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I gasp awake, shaking violently as I wake up to a new different surrounding. I couldn't talk, just a raspy painful noise left my throat.

A pair walked in together, "Please, relax. You're safe. Don't you remember us, Adina?" The woman asked, I blinked my eyes. Trying my best to stop the shaking, I look up the man and woman. "You and Benson came here months ago?" She tried again with a kind voice.

As my panic subsided I take in the two people. The woman had familiar long black hair, her ebony skin seemed to have a natural golden touch.

While the man next to her had had one blue eye the other brown. He was just an inch shorter than the woman next to her. He gave me a welcoming smile, his teeth pearly white and so straight. A small healed scar on his right eyebrow.

Charmeine and Gabriel. I try to nod my head but I grimaced in pain. "Don't worry, Adina. We can hear your thoughts." Gabriel mentions, they make there way to me. "Try to focus on one thing you want us to answer."

Immediately my mind goes straight to Kronos. I wanted to know where he was and what was happening to him.

Their eyes stay with mine, they give me a slight nod. "Kronos, your mate, is currently getting a cleansing. By the high priestess and a few witches." Gabriel continues. "The reason why he had transformed into his original form was because he was forced by Natalia, a dark witch that we've been keeping an eye on. She recently went to her coven and joined forces with a few strong witches since her own powers seemed to have dulled." He explained to me.

I didn't know if I could trust these people either. They were the same two who had pulled me aside privately and tried to tell me that I'm, me, an angel. Or, a reincarnation of a mythological goddess. They themselves were angles, or a god and a goddess.

I couldn't believe. The two break out in laughs. "You should start to believe. You did break the spell on Kronos, you can't remember? Your powers awakened. While you are a reincarnation so is Kronos. He's the reincarnation of Hades." Charmeine spoke, talking so casually as if any of this was normal.

As if any of this makes sense.

How? None of this makes sense. My parents were human. Why didn't these 'powers' kick in a long time ago?

Gabriel sighs, "There's no telling why they haven't. So don't put too much thought into that, or regret. While your parents are just that, they were regular humans.The gods decide who to pair who with. But you aren't really blood related...if that makes sense." I just stare into space.

So basically the gods just used my parents, my mom, as an incubation center?

"Well, yes actually. They actually use the same linage of humans..." Charmeine clears her throat and looks away. "Not helping, huh?" She awkwardly chuckled. "If you don't believe us take a look at your wrist, and your neck. He crushed your windpipes and hand completely shattered your wrist...but over the night." She trails gesturing to my wrist.

I slowly bring up my arms. Examining the two. And she was right. All that was left was faint bruising. I rotated it around, astonished by the fact that this might be true.

"You have blood of gods running through your veins, Adina. That's why the demons you were around couldn't control themselves. Don't be too confused and we fluctuate between gods and angels. The humans you've been raised around believe in angels and god, which isn't wrong. There is some similarities between the truth and what is known. Obviously Zeus is the god of gods. We are angels, or messengers."

"But you," Gabriel continues. "Are an actual goddess."

I touch my neck as I stare at the reflection of myself through the mirror. The bruises dark and unforgiving shine the most out of everything that my eyes saw. What Gabriel and Charmeine where saying did make since. Even when I first met them I wondered how they knew my first name.

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