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Octavian had left us, all of Opalescent's siblings were asleep and now it was just us. I pull her towards me right as she closes the bedroom door. Her body reacted how I like, her body leaning into me. Her eyes fluttering, her lips parting. As if expecting my own lips to fall into hers.

She was always ready for me and I loved it. I leaned my head into her neck, I licked the sensitive area of her soft skin. She moaned, I pressed her against the door. "I could take you right now. Fuck you and make you know you could never leave me and expect me to not drag you back to me." I squeezed her breast in my palm.

My hands slipped down to the button of her jeans. Her hands grabbed mine and she pulled my needing hands away from her. "No. No!" She said pushing away from me. "I left because I will not be one of your mistresses. I will not be second to Natalia." She moved to leave but I held her firmly to me.

I snarled, "You are mine! I could take you if I want. You've had your little four month break. I've been away from you and haven't seen this face. Haven't smelled you. Haven't heard your laugh." My fingers softly smooth over her lips. I drop her sweater off from her shoulders. I kiss the top of her shoulder, it amazed me. I've never worked this hard for a woman. I didn't think it would take me this much to work for a woman. Especially a woman that's mine, my woman.

She groaned, turning away from me. "All you care for is trying to get me in bed. You've yelled at me, you've had me hurt, you've almost killed me on more than one occasion. You're so mean. Mean to your sister, mean to everyone in your life. You've known I'm your mate and yet you still had sex with all your mistresses-made me clean after them! You don't know how bad that hurts. I'd rather die than ever put that pain on you." She spilled. Tears threatening to escape.

"And you attacked my brothers." She growled, walking away from me. I followed after her, her small stature amusing me as she held up her angry front.

"Did they or did they not attempt to take me down." I ask lowly, the rage I was feeling earlier dimming down. "How do you expect me to fucking act when I've never had to deal with someone like you. I've had a routine, I meet Natalia and I'm-I thought..." She turned around shaking her head.

"Just stop talking." She told me trying her best to maneuver way from me. She was trying to put as much distances between us as possible. "You're right, Kronos. You have Natalia, Benson is gone. I'm trying my best to vanish away from you b-because you said human and vampire mates are disgusting a-and abominations. So just go! Go with her and leave me and my siblings alone-" I grab her bringing are bodies and lips together.

"N-no," She whimpers, her hands on between my pecks. She slowly moves it until she's touching the front of my neck. She was slowly giving into the kiss. Her lips not moving, causing a slight annoyance to strike in me.

"Fuck y-you-you can't kiss me w-with the s-ame lips-" She gasped as I flipped her around, pressing her against the kitchen island. Her pants are yanked down before she can even bat her pretty eyes. I rub my hand around her ass before I whammed it down on her. She let out a soft scream. My fingers move down and trail between her creamy legs. My fingers brush over her sweet bundle I would go on my knees to beg for.

She whimpers, her legs squeezing over my hand. "If I hear you mutter a another curse word pointed towards me, I'll tease you and make you come so many times you'd forget your name. Am I clear?" Opalescent nodded her head, I span her around. I kiss down her stomach, I held her up from behind, pushing her body towards my lips.

I lean back into her lips, ghosting over the plump petals. I gaze into her heated eyes, "Ive dropped my other mistresses, if it concerns you." Her eyes widened slightly, I drop down and pull her pants back up.

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