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Reason #28 I am writing this: Easy roads lead no where.


Okay so I know this word is, more or less, annoying. Goals. Goals. Goals. Set some goals. Achieve those goals. Who the hell carrreeees?

But we do care. Deep down, we do. Okay not about setting the goals thing but we do have something we really really wish we could do. Something that is probably extordinary and weird and if anyone hears you saying you want to do they would laugh in your face and say its impossible.

But setting goals makes it possible.

It makes it possible because to reach your dream there are a billion things you need to reach first. To reach where you want to be there are a billion places you have to be first. And there will be times, in the middle of this journey when you will forget why the hell are you even doing this and you will like shit and like you want to give up.

And this, this is when goals come in. They come as motivation. Reminder. You dont set gigantic goals and work so hard to achieve them because trust me you're not going to be able to reach so far in such a long time unless you celebrate every step in the journey.

I am not making sense. What I am trying to say is, set a billion goals that eventually leads to your main goal. That way, you have tiny little tasks to do everyday. And everytime you scratch one out you realise that you really are going somewhere and that you arent wasting your time. And you dont see the point in giving up because you realise how far you've went.

And before you know it, you're there.

It works with everything. Studying. Diet. Relationships. Hell even cooking XD... The trick is in the small tasks.

And I guess thats because you can never do anything without motivation and give you that. They give you motivation. Try it. Pick something you've always wanted to do and set tiny goals, like steps, that lead to achiving that goal. Dont put a time limit for it, it will only stress you out. Give it all the time it needs.

Celebrate everytime you reach somewhere new. Not necessarily where you want to be but say you've been trying to raise your grades from a C to an A* for a while now. And you are trying so hard and your tired. And then you score a B. Now don't go hard on yourself. A 'B' is not a C just like its not a A*. You reached somewhere new. You're trying. And you need to believe that and celebrate a half victory so you have enough strength for a full victory next time.

Use whatever is holding you behind. Now, not necessarly humans. Dont get me wrong. But I mean, stop the things that are always taking so much of your time but arent fruitful. Like watching your favorite show or hanging out with friends and make them your motivation as well. Convince yourself that you will only have time for those if you finish today's goals properly. You'd be surprised...

And last but not least, dont bully yourself. No, you're not weak. Youre not pathetic and you're not ridicules. Its totally normal to take time and trials and alot of effort to reach somewhere. If someone reached before you who the hell cares? This is not a contest and trust me, that someone is definitely not as good as you in something else.

You're not trash. Stop treating yourself like one.

I am always here if you need me, just send me a text.

Be safe.

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