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Reason #29 why I am writing this: Existing is not living

Well first, I can't begin to explain how sorry I am for disappearing like that. I don't even have a proper excuse. So I am just.. sorry. Please? I was just distracted with alot of things and then alot of other things came crashing down then I tried to like, non-exist by simply sleeping all day but that didn't work either so now I am just shaping up and getting back to my life.

And now I am blabbering... sorry.

Well this IS today's topic anyway.


I don't know why but it seems that everytime we meet someone who is "AWESOME" we end up doing just that; blabber. Not just blabbering; we end saying any and every incomprehendable shit that comes to our mind and end up regretting ever opening our mouth to start with.

Yea, that kind of blabbering.

I think we only do that when we are highly excited about getting to know that person. Because we think we have alot in common and it we can't wait to be friends with someone like that. Only we end up getting too excited that we ruin the whole thing. Honestly, I can even scare someone to death if I start blabbering. It's like you jumped into a DJ earworm song. So yes, instead of getting to know that person (who might add, would really like me if I DIDNT start blabbering) I scare him/her to death.

So I guess the conclusion is: We ruin everything with our blabbering.

Honestly, all we can do about it is try to relax. I mean, if it means not talking at all for a while, fine! That is way better than blabbering and looking scary. Take a deep breath and try to remind yourself that they'll only like you if you relax and be yourself. And that even if they dont like you, it's their loss.

This usually works for me and I don't end up blabbering *cheers*. Okay that was a total lie I am always blabbering. But that's just how I am. I am not excited I to blabber? Like in my case, if they don't like me it's okay but I am still gonna blabber because I want to. Got me? ...never mind.

Anyway, if you speak too quickly that people find it hard to catch up, you also need to calm down. Try to practice speaking alone in your room. It's actually fun! Make up funny converstaions and stuff like that. Do the whole "s" thing in your head. it's practically when you say a word. Think of the letter s then go on with the other word and so on. It would be EXTREMELY slow if you actually do it. But as long as you keep that idea in your head you'd slow down while talking, promise.

And don't let anyone make fun of you. Simple. I, actually, incourage you punch whoever does straight in the face. No joke. Just for help too, use your knuckles when punching :P Or just slap it's easier.

The whole trick is about gaining self-confidence. In realising that you are, infact, as good as any and even special in your own ways. In not even bothering to change to please the ones you want to get to know and accepting who you are. In not bothering to dress up in something you don't like or doing your hair in a way you don't like to simply be 'cool'. It's in alot of things that all lead back in having confidence in yourself.

And I've come to know alot of you now, honestly you're all hilarious and awesome! How can you not be certain someone as great as you wouldn't have trouble making the right friends?! Just relax. Don't give in. Everyone feels lame and boring, it's only when you stop caring and do what you actually want to do you enjoy your life.

Again, I am honestly sorry for the late update. And the infrequent replies. I have been.. terrible? lately. But I am okay now and I don't even have school anymore (mid-year break. WOHOOO!!) so yup, making up for it, promise. I really missed you all!

I am always here if you need to talk.
Be Safe.

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