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"J-just do it." I croak out. Their eyes snap to me. The the king freezes, if though my back is faced away from him.

I gasp as my hair is pulled back, the long knife pressing against my throat.

His face right next to mine, yet I keep my eyes pressed closed. "What did you just say to me." He growls out, his cold fingers ghosting over the skin of my neck.

"I-I said-" He interrupts. "Say it. With your eyes open and without your fucking stuttering and stumbling." I let out a soft breath, slowly opening my eyes looking straight into his blood red ones.

My heart swelled but the rest of my body recoiled at the sight.

He looked at me expectantly, almost with the same exact reaction I just had.

"Just do it." I said softly, almost pleasingly. I was scared for a different reason now. I could feel my fate changing before my eyes and it felt like it wasn't going to be something to live for.

"Your wish is denied." My eyes widened as he swipes the ropes, they unravel at my knees and suddenly I'm jerked up. A riot is brought to life as the thousands who stood here didn't get what they wanted. My death, screams and roars of rage our silenced instantly as the demon king bellows.

"Silence! Get back to your homes before sunrise." I look over my shoulder to see Felicity looking at me with wide eyes. The two guards from before with confused faces.

The king tugs my arm roughly, I wheeze out as my foot lands on my messed up ankle. "Ow, wait-p-please I'm hurt-" I'm pushed to the ground. "I don't care. You can walk yourself." Tears fill my eyes as I stare up at him.

He starts walking and I push myself up, limping to him.

I open the door to the passenger seat but he slams it closed, picking up. "W-wait. Stop! No! Please!" I cry but it's too late, he throws me in the small dark trunk of his car.

I had a fear of dark and small places.

I press my hands to my face and close my eyes, taking in breaths of air that I couldn't even feel. I let out a pathetic whimper as I move my shaky hands away from my face. As I opened my eyes that was a bad decision because a panic attack started.

My chest tightened and my body buzzed with a tingly feelings yet it felt numb too. My chest fell and rose quickly as I sucked in air. Even though I felt like I couldn't breathe. I slammed my hand on the trunk hood.

"Please! Get me out! I-I can't-" I felt helpless.

The trunk opened, my eyes opened sleepily. The king grabbed me and pulled me out, letting me drop on the floor. "Take her to the helps home." He muttered, I watched as he walked off into a beautiful mansion.

I was picked up, and I still watched him as he walked right until he was out of sight as the large doors closed behind him.

I fell asleep in the persons arms.

I wake to a nasty thick liquid in my mouth. I sit up quickly, ready to spit it out bed yellow bright eyes stop me as mesmerizing words spill out of yellow eyes' lips. "Swallow." I swallow the thick liquid without hesitation. After the compulsion my shoulders relax and I let out a breath.

I gag a little at the taste, shaking my head as if that'll get rid of it. I shyly look around, taking in my surroundings.

I spot a lady, the one who compelled me. She smiled at me, her brown hair in her face making her tuck it behind her ear. She looks me over, amazed. "Oh look at you." She says as if she was talking to a five year old.

"Hello dear, I'm Emma." She was one of them, I could tell. Even without the wild colored eyes.

I eye her cautiously. She gives me a sad smile, "It's okay. I won't hurt you, I don't feed on humans." She tells me gently. "Never have." She tells me, smiling warmly, hope in her eyes that would make me warm up to her. And it did, just a little.

How did I know she wasn't lying to me.

I look to the person just to her left, he looked to be my age but who knows because he was one of them too. He had curly hair and was slim and lanky. With high cheek bones and a sharp jaw. "That there is Benson, and this here is my mate, Arthur. Evangeline and Kaleb should be here soon enough so you could meet them!" Emma talked so much she didn't let her mate say a word who was sat on a couch comfortably.

He chuckled, squeezing his mates shoulders.

"Sorry about this one. She sure does love the art of talking, especially when she meets someone new." Arthur also has yellow golden eyes, he smiles and I shakily give him my hand to shake as he reaches his out for me.

Emma grins, "Let me show you around." She helps me up, I felt better, my rib not hurting or my ankle but I still felt very weak

"I gave you some of my blood. To help heal you." She tells me giving me a smile. Oh so that's what that was. She giggles, "What's your name, honey?" She asks as she shows me the house. It was a simple four bedroom house, with three bathrooms and a moderate sized kitchen.

It was the back house to the palace that the king lived in.

"Opal." I tell her and her eyes light up. "How beautiful!" She tells me grinning. "Oh, and here will be your room. Any questions?" I nod. "What-what are mates? And well, why am I here? Why didn't your king kill me?" She take in a breath.

Giving me a solemn look.

"I can't tell you everything. But mates, are something you can't live without. No matter how much you push away...you'll never feel anything better than the feeling your mate can. Your mate is your soulmate, something you've always been searching for unconsciously." Emma informs and I nod my head.

"Oh." I squeak. She gives me a warm smile, her motherly eyes run down my body.

"Come, let's scrub that off you."

Hello! Here's a new chapter that I've decided to publish late

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Hello! Here's a new chapter that I've decided to publish late. I totally forgot to mention my start time of this book on the cast (face claim) page :-( but whatever I'll do it here.

Start time: October 30th, 2017

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