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I was so thankful to have a mate like Adina. I truly didn't deserve her. I've always thought that, it's always in my head.

She's put her life on the line again. I lift my arm to see Adina cuddling me from behind. She was fast asleep, and apparently wanted to be the big spoon. I had made sure to put food back in her system and give her a massage to have the blood vessels start to flow steadily again.

I stare at the mark I had made on Adina's dainty neck, it was true. When you drink from your mate it's a completely different thing than drinking from a normal person. I had a feeling that it was even better because Adina's blood was completely something else. I have to not think about it so much because if I do I know I will do the worst. Which the worst isn't killing Adina but when I bite into her neck I feel the need to finish the mating process.

I groan to myself and look away from her.

Later in the day I was busy trying to handle things from here back to the kingdom. My mother had temporarily taken her spot back in the thrown and all my siblings are out looking for Natalia.

"Yes, keep tabs on her brothers. Mother," I sigh. "I don't want to talk about what I do with my mate-why don't you ask Carmen for grandchildren-what if she doesn't want to be pregnant-Mother, mother, mother-who says I'm going to have all girls?! Tuh, no my first will be a son-I don't have a problem with girls-okay mother I have to go-yes I actually do-she's asleep you can't talk with her. No I can't wake her-no, mother, I drank from her and she's extremely exhausted-can you not scream in my ear-I'm hanging up." I pressed the red phone on the screen. Rubbing my temples with my fingers.

I heard a small yawn, my head snap to the source. Smiling as I watched Adina rub her eyes as she sat up in bed, stretching one arm.

I strolled over to her, taking her hair and pushing it away from her face. "It's amazing how long humans could sleep. Especially a so called reincarnation of a goddess." She laughs, her eyes glistened.

"And you're the supposed ruler of the underworld. But I guess that's more believable than me being a goddess." She joked back, I kissed her forehead.

"I believe it, you're gracious, softhearted, but strong willed." She smiled, grabbing a pillow and hiding her face. I moved to the bed with her, grabbing the pillow and pulling it out of her grasp.

I kissed along her jaw line, "Have you made your tea?" I nod my head, trying to focus on having my hands on her skin. Her breath hitched in her throat, "Did you drink all of it?" I rolled my eyes lifting my head up, she gave me a cheeky smile.

"Yes, now be quiet." I growled, I went back to the important work. My hands slipping between Adina's legs. Our lips locking together, she gave me a unrealistic feeling of ecstasy. Her fingers woven in my hair as she timidly opened her mouth. My tongue gently but surely dominating the kiss. I was holding back, restricting myself to only allowing her to grant how far we could go.

I snarl to myself as she suddenly grabs my hand away from her her inner thigh as my fingers brushed against her source of arousal. I whined and let myself go limp over her. "Why are you torturing me." She wrapped her legs around as she propped herself up slight.

I knew for a fucking fact she was turned on by me. I was growing more and more turned on but I knew I had to show her that she isn't just a mistress.

"I don't mean to it's just...I was raised to wait until marriage." She says innocently, I frown squeezing her cheeks together.

"We're mates it's basically the same thing." She narrowed her eyes on me. I sighed, letting her slide out of bed and walk over to the bathroom. I winced as a sudden migraine forced itself on me. I closed my eyes, rubbing my temples with my forefingers. A memory resurfaced. One that wasn't from a past self but one from my own recent past.

"Kronos?" I looked towards Adina in surprise. She looked at me with a worried look. "Are you okay? You look sick." She pressed her palm against my face. "You promise you drank all of the tea? I know it might taste funny but it works to keep Natalia's spells away from you." I nod my head, taking her hand and kiss it.

"Yes, I did stop worrying so much." I gave her a forced smile. The memory that had just resurfaced having my attention.

She smiled, giving me a look. As if she knows I'm suspicious of something. "Hey, Kronos, I was wondering if I could please use your phone...to check up on the kids."

Adina squinted her eyes as she meekly tapped at the screen with her single finger as I held the phone. She sat between my legs, "Hm, I don't like it." She said finally letting her back fall into my chest. "It's nice that that I can see their faces on the screen but can't you do that with computers?" I nod my head. "Then why didn't they leave that job for the computer?" I chuckled, shaking my head.

"Would you want to carry a computer around? With this you could easily carry it around with you. Everything evolves. Now computers are more for a office, or business work, schooling..." I trailed. She nods her head.

"I'm glad they're all okay. I was worried." I looked at the distant look on her face. "I had a bad dream...Tobias was speaking to me in it." I stiffened my back. I flipped her over and cupped her face as I moved her down to my lips. I was sick of hearing about this man. Nauseated by her even saying his name.

"Let me mark you, let me claim you mine now. We can do the human wedding ceremony thing. As long as you're mine." She squeezes my shoulders, as my hands slip inside her shirt I grab ahold of her assets. Working my way down.

"I've always have been. I always will-be," Her moans interrupt her speech. "Every time we're reborn-" Our breathes mingle together as we slowly press into another kiss. "Wait!" She grabs my hand and pulls away. Just as I was about to push her thin panties to the side.

"There are other things than penetrating-" She squealed cutting me off.
"Don't say it..." her eyes locked with the scar on my hand. We both froze.

"You...why?! How could you?! You ended his life for what!" She pushed away from me, stumbling onto the floor. She covered her face as she cried. "You killed him and all this time y-you didn't think to tell me anything!"

well this is our last chapter, thank you all so much for reading!

just kidding hehehe anyways I guess you can call this a filler, next chapter will be filled with answers on everythinggggg.

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