Best Friends "Forever"

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Reason #22 I'm writing this: Nothing lasts forever. Doesn't mean it wasn't worth it.

Best Friends "Forever":


True friends. Actual friends. It's not about how long you've known each other. It's about who said "I'm here for you" and proved it. We all know that by now. Wether the hard way or just the smart way (which I doubt). But there's always this part. The part were something happens and tears you apart and you expect everything to be the same, but it doesn't.

In my old school, I barely had friends. Okay, I wont go to sappy detials. But I knew this girl since Kintergarden...Farah. She was the only one who actually spent time with me. Talked to me. Helped me out! We became inseprable. And I loved that! I loved having someone to care about and have them care about me in return. I loved chatting with her and those really long calls on the phone when I could hide from my parents so they wouldnt know I'm on the phone? I loved that.

I still love that.

But it all came to an end when I switched schools. Lets just say it was hard to keep in touch. First, we texted daily after school. Called when we could. Then the calls vanished. And the texts weren't so frequent and it started to feel like I was the only one starting the conversations so.. well.. we had a fight about that. And she promised she still loved me and that we were still best friends forever and we can still fix this. But you see, this is where it became like a loop. She'd stop answering my texts. We'd have a fight. She'd promise everything will be the same again and say how much she needs me and so on. Then a week later, she'd stop answering again!

It went on for A LONG TIME! By the end of my first year in the new school, I was so over her excuses. I didn't want to hear them. I didnt want to see her. I didnt want anything to do with her. And I thought back then that even though we've been through so much, she still didnt care enough. So when she called SIX MONTHS later, I just hope you can imagine how I reacted.

But she still stayed. Even though I was mean when she came back, I didn't even care if I hurt her then. I was just that hurt. She just stayed. She texted me alot then. Asked how I felt. Talked about random shit that I honeslty dont and shouldn't care about.. and I lost it. I lost it because I was starting to forgive her and I didnt want to! I wanted to stay away from her as much as I can. So I told her I am sick of her playing me like a yoyo and deciding when I should be in her life or not. I already had alot of friends now. A new best friend who loves me and I seriouly love her so much. I didnt want to keep getting stabbed from Farah anymore.

But she said that thing... well, we speak in arabic so I'm translating here, she said she knows we cant be the same anymore, but that wont stop her from trying to start over, Because she spent the last year trying to find someone who understood her like I did and only missed me more. So she knows I cant love her like I used to anymore but atleast we can try to talk again." We did. We talked. We talk alot now. We're no longer 'best friends'. I dont do count-downs for her birthdays and she doesnt remember to text sometimes.... but when we really need to cry for no damn reason, we still go to each other. I think that's what fiendship is. YOu cant expect them to stay there forever.. because everyone has his/her life. But when you need them, and they can, they are here. That doesn't mean you they will stay in your life forever.

Art, I'm writing this specially for you because I think you need it. Switching schools in highschool isn't so easy specially since people don't just befriend you so quickly. I know you miss your old friends, I miss mine (even if they barely exist) too. But that's how it is. You had a great time with them. I can see that. I saw your photos together on FB, I listen to you talk about them, I know you love them. But you can't spend the rest of your life with just them! You need to make new friends and enjoy your life. I'm not saying, ignore them and never talk to them again. But at the same time, you can't expect yourself to talk to them as much as you used to. You're friends. They love you just as much as you do and they will understand that you have other things to do. They do too.

And just so you know, you're pretty. Any school uniform will look good as long as it's you who's wearing it ;) Just relax, you'll fit in in no time... who knows, I kind of think that girl that has a crush on your crush might be a close friend real soon!

I know this chapter sucks, I really dont feel like writing anything. Not this, not my other stories. Kind of depressed for no reason? Yes? You can say that. I have my days people, I'll get over it.

Anyways, all those who got their GCE results like..3 or 4 days ago, congratulations! Don't cry if you took your AL results, it's hard to get a good mark in A-levels ;)

Be Safe Xx

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