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I woke up, the girls asleep. I was surprised Ida was actually asleep, which was probably because the sun had taken a toll on her.

I smile as I see Ida's hand in Flo's face and Flo's foot hanging off the bed.

The calm is always before the storm though.

The door slams open, causing the two girls to wake. Ida sitting up quickly. Our eyes find Kronos, their full of rage and he's looking to kill. "Ida, Dear!" I hear a lovely voice say. "Mother." Ida says standing up, Flo and I latch onto each other. The woman appears and I'm blown away.

They don't hug or anything. Ida bows her head to her mother, the woman, Irina, grabs onto her jaw, looking her daughter over with a proud smile.

"Look at you. Look at how beautiful you've become." She says with a grin. Her crimson eyes flash over to Flo and I. "And who is this?" Ida smiles, "Mother, this is my best friend, Flo Underwood. This is her older sister Opalescent Underwood and she's my mom." Irina pauses and looks to her daughter with a look of hurt.

"Your mom?" Ida nods her head. "She showed me love. She's my mom." I interrupt. "Ida, don't disrespect your mother like that. She shows you love, she shows you in a different way than I do." Irina watches me as I talk, "But look! She doesn't hug me! She's been gone for 1,500 years and she doesn't say I love you or anything of the such." Flo's eyes fill with emotion.

"She ignored me my entire life."

She walks to me and takes my hands, standing me up.

I look to see Kronos stand up straighter. But I look back to Irina. "You. You've made my daughter have emotions...she's changed for the better. How?" I look down to my feet. "I'm sorry, Queen Irina. I now your kind looks down on emotions." She laughs, "Not me. I adore them, I try my best having them." She glanced at her daughter.

"How do I say that..it hurt my chest when Ida Rose called you her mother." My eyes widened, I looked to Flo who gave me the same face.

"W-well," I looked between them. "You love your daughter?" She nodded, "Id die for her. She's my baby, my last born." Ida looks away. "It hurt your feelings when she called me her mom?" Irina nodded, swallowing hard. "It hurt more than I could imagine. I love you, my Rosie. When I said you're beautiful I didn't just mean this face. I've seen you, and your actions when I looked into your eyes."

She paused grinning, "Im proud. You've traveled with your little human friend to wake me and your father." She bites her lip, "All this you've learned from a human." She looks to me and grins.

"Emma's my best friend. I'll talk to her about you." Irina says with a smirk. I laugh, "You're gorgeous." I blurt out and blush. "Sorry!" I squeal and the woman squeals, pinching my cheeks. "Oh no wonder, Ida! She's a pet, completely adorable." Flo and Ida snicker.

Irina looks back to her son who watches us intently, his sight on me. "Hm. Interesting. Come, let's meet with Vlad. I miss him." She still holds my hand as we walk past Kronos.

"Vlad!" Irina squeals like a young girl, she looked twenty three, I watch as the man turned around just as Irina jumped into his arms. Ida groans embarrassedly as they kiss passionately. I blush and cover Flo's eyes. "Opal." Flo whines, I cover Ida's eyes too as they go a little bit farther. "Mother! Father! Please." Kronos cuts in sharply.

The two stop, the man looks to me and tilts his head. "Beloved, this is Opalescent. She's quite the human. She's extraordinary." Irina gushes as she sits in her mates lap.

"Oh? How do you do, Opalescent." I shake his hand, trying to bow but I end up falling over my legs. The girls laugh and I blush. "I-I'm sorry, I can't do a bow like that." He chuckles. "Are you one of my sons mistresses?" Irina watches as my face falls, I quickly recover. "No, I'm a maid." I explain. "Do you not find my son attractive?" Irina asks and I cough.

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