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Reason #23 I'm writing this: .....this is number 23, right?

So before I start expalining this I just need to ask one thing because it is seriously bugging me. WHAT'S UP WITH GUYS AND DUCK FACES?

^^ NO MAN! JUST NO! You're not Donald duck so you are definitely not pulling a it off! Get your lips back into a smile if you want to take a damn picture! One more duck face and I WILL sue you for my therapy fees! UGH!

AND IT DOESN'T STOP HERE! WHAT'S UP WITH THE NO SHIRT PICTURES?! NO SERIOUSLY! I blame guys for that too! First it was them showing off their 'packs' (because appearently it's not a total turn off when someone is so full of themselves!) NOW? Now even girls are taking their shirt off before taking a picture. No! It is NOT okay! They invented a shirt for a reason people! I do NOT want to see your new pink bra and I most definitey don't need to know that you finally have six packs. No honestly, keep your privates private people! I can't believe I have to tell you that!

^^^ *huffs* Humans!

*calms down* okay, so I'm so glad we had this talk. Now BACK TO THE CHAPTER!


What I'm writing today isn't 'deep' if any of my writings are. I frankly don't know what to call what I write but I know this: this one is different. These are tips to stay healthy. Because we spend so much time trying to do something and we forget that our body needs care too. I know somepeople might not like this topic but I seriously think we all need to focus on our health just alittle bit more.

1-Acne:  A good example for a lotion is Cetaphil lotion, it's really good. If you live in Egypt, thumbs up for Clindasol. If anyone can lay their hands on Clindasol (the brand name for clindamycin, it is sold under different names in every country) don't hesistate. It's amazing, cheap and it gets rid of the pimples in no time! Just make sure you're not allergic (by putting a small amount of the oily liquid on your hands and waiting for 20-30 minutes. If nothing happens you're good to go.)

If you can't find these just look for another one. Put in mind, when looking for a medication look for one that contains benzoyl peroxide, alpha-hydroxy acids or salicylic acid. These medications should be water-based and hypoallergenic. All of this should be written at the back .

To prevent acne from getting worse:

*. Wash your face twice a day with a gentle soap. Washing your face more often than that may irritate and dry your skin.

*.Avoid hot water. Using hot water can make your acne worse.

*.Do not squeeze, pick, scratch or rub your skin. Squeezing pimples aggravates acne (obviously.)

2-Dandruff: Mild cases often improve with careful shampooing using over-the-counter anti-dandruff products. These can also be alternated with a regular shampoo. Shampoos containing salicylic acid, coal tar, pyrithione zinc, selenium sulphide or sulphur are safe and effective for the treatment of dandruff. Herbal Essences is my personal favorite (the blue one smell like a coconut heaven..not that this is relavent)

3- Diet: Breakfast skippers tend to gain weight. So if you think skipping breakfast will help your diet, think again. You should also know that eating a diet that doesnt contain enough carbs  will only result in making you weaker AND your body will enter the 'starvation' mood. Which means you wont lose weight and you'll gain whatever you lose very quickly afterwards since your body will try to store as much nutrients as it can when you finally eat.

^^ that being said, here's some tips to proper dieting.

Find something to flavor your diet or you'll get bored too quickly and end up ruining it. What I recommend? Yogurt *_* I'm in love with yogurt to be honest. "Activia"'s yogurt has the least cals. When I bring the strawberry flavored ones, I like to freeze them (they taste so good that way). If you don't like yogurt though, there's also oats or nutrien bars.

Set the treadmill or step machine on the interval programme, where your speed and workload varies from minute to minute. Build up gradually, every minute and return to the starting speed. Repeat this routine. Not only will it be less tiring , but you can train for a shorter time and achieve greater results.

Whenever you see "sugar free" remember the tonnes of chemicals they added.

4- White Teeth: Hold your toothbrush in the same way that would hold a pencil, and brush for at least two minutes this includes brushing the teeth, the junction of the teeth and gums, the tongue and the roof of the mouth. And you don't need a fancy, angled toothbrush – just a sturdy, soft-bristled one that you replace each month.

5-Though I hate Tomatoes, they contain lycopene, a powerful cancer fighter. They’re also rich in vitamin C. The good news is that cooked tomatoes are also nutritious, so use them in pasta, soups and casseroles, as well as in salads.

6-water. Drink enough water (just don't overdo things, as drinking too much water can also be dangerous). Whoever said you need to drink SEVEN liters a day probably ended up exploding like a balloon. 12 cups is the ideal amount of water needed by your body daily.

.......that's all I know, to be honest. There's then the not so health tips. Like, don't over do perfume but don't skip it all at once. Or how lip balm makes lipstick last longer.. you know, useless things. So I guess we're done for now. Hope that helped. if you want to add something *waves hand* don't feel shy ;)

Be Safe ...



...and stay away from guys with duck faces!

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