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I swallowed the lump in my throat. "Mistresses?" She nods shaking her head exhausted.

"Yes, but Natalia is the worst." Emma says wiping her hands on her legs. I felt my head rush, I squeezed the counter top as my ears rang.

A sudden pain blooming in my lower stomach, I cry out. The pain worst than when I'm on my period. Emma helps me up, "Opal? Opal, are you okay?" I take in breaths, panting. "Y-yes." Another pain falls over me and I crouch down, biting my tongue to hold in my tears.

I carefully stand up, my body shaking.

I bite the inside of my cheek, whimpering. I grabbed a glass walking to the refrigerator. "Opal, here let me get that for you." Evangeline walked in. "What's going on?" Kaleb looked around. Evangeline walked over to me, helping Emma sit me down.

"Maybe her body is reject your blood, Emma," Evangeline says. Emma shakes her head, "No, it would've happened earlier. Her body already accepted it...this is something different."

I drank my water, Emma, Evangeline, and Kaleb eventually gave up on trying to figure out what the cause of my pain was.


The love of my life. I was thirteen when I first met him, and he fifteen. It was a summer day when I met him, I went into the only human market. It was the first three years that I had become the parent of my siblings.

My parents gone.

I was crying, didn't even know what to buy. And and he came to my recuse. Getting everything we needed. Him with unruly black hair and green eyes. His freckles weren't as apparent as mine, you had to get up close to see them.

I got to know every freckle on his face.

"I love you." I blushed, looking at him as he laid his head in his arms, a goofy smile on his face. "Shush. W-were fourteen." He smirked. "You're fourteen. I'm sixteen." He walked up to me, leaning his forehead down on mine.

"What?" He whispered. "You don't love me?" I shyly looked down at my shoes. "More than the world." He laughed, picking me up and spinning me around. I gasped, "Tobias!" He cheered, "The girl I love loves me back! She loves me back!" He yelled out.

But I realized, right now as I stand here lost in these corridors. I never said it back that day, I never really said it back the years after that either.

In the back of my mind I always had something telling me, this isn't right Opalescent. This isn't right.

But I shoved that down because I did. I did love him. Or I thought I did. I did, he showed me love. What it's like for someone to care for you. And love you unconditionally. Or I thought. No he did.

"Haven't you been told." I whip around, seeing nothing. Even as I turn in circles, there's nothing there.

"What?" I whisper, "K-Kaleb?" I knew better, it wasn't Kaleb's voice. It was his, the kings.

"Didn't they warn you not to get lost in these corridors?" His voice is low, full of warning and a deep edge. "Y-yes but-" I stumble back as he appears in front of me. His bare chest glistening with sweat, silk pajama pants hung low on his hips.

His hair tossed, sticking everywhere. Hands, many, have ran through it.

I look down, remembering Evangeline's words.

"But what did they say?" He questioned stepping closer. "I don't-" He cuts me off. "What did they say?!" He bellowed making me jump away and flinch. "Y-you like the c-chase." I answered shortly, i suck in a sharp breath as his cold fingers hold my chin, lifting my head up.

"Especially a chase that involves you." I couldn't stand his touch, my heart fluttered but my mind and body recoiled. I move his hand gently from my face.

"Please, don't." I didn't look at his face, but they way he froze said it all. "What." He growled out.

I winced as his body pressed against mine. My body began to hum and sing, but I shook my head.

"What the fuck did you-" Emma's and Arthur's voice had him stop. "You sure you haven't seen her, Arty? Evangeline is starting to get worried. "No, love. I haven't. It's time for her to clock out anyhow." I try to move away from him but he grips my wrist, the same wrist Lance had caused a bruise on.

I whimpered making him stop, he tugged me closer. I watched carefully as he looked at my wrist. He clenched his jaw and his eyes went black, he's hungry.

I wanted to panic but I knew if I moved id die even faster.

"D-don't eat me." I said in a panicky way. His eyes shot up at me and our eyes locked. I couldn't look away, it was a long pause as we stared at each other until he smirked. "Eat you? In what way?" He purred and I gave him a confused look. "B-by drinking m-my blood?" He chuckled, "I wouldn't waste my energy on you. You probably taste disgusting." I mean...I wasn't sad that he wasn't going to drink my blood.

But-ugh my emotions are everywhere.

"Then-" Evangeline's presence had my head spinning. "Found you!" She cried out, jumping on my back, she was taller than me but she seemed to think the other way around.

She rubbed her knuckles against my head.

"I told you not to get lost." I cried out as she did. "It's okay h-" I looked around, he was gone. He just disappeared. "What? Who? The King saw you? Are you okay?" I shake my head. "No, no. I'm okay...can we go home now?" She gave me a slight smile and nodded at my words.

"Yeah, come on let's get the fuck out of here." She interlinked our arms and strutted out with me trailing along.

I will stay strong and finish this book! Even though my reads are declining LMAOOOO

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I will stay strong and finish this book! Even though my reads are declining LMAOOOO

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