Friend zone

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Reason #25 I'm writing this: Do you really need a reason to keep going.

Friend zone:

First before I start this chapter I want to apologize for the looooong wait. I have been so busy! school, aunt became sick, I met someone, french classes and the fact that I am working on 3 new stories that I only want to share with you guys when I finish them (to prevent the on hold forever thing from happening ever again).

But yes, because I am greedy and annoying I'd go for it and advertise here too. The Cucpake Plan, Fandom and another book I havent named yet. To be released real soon watch out :p If you want I'd post descriptions.

ONE MORE THING BEFORE CHAPTER: Special thanks for @ellaseven for this amazing belated birthday cake. It is pink to resemble the pink flamingos apperently. I love it. Thank you SOOO much! It looks delicious.

Okay now the chapter!

Friend zoned:

UM... The the title says it all, WHAT ARE YOU STILL WAITING FOR! Look, I love you and thats why I wont lie to you. You need to hear the truth.

He knows.

He does. Maybe it's just a feeling but he still has a feeling you like him that way. Which means if he wanted to do something about it he would have already done something about it.

^^ Yes. I am being brutally honest here. I know how you feel. You love him. Your heart does backflips at simply the memory of his texts. You find your mind drifting back to him every chance it gets. You cant help but fall for him! I swear I get it. You cant contorl it! But it is unfair! Its unfair specially to you. Because he already made up his mind  and you staying like that. Unable to move on while he finds someone else and have a good time is unfair. So I just... I think it's best if you distance yourself from him. I Mean, once you have feelings for someone you cant go back to just looking at them as just a friend. It's not their fault but it's not yours either. And distance is the only thing that will make things alittle easier.

Try to meet new people. There's no way he is the only one for you. Because you and him are not perfect. You might be if you take the chance. But you'd be perfect in your eyes. Not his. He doesnt see you that way. And it is perfectly okay because someone else will!

You will meet someone else. And you'll like him. Then you'll fall for him and you'll have no idea how you ever had a place for anyone but him in your heart and you'll turn into a cliche chic and go all lovey dovey about him! It will happen just give it time! And for now try to move on. Stop holding on to threads that cant possibly hold your weight.

I am not saying all those friend zoned people actually have no chance. Yes, there is a very small probability he likes you back. Like here, frenchfries, please woman OPEN YOUR EYES! Who keeps in touch an old friend after such a long time?!

But in other cases, the chance that he does like you IS small and you will know if he does. I swear you will. And you know that. Thats why you already know he doesnt.

Love is a tricky thing. You dont know what it is and you're still looking for it. But alteast now you know it's not with him. So please dont keep torturing yourself.

I am not saying leave him completely. But if thats the only thing that will help you move on then so be it. There's nothing selfish in wanting your heart safe.

I am always here if you want to talk about anything. Just send me a text. BBM is back on if you wish me not to know who you are on wattpad. And sorry for the week late reply, my phone broke down but I bought a new one now :D

Be safe


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