So called "Love"

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Reason #5 I'm writing this: because the most important love is not the one you share with's the ability to love yourself for who you are!

"I wish I never met you!"

"I don't hate you! I'm just disappointed you turned out to be everything I thought you never will be."

"The hardest part of moving on is not looking back."


I blame it on movies. No, scratch that. I blame it on Disney! Them movies with perfect princess and extinct (if they ever even existed) spiecies of men!

Let me be frank, we are dreamers. Us girls, our dreams spakle! It's a beautiful thing and if anyone can see our dreams I'm sure it will mesmerise them...but they keep us fragile. It's like we're under this spell from our own dreams! And when it comes to our dream of love, waking up can break us to pieces.

We all have this dream we call "love". Movies conviced us of it. It used the fact that we needed it and it sold us a lie. There is no such thing as the perfect guy, we all know that by now. But let me tell you one more thing that you might really hate me for; there's no such thing as 'perfect love'.

Finding the one who is 'not perfect' but still keeps you happy and alive does exist. I'm not against that. But I am against the idea that someone else can make you so much that nothing else goes wrong in your life.

And I am against the idea that everysingle girl out there feels that she's not good enough because 1) She can't get a guy

2) She got one but he 'needs her to change'

Honey, the only thing that needs to be changed is his bloody face arrangement and my 'out-dated' fist that 'needs to change' would glady help in that!

Girls, never ever ever ever forget why you choose this person in the first place. You choose them cause you wanted to feel loved. And the way I see it, a guy that makes you spend most of your day on your knees beside the bathroom's stall instead of on it isn't really making you feel loved.

It's like guys are one of the main bullies when it comes to girls. AND THEY DONT EVEN HAVE TO SAY ANYTHING! They just give you that look like you're a piece of crap that needs to hide after a whole bag of makeup and it's enough o leave you insecure for the rest of your life!

Here is the thing, unless you look like Channing Tatum (And don't kid yourself jerk, no one looks like my Channing!) then don't expect us to look like Jennifer-big-bum-Lopez!

You don't need a guy to get your happy ending. Or believe your beautiful or strong enough to do something! Infact guys are just like us! Insecure! How I see it, if a guy doesn't like you because you are too fat or too thin or your hair is too short or whatever then it's his problem he is such a fucking superficial jerk (don't excuse my french) who is wants you to look like J-Lo!

Love is unique. When you meet this 'special' someone, he wont be a frappy (is that even a word) loser who doesnt even remember your hair colour cause he is too busy looking at your boobs!

When you meet true love he'll be a real man and even then he wont be the main reason you're happy!

You're life doesnt need a man/boy/girl/CHANNING TATUM/anyone to be fulfilled.

You dont need a guy to feel happy; you are enough for yourself. You are your own are a pink fighter after all! Take life in your own hands!Do what makes you happ!! You're shining enough without one! And dont you ever make him feel like your not good enough! Dont you dare let him dull this sparkle of yours! You're enough!

I've never had alot of crushes. Only one and I was very little..but it changed me forever. Not in a good way; in the I never want to see your face again way. My crush called a fat cow after 3 years of crushing over him...and instead of showing him how fat cows can mince him into disgusting meat and throwing him for some wild dogs I spend 2 days crying then 2 years starving myself.

And you know what? I've done...dark things in my short life..but nothing I regret more than those 2 years.

Guys are.. they are humans! They will use you! Derogate you! Humilate you just to feel better and even worse...they wont notice you! But it's their loss! If they cant see how beautiful, funny and brave you are then it's their loss and trust me! One day you'll meet this someone and you'll realise all of these guys didnt matter!

It takes time and patience but it also takes believeing in yourself. Let your beauty shine! Be who you truly are! Neve try to impress a guy by acting who your not because then even if he falls for you he'll for the illusion you gave him..not the real you.

If any guy ever left you without saying why. Broke your heart or just..'needed a break' then just turn around, let it go and move on. I know it hurts. Like taking your heart out with a butter-knife kind of hurts. And it will probably take years to get over someone you love (if ever) but you're stonger than what you think. It's just a chapter in your life. He's just a character who finished his role..and one day you'll meet the other main character.

Until that day, dont ever give up. Dont think your not good enough or harm yourslef because you think you deserve it or because it releases your pain! Slap him if you have to! But never harm yourslef!

It's a long journey. But you know why our knees get so weak when we meet this someone? It's because the journey to find them was so long that you can barely stand on your legs. But again, they sweep you off their feet now, don't they?! Just wait alittle longer...good things come to those who wait.

Originally, I wanted to write about parents..but I need to collect my courage before writing will be pretty serious! Then I noticed one thing.. I need to make you all remember that whatever some guy're worth it. And someone sowhere someday will be looking at your eyes and wondering how they hell do they shine brighter than stars!

Love yourself. You deserve it! You can make yourself happy!

I'm always here 24/7 feel free to text me anytime. I'm here to help! You dont have to go through this alone! And even if you dont wanna talk about anything personal I'm always here to talk about Channing Tatum *sigh*...damn he's perfect!

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