking away... it turned out to be a spirit of an older man" (Y/n) continued.

Margaret took a deep breath, "his name was Kristopher, wasn't it" Margaret spoke, (Y/n) somberly nodded.

Margaret wiped away a tear and took a shaky breath, "that was my brother" She explained as she set a green stars shaped charm on the table beside the blue charm.

Margaret took another shaky breath, "what happened?" She asked. (Y/n) hesitated before he/she continued telling Margaret everything that happened at the Manor.

(Y/n) finished explaining and looked over at Margaret, "I know this is hard to believe, bu-" "-I believe you" Margaret intruded quickly.

Margaret choked back a sob, "I lived there with Kristopher and our brother" she clarified softly.

Margaret shook her head and let out a sigh, (Y/n) put a hand on her shoulder, "Kristopher would be proud of how far you've come" he/she assured.

(Y/n) looked at Margaret, and in that moment, realized why Kristopher had said what he did.

Margaret looked hopeless and broken, like how (Y/n) did at the Manor.

"You can't give up on him. If I can get out, so can he" (Y/n) stated optimistically, Margaret looked over at him/her.

"We have to keep fighting, not for ourselves, but for Kristopher" (Y/n) continued, Margaret looked up at (Y/n), almost stunned, then she somberly laughed. "You sound a lot like him" she noted smiling at (Y/n).

"He would always talk about hope, that we should never stop fighting" Margaret explained, (Y/n) simply nodded.

Margaret looked at her watch, "oh, dear. It's gotten late, I'll drive you home" she offered.

(Y/n) nodded and tried to hand the blue star charm to Margaret, who shook her head. "Keep it, if Kristopher gave it to you, he must have had a reason" she objected, (Y/n) hesitated before nodding.

The car ride home seemed short, as (Y/n) listened intently as Margaret told stories of her childhood.

(Y/n) stepped out of Margaret's car before walking inside and tiredly heading to bed.

Ummm, I have no idea what to say

'Wayfinder' charm is actually from kingdom hearts

Btw shit is about to go down

Question of the chapter:
If you could throw any kind of party, what would it be like and what would it be for?

...Anyways have a good morning/evening/night

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