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I lock myself in the den. Flo with me, asleep in the bed. I've found out that both me and Kronos have something in common, we both have a love for the piano.

We played together and talked with out him yelling for threatening me.

But then the next second he's planning on a wage to sell me to his brother. A knock on my door takes me away from my thinking, I stand up and walk to it letting out a breath. "Hey Ben-" I stop talking as I see Dimitri. I stare at him, waiting for him just to tell me he owned me now. "Hello Beautiful." He says smirking. "H-hi, sir." He laughs. "Please, call me Dimitri." I nodded.

Stepping out. "My sisters asleep." I explain and he nods, looking me over.

I crossed my hand over my chest, "I would like to get to know you, Opal." I blush, laughing shyly. "Why? If you don't mind me asking." He smiles, "Pretty things intriguing me, and you're not just pretty either." He laughs at me as I look down. "You're pure, not in an innocent way though. You're innocent but not when it comes to life."

I jump slightly as I hear glass shattering and loud screaming.

"That must be the rest of the family. Wanna come up? Get some ice cream?" I furrow my eyebrows. "Ice cream? A-and no, I don't think that's a good idea." I say remembering what happened with Van. "You don't know what ice cream is?" I shake my head no. "Come on." He takes my hand.

"Wait, Dimitri." He ignored me. "My clothes." I squeal and he chuckles taking off his leather jacket and handing it to me.

"We'll hide from them, come on." He grabs me pulling me against him as we make a break for the kitchen. I catch a glimpse of two more people, a girl and a guy.

"Emma! Do you know this knock out?" Emma smiles at me and we hug each other. "Yes, what are you two here for?" Dimitri wraps his arm around my shoulders. "She doesn't know what ice cream is." Emma's eyes widened. "Well let's fix that."

Dimitri and I sit on the counter, I giggle. "Don't look at me when I eat." He smiles, "I want to see your face when you try it. This is called vanilla. This one is rocky road, mint and chip, and cookie dough." I nod grabbing the cookie dough. "Ready?" I nod and scoop a little in my spoon and take a bite.

I moan, gasping. "This is so good!" Dimitri chuckles with the spoon in his mouth.

When he swallows, "I told you." The voices grow loud once again. "You know I fucking hate this bitch! This evil fucking bitch!" I wince at how loud the woman screamed. Dimitri grabbed my hand. "Come on, we have to see this." He picks me off the counter and we peak in the dinning room. Watching as a beautiful woman with long black curly hair yells at Kronos.

"You know what she did to me! And Ida! The only one who wanted to stay with you during your reign." The girl yells, pointing her finger at her brother.

I look to Ida who now has a slight curl to her hair, her face aged. She looked down, "And yet after all these years, you've let that bitch ruin you-" The woman is sent flying across the room. I gasp, urging to check if she was okay but Dimitri holds me back.

"You don't want to do that." I furrow my eyebrows. "But-" I gasp as I see her fly, jumping into Kronos, her knees on his shoulders and her sharp long nails sinking into his face. I instantly had the urge to get her off of Kronos but Dimitri still held me.

Kronos grabbed her off of him, slamming her into the table. A cracking sound filling the air.

Irina stood up, "Alright, you've gotten your anger out. Relax now, Carmen." Irina spoke with such a graceful calmness but also had that aggressive tone saying that she wasn't joking.

Carmen got off of Kronos, both of them growling and snapping. "Who I decided to bed with is none of your business." Kronos growls, Carmen laughs as she takes her seat, shaking her head. "I'm surprised you don't have a fucking STD. How many mistresses do you have? Four? Including that fucking witch." I slumped in Dimitri's arms.

Five. Five different women. Five different women at the same time.

"Shut up Carmen." The boy next to Ida speaks. Ida looks over her shoulder at me and gives me a sad look. "You okay, Opal?" I nodded. "I just don't think eavesdropping is-" I gasped as cold hands grabbed me, pulling me into the room.

"And what's this? A sixth?" It was Carmen, holding me in a way if I were to move my arm would surely snap. "No, that's my big sister!" Ida says grinning. I glare at her, "Ida." I groan. Carmen laughed, "A human can't replace me, Ida Rose." Ida rolled her eyes. "I didn't say she did. I'm saying she's a big sister to me. Another one that is."

I'm let go and turned around.

Her red eyes looking at me with curiosity. "Ever tried her blood?" She quires, I go rigged. "No. And don't think about it. Istvan already tried to kill her." Ida grumbled, Carmen pouted looking at me with a smirk. "What's your name little human?" Dimitri answers for me.

"Opal, pretty isn't she." I sighed, feeling like Dimitri only sees me for my face. The other sibling comes, they're all so tall and gorgeous looking I feel like some puppy. Carmen squishes my cheeks causing me to laugh, she smirks. "Hm, interesting. You haven't fucked any of my brothers right?" I shook quickly my face heating up.

"Good girl. Nothing good comes from these men." She taps my face and flashes away.

"I'm Vasile," We shake hands. "Opal." I say with a smile. He was kind, so kind I almost felt a little warmth within his hands. "Excuse my family and their daily fights." I laughed, "Please, I know much about that." Irina raises her eyebrow. "You have children of your own, Opalescent?" I shake my head.

"Oh gosh, no. I raised my siblings and my baby...but he isn't my baby really. My boyfriend-well my late boyfriend-it's complicated." Vlad and Irina smile nodding there head.

Dimitri and Vasile give me a amused look. "Brother, it seems you're annoyed." Dimitri says with a gleeful smirk meant for Kronos. "I am-" Ida cuts in. "Me too! Opal is mine so back off!" Ida grabbed my hands and pulled me away.

"Wait! Ida!"

hello guys! sorry I couldn't do a double update yesterday, I had some complications

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hello guys! sorry I couldn't do a double update yesterday, I had some complications. I'm having a horrible toothache!!! but here's an update for you!

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