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"Wow." She gasped, placing her finger tips over her lips. My lips cracked a smile, I haven't been in this part of my land either. I was pleased to see it was flourishing.

"This is...Greenland?" Opal, my Adina, asked cutely. I snorted, grabbing her bags and shaking my head.

"Greece, sis." Lance said helpfully. Opalescent made an "o" shape with her mouth. She giggled sheepishly, tapping her finger to her forehead playfully.

"It's beautiful here, Kronos." My mate said, still inside the airport. I shook my head at her, I wanted to test something out.

"Let me show you something." She nodded her head. "Boys watch your sisters, go inside the car just out there." They nodded their heads and took the instructions. I guided Opalescent through the airport until I found something ridiculous enough. "You see that, there." I pointed behind her shoulder. She followed my gaze, spotting the regular drinking fountain.

"Wow! Is that some ancient artifact?! It's so modern. Wow." She said in genuine amazement. I couldn't help myself from holding back my laughter anymore. She looked at me confused causing me to laugh even harder, "What? Am I looking at the wrong thing?" She said doing a little spin.

She soon realized what was so funny, she started to walk away. Leaving me behind as I laughed. I quietly calmed myself following after my mate.

"I love that you're so gullible, Adina." She looked up at me shaking her head. I straightened up as I felt a presence. I eased myself and straightened myself out, keeping my face stone. I tensed as my cousin, Nathaniel, locked eyes on Opals wandering eyes.

"Are you done gawking." I droned, trying not to seem so offensive. Last thing I wanted Nathaniel to do was to grow an interest in her. He loved the chase and loved to have something that was not his.

"It was a pleasure to see you again, Opal. I hope to see you soon." I rolled my eyes, getting sick of his obsessive flirting. I understood it was hard not to be charmed with my mate, she was gorgeous had had this hauntingly mouthwatering scent to her.

"Nice to see you too. Be careful on your way back." She said politely, waving to him. "Thank-" Her voice caught in her throat as my fingers pressed against her back, trailing down to her ass, following the curve. "Thank you for taking us!" She squealed, she tried to slickly slap my hand away. I smiled at my cousin crookedly.

He furrowed his eyebrows and slowly nodded his head. "Goodnight, sleep tight Opalescent hope you don't dream about me too much." He sent her a wink. I turn my mate around abruptly, walking her into the small home.

"You know we have to share a room." I told her as I followed behind her. She shakes her head, glancing up at the orange and blue sky.

"We don't have to. You can always take the couch." She jokes, looking at me expectantly. I look away from her, chuckling slowly to myself. I let out an amused sigh, shaking my head as I look down at my shoes.

I leisurely look back up at, Adina. Peering at her through my eyelashes. "Wait!" She screams as I flash after her.

"We've slept together before, Adina. Don't be so shy now, you seem to have gotten braver. I think I should go back to being hostile towards you." I tease, but my voice makes it sound like I'm being serious.

"Don't say that. Plus I'm only braver because you started it." She says turning her nose up at me. I stifle a laugh.

"Oh? Please tell me how I start you up, my beautiful mate." I stop what I'm doing, crossing my arms over my chest. Waiting to hear what she has to say now.

"Well, you're sending out energy and it gets me hyper." She says giving me a serious look. I walk over to her, holding her face in my hands that are too big for her petite frame. I start laughing lowly making her frown, poking me in my stomach. "Don't laugh! We're opening up to each other. We're getting close to being friends-" I pull her away, frowning.

"Friends?" I repeat. She aimlessly nods, reaching over me and grabbing some type of clothing.


"Just friends?"

"What else would there be?"

I watch Adina with an amused look as she shyly shuffled to the other side of the bed. Lifting her leg up to jump on the bed. I smile, looking down at our book. "You can't start reading yet." She said snuggling into the covers. Her cheek pressed against my arm.

"I've read this book probably about ten hundred times." She pushed out her lips, later shrugging her shoulders. I lifted my arm and pulled her in closer. "Are you ready?" She adjusted herself, her leg now draped over mine, her arms wrapped around my waist.


"Are you sure you want to be sleeping with me-" I caught her off with a sharp glare. I pull her close to me, running my hands up the length of her thigh to the skin under her shirt.

She shivered against me, her hands settled on the back of my neck. Playing with the strands of hair that grew there.

I cuddled my face to her neck, I breathed her in. Her heartbeat putting an ease to what I thought was never ending anxiety and the anger I've held all the centuries I've been alive. "He never called you by Adina, right?" I asked, she sleepily shook her head.

"He...never knew," She yawned, cuddling closer to me. "That Adina was my first name."

"They have to leave so soon?" Adina held onto Lance and Landon's hands like her life depended on it. The boys winced in pain.

"This is where the training begins. They're in good hands, Adina. Their education will be brought up past to where they were supposed to be." Tatiana and Flo hand latched onto the boys legs.

"We'll be good, momma." Adina's eyes teared up, at Landon's words. She pulled all of them into a hug. "We love you, momma." She cried into the boys chest.

"Please, please be careful. Please." She begged, kissing their cheeks. "I love you. I love you my babies, be careful. I love you."

hello guys!!! author is back with a new chapter yay yay yay! and i am now officially a junior! whoop whoop! plz comment on the chapter so i can read your comments! please let me know if Opals (Adina's) name confuses you

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hello guys!!! author is back with a new chapter yay yay yay! and i am now officially a junior! whoop whoop! plz comment on the chapter so i can read your comments! please let me know if Opals (Adina's) name confuses you. you'll only ever see it during Kronos' chapters or when he's speaking to her in the book in general

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