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"How can you do this to us?!" I wail, Lance roughly grabs my arm, squeezing it tightly making sure to leave a bruise.

"Because you won't do anything!" He shoves me as I fall to the floor. I cry, "I am! I-i give you everything I c-can?" Landon scoffs down at me. "You think that's enough? For me, Lance, Flo, and the baby? You don't even eat yourself." I wipe my tears away.

"You could've told me!" I yell out, a sobbing mess.

I fist my hair. "You never steal! Never! Especially not from their kingdom!" I press my hands to my face.

I'm slapped, I gasp holding my cheek in the palm of my hand. I look at Lance with wide shocked eyes. He's only hit me a few times...each years apart but I'm always so shell shocked.

I can see the fear in his eyes. I'm not the only one scared here.

Landon looks at his twin, "Enough. Shut the hell up." Lance growls and I hiccup, trying to hold in my sobs.

"We were safe. And careful. Did you see how much Flo ate? All the milk the baby drank." I wipe my tears shaking my head, "They know it's you...they're gonna find us. They have every super natural being on their side. Don't you understand that! They know what you'll do even before you know yourself!"

He raised his hand agains and I flinched, he chuckled after a minute of my tense state.

"You'll never be anything. All you'll be is weak, you won't be apart of something when it happens." I give him a look, and then look to Lance as they take a seat at the table.

In front of the huge pots of pot-roast.

"What are you talking about..." I question, "Nothing. It's none of your business." Lance says. "I-" A loud bang of a knock comes from the front door and all our faces pale.

I jump as another loud booming knock shakes our small cottage. "We can smell you dirty useless humans! Open the fucking door!" I quickly stand, looking over to the boys as I slowly walk to the old wooden red door.

They look to each other and then to me.

"Sissy? Bubbies?" I look to see my little Flo and my heart clenched. "Grab her." I whisper as I hold onto the door handle, pressing the thumb latch and pulling it open.

Two angry pale man staring down at me.

I gripped the door, my hand at my side still shaking. "Good evening." I whisper, lowering my head. Rising it after showing the sign of respect, "Allow us in. Now." One ordered, he has red hair and bloody red eyes. My body started to shake as I slowly nodded.

"Y-yes." I whispered, those conspiracies were true. Vampires were not allowed into your house until you allowed them to be. As silly as it sounded. But, they can compel you to do so, even if you don't want to.

"Y-you can c-come in." I regretted the words just as they pushed past me. They look around until their cold crimson eyes spot my brothers and little sister.

I watch as wicked grins paints their lips.

Flo quickly walks into my body, wrapping her small thin arms around my legs. "Sissy." Her bottom lip trembled and I look down at her, smiling down at her big blue eyes. Running my fingers through her brown hair.

"It's okay, baby. We're gonna be okay. Go to your room, make sure the baby is okay." She nodded, hugging me tight as I smothered her with kisses.

I watched as she went into the room, closing the door just as the men were. As she closed the door they neared closer to the boys. The red head stared at the food as he circled around the table. The other one, who had long hair that went past his shoulders, stared down Lance and Landon.

"This is a hearty meal." The red head said looking to his friend. "Yeah," he chuckled coldly. "Especially for humans. Small helpless humans like you." I let out a loud gasp as the long haired man suddenly has Lance pinned by his throat.

While the other has Landon on the floor, his boot on his face. Squishing his face to the ground harshly.

"You dare steal from our king?! From someone superior than you!" My heart slams in my chest and my breaths come out in short pants.

"We ought to make an example of you." The red head smirks. "That's what our king thinks. Just in case you humans forget your place." The long haired one looks away from Lance and to his coworker. "Elliott, maybe we can kill just one. They're young...full of life. The king wouldn't mind right?" He asks looking back to Lance.

I couldn't have my brothers die. No matter how much pain and disrespect they bring me. It doesn't matter, they're my blood.

"Wait!" I scream out just as they both rush Lance. "I-it was me...I did it." I gasped out, tears streaming down my face. They look over their shoulders and I know I don't have them convinced.

So I take the risk, turning around on the heel of my foot and run out the cottage.

"Get her!" My legs barely can keep with the speed as I race down the hill our cottage was set upon. I look over my shoulder my eyes go big just as I'm tackled to the ground. The wind knocked out of me.

The red head fists my hair and pulls my head up in a awkward angle. "Big mistake bitch." He slammed my head on the floor knocking me out cold.

I wake up, finding myself in the bed of a truck, I woke up from the pain of my head hitting the bed of it. I whimper, looking around rubbing my head. I press myself up against the start of the car. I noticed the sun beginning to rise, the start of dawn coming.

I was far from home already. Far from my family.

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