8:41 p.m March 1st

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"(Y/n), we're here" Dark informed gently, (Y/n) nodded and rubbed his/her eyes.

(Y/n) and the others stepped out of the car, they had parked on an elevator platform next to a small storage shed.

The Manor, for lack of a better term, seemed to be surrounded by a black mist. "Well, that's... certainly foreboding" (Y/n) commented with a slight grimace.

Abe stepped closer and touched the mist, he yelped and pulled his arm back. "God damn it, that fucking burns!" Abe exclaimed as he grabbed his arm and took several steps away from the mist.

"Guess we have to find another way inside" (Y/n) stated as he/she looked around.

(Y/n) walked over to the shed before looking towards the Manor, "Dark, give me a boost" he/she urged as he/she looked back at the shed.

Dark hesitated before walking over and locking his hands together, Dark boosted (Y/n) up enough for him/her to climb on top of the shed.

(Y/n) knelt over the edge, "I'll pull you up" he/she explained as he/she reached down. Dark jumped and grabbed (Y/n)'s arm, (Y/n) grunted as he/she pulled him up.

Dark started pulling the others up on top of the shed as (Y/n) absentmindedly looked over at the Manor before taking several steps back.

"(Y/n), don't tell me you're going to try to jump that" Abe fretted, (Y/n) bit his/her lip. "I am most definitely going to try to jump that" (Y/n) responded almost jokingly.

"(Y/n), you could die" Dark objected, (Y/n) shrugged. "Well, I've almost died once, and I have actually died once, I think I'll be fine" (Y/n) assured before looking over at the others and sighing.

"Look, I'll jump it, then I'll find something for you to use as a bridge" (Y/n) explained. Dark sighed and hesitantly nodded "Be careful" he warned.

(Y/n) backed up to the opposite edge of the shed, he/she sprinted and jumped off of the shed.

(Y/n) grunted as he/she grabbed onto the edge and pulled himself/herself up. "I told you I would make it" (Y/n) said with a smile.

(Y/n) started looking around for something to use a platform, he/she eventually spotted the pool's diving board, which was suspiciously placed on the roof. (Y/n) picked up the board and headed back to the group.

"Just to let you guys know, I think someone else also had this idea" (Y/n) expressed as he/she positioned the board across the two roofs.

"How come?" Abe questioned as Wilford started walking across the board. "Because who leaves a diving board on the fucking roof!" (Y/n) exclaimed as the others started walking across.

Dark was the last one to cross, he almost got to the other side when the board snapped.

(Y/n) jumped and was barely in time to grab him, he/she pulled Dark up before looking down at the broken board, "Let's hope we find another way to leave" he/she commented.

(Y/n) opened the access hatch that lead down to the Manor, and the group climbed down the ladder.

Luckily, the black mist hadn't seemed to have entered the Manor. The hanging lights in Manor were dim and flickering, and they seemed to unnaturally swing back and forth.

Dozens of corrupted were staggering aimlessly through the corridors of the Manor, if the corrupted noticed the group they'd be done for.

"Look, over there" Abe whispered, the rest of the group looked over to where Abe was pointing.

The red man was standing in front of a secret trap door, which was slowly opening. It seemed to lead somewhere underground, The red man walked inside and the trap door slid close behind.

"Bastard is probably expecting us" Wilford grumbled bitterly. "Makes it all the more interesting" (Y/n) whispered in response.

(Y/n) picked up an empty glass alcohol bottle and threw it into the other room as far as he/she could.

All of the corrupted screamed and sprinted into the other room towards the noise. (Y/n) jumped down and rushed over to the bookshelf beside the door.

"Give me a hand" (Y/n) urged, Dark and Abe both ran over and they pushed the bookshelf in front of the door, blocking the corrupted from getting back in.

"Hey, there's a lever" Wilford acknowledged pointing above the secret door, (Y/n) looked up and spotted the small lever.

"Abe, hold this for me" (Y/n) said handing him the lucky cat statue, Abe nodded and put the small statue in his bag.

"Here, I'll give you a boost" Dark offered as he locked his hands together. Dark boost (Y/n) up and he/she jumped to reach the lever. (Y/n) was barely able to grab the lever, which lowered down with a small click before (Y/n) dropped back down.

The trap door unlocked and slowly slid open, revealing the large stairway lead deep underground.

(Y/n) took a hesitant step forward, he/she was about to speak when every single light went out, leaving the Manor in complete darkness.

Everyone in the group was too terrified to move or speak, and for a moment they all stood in complete and utter silence.

Everyone in the group tensed as a loud creaking echoed from down the large stair way, it felt like they were being watched.

Suddenly Kristopher screamed as someone or something grabbed him and quickly drug him deeper into the Manor's labyrinth.

So, StrikerForLove drew art, based off a really strange yet hilarious comment-role play thing that happened

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~So, StrikerForLove drew art, based off a really strange yet hilarious comment-role play thing that happened

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I honestly really like their art style tbh

Tbh I've run out of interesting things to say
This shouldn't be the part of the chapter I have trouble with

If anyone one of you are planning on writing a Darkiplier x reader could ya call it "Faith in Darkness"
That was actually what I was going to originally call this story
I felt so clever for thinking of that
If you do write it please tell me
I want to read it

Okay, I officially have nothing remotely interesting to say

Question of the chapter:
What do you fear is hiding in the dark?

...Anyways have a good morning/evening/night

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