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"Where are you leaving too?" I ask Natalia, watching her as she packs another suitcase. Her dark eyes flash up to mine, she looked like she had been drained of her life.

"I need to go to the coven. Something's not right." She told me curtly. "Who knows how long I'll be-" I cut her off. I chuckle, standing up off the bed.

"No need to lie. Be honest...he's dead. Or at least that's what you've felt those months ago." She glared at me. Her shoulders shook.

"Shut the fuck up before I fucking kill you!" She shrilled. Her eyes turned white, I laughed shaking my head. "I don't care! I don't love him! My powers have been dying! He's done something! Him and that bitch-" I give her a look.

She laughed, shaking her head. "You should look yourself in the mirror. You don't think I smelled her all over you that night! That little slut! That fucking nothing. I swear, if I find her-I'll do you the favor of killing her. Slowly, just how you like it." She winked, grabbing her bags and snapping her fingers.

She was gone before my eyes. And I was quick to follow, leaving to have my own search to find that little one. She's found out that she's my mate. She even had the audacity to curse at me, I could tell the word was foreign to her once they left those fucking lips. I've never been so hard from a kiss ever in my life. Her soft tongue, playing with mine. Teasing me for dominance which drove me even more fucking crazy.

Benson, Natalia's mate, is lucky if he killed himself. But if he's alive, and with Opal. He's dead.

I shrug my duffel bag over my shoulder. It's been four months and there's been no sign of them. Natalia's powers have dulled, as if it has died all together so she's useless to the hunt. Carmen has decided against me searching for Opal. Along with Vasile, and especially Ida. They've all said it's best that she's left.

My guards have went to her little cottage, they've found it empty. There's been no witnesses to the leave of the rest of the family. She's had a smart friend on her side, Benson had always been too smart for his own good.

I pray that he's alive so I can rip his spine out from the front of his body and straight out the same way. My family looks up from whatever they were doing, some reading, others painting, or on a device.

"Are you finally giving up the title to me? How sweet of you." Dimitri said with a sappy smile. I glared at him causing him to clear his throat. He looks away idly.

My mother smiles, her usual seat on my fathers lap. "Be safe. We have things handled. Be gentle." She chimes. Carmen shakes her head, Ida looks up.

"Just leave them alone!" She screams. Her eyes tearful. "You've done enough! You've put Opal on the top of Natalia's hit list. Just leave her alone! If you care for her just in the slightest." I smirked, clicking my tongue.

"Oh little sister, I do what is best for me. And what I want." She stands up and faces me.

"Then that's going to be the death of your own mate." She growled at me, flashing up to her room. I clenched my jaw, standing straight. I looked around at the faces who looked at me.

"Anyone else want to put in their two cents?" I ask sarcastically. Carmen looks me up and down.

"Don't underestimate your mate, or Natalia. Oh, and congrats on getting rid of your other mistresses. Opal does things and she doesn't even know." I flash out the house and walk towards the garage of the palace.

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