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I let my legs dangle off the bed, staring at him with scared eyes.

He stared back, an annoyed and frustrated look on his face.

"G-good morning." I tell him before completely standing up, the shirt I wore dropping down to my thigh. "Stand in front of me." He orders and my breath catches in my throat. I slowly move, keeping my head down. I stopped, seeing my feet next to his clean leather dress shoes. I crossed my arms over my chest, "Look up at me." I did as told, lifting my head up to meet his eyes.

"You cut your hair." I state, looking at the short hair, his five o'clock shadow becoming more of a beard.

"Ida Rose believes you are dead." My shoulders fall, "What-" He talks over me.

"She's run off, today marks a week of her absence. I believe she's run off to find your sister." I run my fingers through my hair. "S-she's been gone?" She was a royal, and humans some are ruthless if it comes to a young vampire. They won't hesitate to try and hurt her.

"She sends small things showing she's alright. I think she's already made it to your family home." He informs, I let out a breath. "Oh." I say, hoping he'd just say, let's go to your house and I'll just leave you there while I get Ida. But none of my daydreams and hopes come true.

We stare at each other, I was too scared to ask if that was all because I didn't want him to take it the wrong way.

I look away, making his cold fingers grab my chin and point my eyes back to his.

"Who's room is this?" I ask, "None of your business." He shut me down quickly without hesitation. "Oh, sorry sir." I tell him softly. His eyes clouded over, and he moved his hand away from my face flinching and hissing in pain. He clenched his jaw together, I watch as he walks out, I catch a glimpse of Natalia just as the door slams closed.

I sink to the floor.

The sun was sinking into the horizon as I held a book, it was one of many based on Mythology. There's was tens of thousands around this room.

When I was young I've always been obsessed with mythology. My mom would take me to the local library, the only library and let me go crazy. I've gained a lot of information but reading these books are making me think that those books I had read where just little tiny pieces.

I closed the book on my finger as I examined it. It was a well kept old book but it was that, old, it might have even been rewritten. And it wasn't even typed! It was written with ink! But persevered well, no smearing or anything.

The door opens and I put the book down, hiding it on the side that was hidden from view.

I gasped as I saw Emma, running over to her. She pulled me to her chest, "Opal, oh my god I thought-Istvan had killed you." Her voice was thick with emotion as she pulled away slightly to look me over.

Her face then hits with a recognition. "That's why..." I look to see the maid clothes in her hands.

She sniffles, "Oh god." I squeeze my eyebrows together. "What? What's wrong, Emma?" I ask gently, trying to ease her. "They told me to bring clothes down to the den, Natalia did and-" She trailed off. "I thought it might have been a newcomer but then I was wondering why the newcomer would be down here since this is the Kings..." I tilted my head. "The Kings what?" I pondered.

She shakes her head. "I-I'll explain later. I'm sorry, j-just be strong okay? I'll be sure to see you." I nodded and watched as she left.

I put on the skirt and long sleeved shirt. Pulling up the nylons I slip on some shoes and walk out of the room, instantly feeling cold.

My hair rests on my head messily and crazy, I walk to where Emma had quickly told me. I was going to the Kings bedroom. Each step I took hurt, it seemed like years until I faced the double mahogany doors. I twist the noob and step inside, my eyes widening. I stagger back as I see all the mistresses, Natalia below the King as he readied himself.

Her eyes locked with mine and she smirked, her long nails sinking into his skin and dragging down.

It was like he was in a trace. A pain erupted in me just as he plunged inside her. "The," She moaned out loudly. "S-sheets, oh Kronos. Right there!" She screamed out.

I wanted to drop down and scream as the pain clawed on my insides.

I shakily take a step, my throat closing in on me but I couldn't seem to make myself go any faster as I picked up the mistresses' panties and the sex covered sheets. I looked to see him latch his lips onto another mistress, but Emma was right. Natalia controlled it, I watched as she grabbed the girls hair pulling her down to herself. I looked away pushing the cart out of the room and down the hallway.

I dropped on the ground the pain too much.

Hours later the pain was gone, I stood up on my shaky legs. Pushing the cart, to the washer and dryer. I load the washer, emotions completely detached.

I don't know what I was expecting.

After washing and drying the clothes and sheets I fold them and drag my body back to the den. I close the door gently and let my cries come out in the comfort I found in this room.

I was holding myself from committing the suicidal thoughts the flooded my mind. "Don't, don't do it. It's not worth it, it's not worth it. Don't do it." I repeated to myself.

"It's not worth it." But every time I said it, I knew I wasn't convincing myself.

Well here we are! Thank you, again, as always *haha* for those who comment and vote!

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Well here we are! Thank you, again, as always *haha* for those who comment and vote!

It keeps me going and motivated to keep on publishing more and more chapters!

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