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I glare at that little midget as she walks away with my mate. She smirks at me, wagging her little fingers at me as they disappear into the crowd.

"Tatiana knows just how to get mommas attention. She's no match for you." I look down to see Flo and Ida. Flo gives me a pity smile, tapping my shoulder and running off with Ida. Who was so obviously her mate. I rolled my eyes at my sister as she blushed down at the girl.

"Aye, Kronos. When are you gonna introduce us to your mate?" I look over my shoulder, smirking at one of my oldest friends. Samuel Claremont. A vampire who's father is in the council that I've known since I was smaller. Our other friends gather, Adrian and Easton.

"Once I know you guys won't say say anything unnecessary." The looked at me with fake wide eyed innocent looks.

"Unnecessary?" Samuel says with a smirk.

"Us?" Easton continues.

"Never." Adrian said his voice held a bogus sincere tone.

I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, surely you aren't all pathological liars." We all laughed together at my comment.

"You're lucky to have your mate, Kronos. Mine ran away from me as quick as possible." Samuel says with a distant smirk on his lips.

"Every girl you find attractive isn't your mate, Samuel." Adrian quips, shaking his head. Samuel laughs to himself.

"Let him believe that way. Let his actual mate snap him out of it just like Opal did with Kronos, here." Easton says, bursting out into a fit of laughter as he gets a look of my annoyed face.

"Sissy! I don't want to be near that weirdo!" I looked over my shoulder to see Adina making her way towards me. All eyes on her as she finally reached me, standing right by my side.

I put out my hand, inching it towards her face. But suddenly it was slapped, I sharply looked at the idiot. Tatiana. I glared at the midget and she smirked at me.

"Tati, be good." Adina says firmly but in a nice tone. Tatiana huffs, looking at me.

"Pick me up." She orders, the guys behind me start to burst out laughing. Adina blushes at Tatiana's toughness.

I pick the little brat up. She hugs me, smiling at Adina, obviously for a picture perfect image that Adina seems to have in her head of this demon child.

"So cute! Aw my two babies!" Tatiana and I now were the ones blushing.

"I'll give you two minutes alone. Now put me down." She says in my ear while Adina was now being occupied with the trio of dogs. I watch as Tatiana scampers off, and rush over to Adina once I know Tatiana is out of view.

Adina let's out a loud cry as I nip and kiss against her neck and shoulder. "K-Kronos!" She hissed at me, her cheek red and her eyes wide. I kissed the redness of the skin.

"It's normal, Queen Opal. We're immune to it." Adrian said smiling, trying to ease her.

"Plus we'd expect something more from Kronos." Easton said his lips tilting up in a smug grin.

"He's always been the most...animalistic out of the four of us." Samuel adds. Adina smiles shyly, pressing her hand to her cheek, almost to try to cool down her heated cheeks.

"O-oh." She answers cutely. I smiled at her, pushing her hair behind her shoulders and tucking the strands behind her ear so I could look at my mark. I look down to the wedding ring that graced her finger.

She was mine in every way. And I was hers in the same.

"Does...he always do this?" Easton and Adrian say together. Adina laughs happily, her hand reaching up at me and cupping my face.

"I kinda like it. Since he only looks at me like that." Admits quietly, her eyes looking at me.

I licked my lips, the glint of the small dangling earrings striking my eyes. My sight leads me down to the thin see through fabric that generously showed some of her abdomen. "If you'll excuse us. I don't think me and my mate haven't had our first dance." The guys nod understandingly. I interlocked Adina's fingers with mine and pulled her with me.

"Where did you take me?" Adina laughed softly, I stoped in the middle of the marble floor.

"Away from the crowd." I mumbled pulling her body closer to mine. My left hand placed on her lower back. I kiss her cheek, "Thank you for letting me be your husband." Her arms wrapped around my neck loosely. She kissed my cheek.

"Don't make me cry! You said we'd dance." She takes the lead, grabbing my hands in hers and making up dance moves as she goes. The skirt of her dress twisting and floating up as she twists. As I dance with her in her own way, I look at her as she laughs sillily.

I only have two regrets.

That I didn't kill Natalia before this moment.

And I didn't marry Adina sooner, snapped out of that daze that I was in sooner.

And I didn't marry Adina sooner, snapped out of that daze that I was in sooner

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basically the dance Adina and Kronos are doing hahaha. omg guys I'm so terribly sorry! I've been packed with school and work and STRESS so I haven't been writing (this book at least!) but here's a little part 2 those who were confused about what Adina (Opal) had said at the end of last chapter-she was just joking. she really wouldn't ruin her wedding day with some silly argument.

Hope you enjoy!

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