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I woke up, the noise of the shower luring me from my sleep. I whimpered, rubbing my head against my pillow. I sat up after a few minutes, I flipped around until my feet slid onto the floor. I rubbed my eyes as I patted my feet against the floor and slipped into the bathroom.

I screamed as I bumped into a wet body. I looked up to see Kronos. Of course he was completely naked and wet and yummy looking. My eyes widened at my own thought, "I'm sorry!" I slapped my hands over my eyes, my breath was taken from me as I felt his hard manhood pressed against my lower belly. He pulled my hands away and pulled me closer to him. My lips parted, I can't deny I matched his emotions.

"Fuck." He moaned, he pressed a kiss to my forehead. Shocking me, I felt...disappointed. "Go. Make the kids breakfast or something before I make you hate myself more than you do now." I ushered myself out and I was left hot and bothered. I stretched my arms as I walked to the kitchen.

 I stretched my arms as I walked to the kitchen

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The devil was a handsome man. And he was my mate. I watched him as he played a song on the piano. I smiled softly, watching the focused serious expression on his face. My eyes leisurely soaked him in, taking note of his fingers and arms as they worked on the keys. The muscles of his arms flexing ever so softly.

I've always been a fan of classical, Kronos was the man to look to in that genre. Since he was probably schoolmates with Mozart himself. I giggled at my own joke, he looked over to me and I blushed. Glancing back down at my book.

"Adina." I looked up, shocked at the use of my true first name from Kronos. I couldn't help the grin that took over my face.

"Yes, King Kronos?" I asked playfully, the kids ran around. The boys outside kicking around a ball.

He was suddenly right next to me. "I see you've gotten into my books?" I smile bashfully, nodding my head. I get up from the position I was in, sitting up straight. His eyes scanned over me, his fingers tangled in my now ghostly pale white blonde hair. I liked it better when it was darker, it showed that I am related to my siblings not just some random.

"Read to me." He sighs rather dramatically, dropping his head down on my lap. He closes his eyes, hanging the book over my face. I giggled, shaking my head.

"As you wish my King." I said taking the book and starting from the beginning. He smirked as I said that, I screamed as he playfully nibbled on my skin. Turning his head over and licking at my inner thigh. "Stop, I thought you wanted me to read to you." I had finally caught him by his cheeks. Giving them a squeeze, he nods his head that was in my hands. "No more." I said holding in my smile.

I slowly letting him go, I cleared my throat. Opening the book. "It was here-Kronos!"

"Let's go somewhere else, we've been in Nepal for about a week now." Kronos said sleepily, interrupting my reading. I closed the book on my finger, keeping the spot. I furrowed my eyebrows, using my other hand to brush his hair away from his face. It was getting pretty long actually.

"You don't like it here?" I asked, I tried to move my hand away but he grabbed it placing it back on his head. I shook my head, he is definitely such a big baby.

"Not that, you didn't even know Nepal existed. That's mostly my fault, tell me have you ever heard of Brazil?" I shyly shook my head no. "China?" I shook my head again. "Taiwan? The Philippines? Australia?" I frowned, looking away as I shook my head. I really had no clue with how big the world was.

"So I'll show you." He said gently pinching my chin. We stared into each other's eyes.

"What about the kingdom?" Kronos smirked, chuckling cunningly.

"Baby I've conquered the whole world while you were asleep. The whole universe is my kingdom." I rolled my eyes, he laughed boyishly.

"Kronos! Kronos! We're so high up!" I squealed holding his arm tightly and close to my chest as I looked out the window of the jet. The boys chuckled to themselves.

"Sis, you're gonna get sick." Landon said laughing at me.

"You freaked out last time you got stuck on the roof." Lance added making me give him a look. He raised his hands up mouthing, "what?" To me. I glanced at Kronos and he snickered to his brother. Luckily Kronos was taking a call, I sighed Kronos settled his hand down on my thigh as I looked at the girls who were asleep soundly next to me. I smiled, making sure they were cozy. The luxury seat they were in was big enough for the both of them.

"So, you got stuck on a roof."

"We had this cat and Opal was totally in love with it." Lance started out, Landon took over from there.

"But the cat was so weird, always ending up in a random spot. And one day we could not find it. We thought it was dead but then we started to hear it meow." They both started laughing.

"Opal ran out of the house like a mad woman. Finally we all looked up and there was the fu-friggin cat!" Landon dodged my eyes, I tsked.

"Then Tobias came by, it was like the first week when Opal and him met," Lance trailed clenching his jaw with a fading smile. "Opal had already climbed up the roof but she was so scared to come back down. Tobias had to climb up there and pick Opal up with the cat in her arms and carry her back down." They both chuckled, a sad look on their faces. I could even feel it on mine.

Kronos looked between us.

"Do you still love him." I look up, from the side angle of his face I can tell he was in a dark mood.

"I'll always love him. But not the way you think, not the way that I thought I did." He looked down at me, I gave him a small smile. "He was my first love. You can't be mad at me for that." I whispered, the kids around us asleep.

"I'm not. I'd rather be the last anyways." I scrunched up my nose. Turning away from him.

"Don't you know? I'm saving myself." Kronos glowered, sulking to himself before he finally asked the question.

"For who?!" He boomed, I hushed him giggling. I pressed my hand against his lips.

"Jesus Christ, my lord and savior." I stood up and dashed to the little bathroom. Kronos quickly got up and chased after me. I laughed dodging him as quick as I could running back to the seat.

"Mm, you're so funny." I hid my laughter in his shoulder as he jabbed his finger in my side.

" I hid my laughter in his shoulder as he jabbed his finger in my side

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Kronos seems awfully nice. is anyone suspicious. hehe! anyways id like to thank you guys for all the support I'm receiving from this book i love you so much and I appreciate you guys so much! expect more from me because school is out for me just tomorrow! yay yay yay! keep on commenting I love when you do! (as long as it's respectful lmfao)

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