Signs he's really not into you/ isn't worth it.

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Reason #21 I'm writing this: I hate seeing those tears go to waste.

Signs he's not into you or isn't worth it:


*Takes a sip of tomatoe juice and grimaces* good evening you all sexy folks! How you doing? Me? I'm trying not to die of torture here. Let me introduce you to my mum's newest invention: Tomato juice with black pepper and red bell peper. And yes, it tastes just like it sounds. I mean, I HAVE to drink it and I cant just sip it because that makes the torture longer and I cant just gulp it down and get the agony over with because then the cup will be empty and mum would be like "OMG! You liked it?! Here have some more!"

Honest people, mum makes the most delicious food in the whole world, juice though? Not really. And someone needs to make her understand that before I die.

Anyway, I figured, what can be worse than drinking that? Honestly? I don't know.. having a crush on someone you can never be with, my friend on here said. And well.. we ended up doing this chapter together. Based on the amazing fact that: Crushing is like eating bread when you're on a diet. You know you'll regret it but it you cant help it anyway.

So to (as she said) "reduce the risk of gaining weight" we made a list of signs that he "not so obviosuly but obviously" doesnt like you that way.

And again, I never dated so.. why are even taking advices from me? And I haven't had a crush my whole life except on like.. 2 people?! And I was even younger than I am now. One that only lasted a week or something and the other for 5 years.. I wouldn't honestly call myself an expert on crushing.. 5 anyway..

so here's the list, enjoy!

1) he takes forever to text back: I mean, there's two ways to look at it and neither is really appealing! Either he's too busy texting someone else, which means he likes someone else more or to put it as rude as I can here "doesn't really care you just texted, you can wait". Then there's the other way to look at it. Oh you know, he's battery died! dont be so rude!
HELLLLOOO! Come on! unless he has one of those old ancient phones that last up to 3 hours max then no, he's phone is not dead twenty four seven. yet again, he might have fainted from the excitement of talking to you...

2) If you stopped making any effort, he would throw a party and celebrate that you stopped bugging him: Simple as that. I get it, you want to talk to him! You want to spend time with him! But how is he seeing that? He just sees you as a fool desperetly in love, no offense. You're too gorgeous to be doing all the legwork! If he aint doing anything to keep the conversation going or get to spend time with you, dont even look twice before leaving. 

3) He's Chuck Bass: I have no idea who's that or if I spelled him right but apprently he's a very important character to Pig (pig is the friend who helped out with that list, I call her pig she calls me cow.. normal).

4) He friend zonned you: So apperently that one is tricky. You talk to much and all of a sudden you dont know if he actually DOES like you like that or just as a friend. So you end up shutting up about it. Or the other way around and you think he actually likes you when in all honesty, you're just friends. well here's the thing. If he likes he'll do something about it. Even if he's shy. At one point he will. If you want to test waters though, make him just an itsey bitsey tiny winy little bit jealous. And be smart, please.

5) He has a girlfriend: MOVE ONNNNNNNNNNN! No! dont even! Seriously put yourself in her place!

6) He doesn't open up to you: Okay, some people dont open up easily. But if he shuts you out totally from his personal life then he obviously doesnt want you in it. Sorry.

7) He talks about his crush with you: I'm surprised we even have to write this down. I mean. He has a CRUSH and he is TALKING to you about HER! How many hearts do you expect that guy to have!

8) But he flirts with me! So he flirts with you, right after flirting with her. And her. And her. Oh and that other her he met at the mall. Do you still feel special? He flirts with you… but he flirts with everyone else, too. - See more at: http://www.bitchplease,he'

9) Everyone at school knows and apprently, he doesnt. No, sorry. He's not deaf. He knows. If everyone knows he knows. You cant stop the gossip from reaching you. He just didnt do anything about it because he doesnt like you that way. Sorry.

10) He takes more selfies then you do: No, that doesnt mean he doesn't like you that means YOU shouldnt like him -_- (just saying, come on! what next? Duck faces?!)

So again, I know it's hard to just stop liking someone because they dont feel the same way; it never works like that. A heart does what a heart does, apperently. But here's the thing, at least know what ground you stand on. He's nice, dont be mean to him just because he doesnt feel the same way. Move on, be his friend if you can take it. And again, this thing was so much fun writing, thank you pig. I just want to point out that, Idk.. I think it's just alittle bit early for that dont you think? Why not just be friends. I mean, I get you like him. And your heart makes a back flip when you see him. And his names is now only his and anyother guy named the same name doesnt exist anymore. I get it. I honestly do.... idk.. I just..... I dont believe in all that anymore XD .....just forget it.

So here, I've never had so much fun writing something! Thank you, pig. If you'd like to add your own advices PLEASE do! Just leave them in a comment below and... you never know ;)

Btw, he's not worth so much tears. Not even the God damn tomato juice is..

I'm here if you want to talk about it. Him or it or anything else. As silly as this might sound, I get it. I honestly do.

Be safe.

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