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I chuckle as Kronos wraps his arms around me from behind. "Feed me that blueberry, please." I twist my neck to get a look at him raising my eyebrow. I snorted as he jutted out his bottom lip.

I grab a blueberry and raise it to his lips. He opened his mouth and wraps his lips around my fingers. He gives me a lustful look, my heart picking up its speed. I clench my legs together and turn back around.

We were out in the garden having a "date". He laid down a blanket and made us lunch. He told me to bring books and I also brought along some coloring books and paints. I was happy and was trying hard to stop grinning like a creep.

"What?" I ask tucking in my lips, Kronos shrugs his shoulders and rests his chin on my shoulder. Watching me as I color in some cartoon that came with the coloring book.

I smile once I look back. "Do you think it'll be safe to go back to the palace?" I asked dropping the colored pencil from my hands and turning so I could get a good look at Kronos' face. He looked pleasantly surprised with what I asked.

"Mm, I didn't think you'd be worried about that. But I could careless about that palace. I've been prisoner to it's walls for a long time." He says softly, his thumb rubbing against the skin of my cheek.

"Did you even want to become king?" He chuckled at my question. I furrowed my brows, watching as he nodded his head.

"I was determined. But I wanted the title and power for the wrong reasons. I've flipped your world upside down. I had my realm but I wanted more and expanded here. That's how I got in contact with Natalia. She and her coven were strong enough to open up a portal to this human world,"

"I am the oldest so I would've ended up the King anyway but Carmen being Carmen decided to challenge me. Explaining to mother why she would be the best fit because I have no self control." He rolled his eyes. "Stupid bitch." My eyes widened and I playfully slapped his shoulder.

"Kronos! That's your sister, geez." He smirked, poking his tongue out from the corner of his mouth.

"She's tuff, so I put her in a coffin, then Vas, then D. My parents were still asleep, and Ida..she's always been my supporter. But once she started to see me change, putting our siblings to sleep one by one she started to grow rebellious and question me. Plus she was just immature, turning and toying with humans, she used to hang with Carmen and Natalia actually. That's how Natalia slithered in." He pauses shaking his head.

"I should've noticed-" I cut him off.

"Wait, Carmen and Natalia used to be friends?"

"Yup, I'm such a fucking idiot." Our heads turn, Carmen smirks at us and wags her fingers at us. "Don't you two look so lovey-dovey. Ah, Xavier don't you remember when we were like that-!" I crush Carmen in a hug. "Uh-hello Opal." She says awkwardly patting my back.

"How did you get here? I've missed you, thank you for taking care of the girls. Where are they? Are they here with you-" Carmen presses her hand to my mouth. I stare at her with wide eyes, she smiles at me giggling after looking serious.

"Fuck, Opal! Breathe, they're coming up. And it's no problem, i used them as a test to see if I wanted children." She stayed proudly. I laughed, Kronos pulling me out of her hold. Her eyes roll over Kronos, a smirk tugs at her full lips. Her black curls were pulled back into a ponytail. One braid braided into each side of her head, a golden clip in each.

"Brother." She greeted jokingly. "You look healthier. Now since we're actually telling Opal things about our history why don't I do the uncut version?" Kronos groans.

"I knew I shouldn't have called you over." Kronos groaned, his voice filled with regret. My eyes widened and I looked up at him, astonished.

"You called them here?" I asked with a smile, his eyes lightened. His mouth opening, Carmen grabbed my arm and jerked me to her.

"Anyways! Back to me! So yeah, I was this bitches best friend. But just as she gets to Kronos through me what does she do? Make my fucking mate a slave! Her own personal servant! While my brother put me back in my fucking coffin!" She snarled shaking her head, my eyes widened.

"Xavier is a visionary, and also a son of a fellow demon." She giggled her cheeks blushing.

"Well I hope I can say my thanks properly. I'll excuse myself, I need to see the girls." Carmen nodded and gestures me to leave. Kronos shoots his hand out, grabbing my wrist and pulling me back. Our lips locking together. I blush and pull away quick.

"They should be in the closest room once you step inside." Carmen says smiling at my bashful face.

"Thank y-Kronos!" I screamed as he slapped my ass. The two siblings burst out in laughter, I quickly run away from the two. I just had the feeling the two of them together, especially since now they seem to be on good terms, is nothing good for me.

"Oh, excuse me." I look up, smiling at the familiar man who must be Carmen's mate. He was tall, lean but definitely well built. His dark melanin skin showed the good connection with the sun.

"Are you Xavier?" I asked, he kept his kind smile nodding his head. "Thank you, thank you so for taking in my siblings."

"It's no worries. They're just in that room right there." I followed his finger.

"Thank you."

Xavier Carmen's mate

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Xavier Carmen's mate

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