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Reason #7 why I'm writing this: Because it's not childish to hold have hope. It's actually hard.. very very hard

"What defines us is how well we rise after we fall" -Grey's anatomy

"Happiness is a little bit like knocking on your door; you just let it in" -The Fray


So today, I'm doing things alittle bit differently. Today, it's not about getting over anything. Today is about stopping for a second and catching your breath.

We get too caught up in the game. We try and we fall. We fight and we get scarred. And one thing I learned, you can't just simply stay unaffected by all of this. So today, today is to remind you why you need to stand on your feet and fight.

Today is for you Basma. And yes, I just said your name.

We all hit a time where we lose all hope and just need someone to wrap their hands around us and tell us everything is going to be alright. I've been there before and I know I will be there again. But when you hit this place, you should always remember you're not alone. For damn it really hurts me when I see you like that!

Ask most people what they want with there life and the answer is simple; be happy. We crave happiness. We favor every moment of it and keep playing it over and over in our heads when we are sad. But just like anything, happiness fades away to quickly. and it leaves us there, hanging, waiting, begging.

You know, people can be sad for no reason. You and I know that very well. But when I think about it more, I think it's because we are always hoping. Hope gets us expecting, then we come crashing down when what we hopped for doesnt work.We freeze. Shocked. How did we get here? How are we so lost? And most importantly, what's the point of all of this? We get lost in our own soul and we start to wonder if we ever even deserved what we wished for.

And I know right now, feeling lost and alone,  you dont see the point in ever getting up and trying again. You might feel like a failure or that people are looking at you with disgust and sympathy but truth? Failure is the only way we reach our success. Falling so much that your knees are bleeding doesnt mean your weak.. It means you're strong! Stronger than to give up and letting go. Stronger than to never try at all. And the biggest failure is better than never trying!

See, life is for living. Trying and expericing. And everyone who is reading this, I want you to try. I want you to promise me you'll try. Push yourself just a little. Stop thinking and live. Just stand up, put one foot in front of the other and go to the place you've always dreamed of! I know it sounds hard! But you're stronger than what you think!

The stuff that is stopping us from being happy will always be there. These stuff are a part of life! But when you decide to take matters in your own hands, step up and take control of your life.. that's when these stuff dont matter anymore.

Today, I want you to look at life in a new way. Forget about the stuff that made you sad once. It already happened and you cant change it.

But you can still bend the future to your will.

Today, I want you to know it's okay to fall. As long as u get back up in the end.

That's not the definiton of failure. That's the definition of strength.

Today, I want you to forget you were ever broken. Stolen. Hurt. Or rejected. and I want you to know someone out there is dying to help u back on your feet.

Today, I want u to forget any bad word you were called. And remember that I'm ready to bet my soul you are the most beautiful person alive.

Today, I want you to stand up, wipe those tears and smile.

I dont know how we do it. How we stay friends, live with it and smile.. but we do. We're fighters. and thinking about it today, I've never seen you more beautiful.

Today, I want you to do just one more thing for me. I want you to be happy.

Take a paper, a pen and write a list of all the stupid things that make you happy. I know right now you're laughing and saying "what is this woman on? I'm not gonna write anything" but I swear, remembering all those stupid things that make you happy..atleast for a while.

I know because I tried.

I remembered how you Basma always sing those stupid songs to piss me off and I smiled

I remembered how you and me, Mariam always talk for hours at night on whatsapp.. and I smile almost remembering how it feels to have to hold ur laughter because your mum thinks your sleeping.

I remembered how you and me, Art, always end up not making sense at all and my heart warmed up remembering the tears of laughter in my eyes.

I remembered swimming in Alexandria with my sister.

Running for the first time without caring what people will say if I look fat or not.

Swirling around with a broom in the kitchen.

Watching the stars from the balcony.

Eating Oreo cupcakes with my cat.

Fighting with my sister only to have her tickle me till I cant breathe

I remembered.

And it made me feel safe.

I'm here if you need to talk and Just try and break free from this place. Dont let a scar from yesterday make today uglier. Life is short..and it sucks most of the time. But the time it doesnt it is wonderful.. and I promise you'll love it one day.

I wont rest till you do.

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