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As I read these books I felt...nostalgic. My mind throbbed as it reaches for something I couldn't seem to hand it.

I laid on the middle of the room.

Books surrounding me, as I took in a breath a memory was caught. Selene, my eyes closed and my lips whispered her name. My head pounded against the walls that kept it hostage, I let out a frustrated whimper.

My eyes close on their own record, and I pass out on the floor.

I wake up, the pounding in my head no longer. I sat up, rubbing my head and staring at the books scattered around. I look over my shoulder to the comfortable bed. But I don't move, knowing this was something of the kings. I looked to my skin, my lips parting as I see it's normal tanned skin with out a single bruise.

I felt a new found warmth as I touched it.

I stand up, grabbing a book and walking to the window seat and begin my adventure. An uncontrollable feeling pressed into my mind as I read these books. Images flashing through my eyes as I read the words, I close the book as the door opens. I watch in awe as the books turn to a golden dust, including the one in my hands.

My heart went into a deep ache as I saw Kronos.

I look away, his steps coming and closer after he closed the door.

"Don't," I say as I feel the heat of his hands nearing my body. "I don't what you to touch me." A growl admits through his throat. "Don't? Don't! Who gives you the right to speak to me that way?" Tears spill, "What are you doing to me? W-why are you doing this?" I ask, looking at him for the first time in days.

I've let myself rot in here.

Not coming out when they expect me to clean after themselves after they had sex.

He grabs me from under my clothing causing me to let out a small moan. The moan making me loathe myself more than I already do. "Don't touch you? Don't. I can touch you if I please." He growls out pushing me towards the bed until I fall back on it.

I let out a gasp as I do drop back.

I stare up at him with wide eyes as he smoothly falls towards me but keeps himself up. His jaw tightens as he looks down at the button up shirt I'm wearing. "Wearing my clothes. Sleeping in my private quarters. And you dare say I can't touch you? I own you. You are mine!" He bellows as he rips the shirt, the buttons popping off and flying.

I flinch, my breath sucked from me as his large calloused hands gripped my flesh and ghosted over my breasts and southern area.

My eyes teared as he pulled my thighs apart and positioned me so my entrance was aligned with the dent in his pants. What the heck is that?

"P-please-no." I whimpered, his grip constricted as I tried to move away from him. "You're still commanding the commander." He said tsking. He leaned down the dent pressing into me as his lips ghosted over the side of my face down to my lips and neck.

I'm frozen, my hands stuck to my side. He keeps going until he stops at my knee. His crimson eyes flick to me and I stare right back. Something clouds over his eyes and he flinched away, cringing.

His fists squeezed together and he let out a breath.

"Learn your place, tiny human." I nod quickly, sitting up. The shoulders of the ripped shirt slipping off my own and down to my hands. He flashed away, disappearing in front of my very eyes.

I let out a breath falling back down on the bed. This is his private room? It made sense, I didn't want to believe it but the scent in this room smelled just like him. It was my favorite smell, maybe because he smelled like it or not, but he always smells of fresh hot coffee, and the cologne he wears that always has my mouth watering.

I curl into the bed, staring up at the ceiling. I could still the electric waves his touch brought.

The utter euphoric feeling that he gave me when ghosting his lips over my body.

Maybe two hours later a man I haven't seen since I first arrived comes walking in after knocking. I stare at him shocked, he had disappeared after a few days of my working here. Benson.

He held a few items in his hands.

I stood up, walking over to him. "Thank you, Benson, right?" He nodded, staring at me. Pain in his eyes. "Are you okay?" I ask softly. "How are you feeling? Do you need to take a seat?" I ramble. He stares at me, finally letting out a humorless laugh. I blink, a streak of fear settling in.

"I'm fine. You really have no clue." He answers curtly, his other half of the sentence he said with a scoff. "He was here wasn't he." He grinds out. "The King?" He looks around nodding his head.

"Um, yes, yes he was." Benson looks to me and takes in a sharp breath. "Mm." He mutters. "Emma wanted me to...deliver that to you." I looked at the items in my hand. A brush, my tooth brush, some new undergarments and clothes of my own.

"Thank you," I giggle softly. "Again." He watches me. "Is it okay if I visit you again later?" My eyes widened. Benson was a handsome man but again, he was a vampire and I couldn't, can't think of another man in a romantic way.

He rolled his eyes. "As an acquaintance." I nod my head. "Yes, id love that." He nods and walks out without a single word.

I sat in front of the mirror as I brushed out my hair.

I noticed how all Kronos's mistresses have dark hair. None of them have blonde hair like mine. They also had colored eyes, they were tall and fit. No blemishes, and Natalia.

She was perfect for him. With her black hair, high cheekbones, blue eyes. She wasn't a human either, she was strong. She was made for him. Tall, evil, and beautiful. I put my head on my knees as I scream.

I was short, still malnourished, I looked mixed-matched with my blonde hair and brown eyes and freckles and tan skin.

The door opened and I gasped, looking up while I wiped the tears away. Benson looked down at me and shook his head, closing the door.

"We're going through the same thing. Might as well go through it together."

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