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My hair was washed and rid of the black hot candle wax that Felicity had poured on my blonde hair.

Emma had to cut most of the locks that once went passed my hips to the bottom of my breast.

"You're hair is so beautiful, Opal." I smile at her. "Thank you." She smiles, "Who gave it to you? Mom or dad." I smiled gently. "My grandma." I said smiling, "My parents both had dark hair, but had blue eyes and no freckles. Sometimes I thought I was adopted." I said looking back at those old memories.

Emma smiled with me. I looked back to myself in the mirror, my cheeks sunken in. You could see my collarbones and my shoulders visually.

I look down shamefully.

"Hey, its okay. I'll make sure to nurse you back to a healthy weight." I give a weak smile to her making her hand me some new clothes. I take them gently into my hands. "Thank you." She nods. "Tell me if you need anything." I nod. "Thank you." She clothes the door and I unfold the clothes given to me.

A long sleeved sweater, shorts and a black belt.

I walk out barefoot, my feet pattering against the wooden floor

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I walk out barefoot, my feet pattering against the wooden floor. "Opal! Come meet Evangeline and Kaleb!" Emma called before I can make it too. I tucked in the shirt as I walked downstairs, my breath altering as a girl rushes to my face.

She grabs me by my jaw and holds me with a strong grip.

I stare into her crimson eyes with fear, the girl had colorful dark green hair. Her face with soft features but her attitude and personality made you second guess that. Her big eyes would make you think she's sweet but you never know with this kind.

She smirks, chuckling. "Don't let people do that to you again." She tells me as she steps back. When I don't give her an answer she looks over her shoulder raising her eyebrows at me.

I nod my head, "O-okay." She gives me a nice(?) smirk.

"Don't worry," she sighs, kicking her legs up on the couch. Emma and Arthur watch her carefully. "I'll teach you how to survive this world because...I have a feeling you won't want to get changed into one of us." She gives me a lopsided smile.

I smile shyly back. "Thank you." She smirks giving me a wink. "This is my mate, hands off." I look over to the good looking guy but honestly, for some reason a thought of being with another guy sickened me.

"O-okay," I giggled. "Pink p-promise." They all giggled, even Evangeline's mate as he wrapped his arms around her on the couch.

"Pink promise?" Kaleb, her mate, said. I look at them like they were the weird ones. I nodded, "Y-yes pinky promise." Evangeline laughs, clapping her hands. "God! She's cute and funny!" I smile tiredly, Emma noticed and walks towards me.

Wrapping her arm around my shoulders and rubbing them.

"Alright, Opal's had a long day. Let's get you to bed okay?" I nodded and waved goodbye to everyone.

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