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I had fallen asleep with the girls, my knees on the floor while my arms were on top of their little bodies. I yawn softly, wincing as I stood up. My knees crying out, asking why I had made the insolent decision to fall asleep on them.

I leave their nightlight on, watching their peaceful faces like it would be the last time I did so. I slowly creeped out of the room, closing the door as I walked backwards. A chill went up my spine at the empty feeling I had placed in me suddenly. I looked around the pitch black house.

I wrap my arms around myself, walking quickly to the room. I opened the door, expecting to be greeted by the light but I had no such luck. "Kronos?" I asked out to the deafening silence. My hands fumble around on the wall crazily, looking for the switch. My heart slows its pace as I flick the light on. The welcoming atmosphere it brings enfolds me in its calming nature.

I look around, not seeing Kronos. "Kronos?" I called out. I shook off the bad feeling I had, just telling myself he was probably out with Nathan or maybe out feeding somewhere. I walked over to where I had put my clothes away. I pulled open the dresser drawer, grabbing a pair of pajamas and fresh undies.

I walked out of the master bedroom and to the bathroom.

I rested my clothes on the black chair that was positioned against the white tile wall of the charming bathroom. I strip out of my clothes, tossing them to the side with my foot as I twist the golden knobs of the shower. I step inside, the water instantly warm. My skin seemed to absorb the water, I grabbed the white shower curtain, I shut myself in with the small thin barrier.

I stand in the steaming water, keeping my eyes closed as the water rolled over my head. I grabbed the wash cloth and lathered the fresh scented soap on the cloth.

I washed the length of my arms, my whole abdomen, my thighs and legs. I couldn't even touch the shampoo as the lights shut off. The darkness claiming the room. Panic floods my body, I hurriedly turn off the shower. Tripping out of the shower, I take off the towel from the rack and wrap it around myself securely.

I steadily open the door, holding in my breath. My blink my eyes, it was so dark I felt as if my eyes were closed. I felt my heart slamming against my chest, as I heard a loud growl. I swallows the lump in my throat, I caught a grasp of a plan. Remembering candles were around the room, a box of matches next to one of them.

I keep my arms out in front of me as I walk out into the open space of the hall way. I bump into the door, twisting the door knob and stumbling inside. I quietly close the door and wave my arms around as I look for the candle and the match box.

"Hurry up, hurry up." I whisper to myself. I finally latch onto the cold wax of the scented candle. I tap around with my other hand finding the candle. I open the box, grabbing the tiny wooden sock between my fingers. I hold the box at an angle, trying my best to focus so I can strike the stick to the box. But I kept on touching my own skin.

After ten tries I finally got it. A flash of light from the flame giving me a beacon of hope. I light the candle and the few others around. I grab underwear, I quickly throw on some shorts and a shirt. I take the candle into my arms and go investigate. I walk down the creaking hall way, stopping to check if the girls were okay. I wince as I hear a loud crack outside, followed by a painful scream. The ruckus outside was growing. I peek inside the girls room, I was relieved of a little stress to see them still sound asleep.

I lock their door and start heading towards the screams of agony. Tears started to fill my eyes, as I got closer a burning pain started to overcome my senses. I gasped for air as i unlocked the door, twisting the open the door knob. The cold metal not dulling the pain in the slightest.

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