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"So you met Ida?" Evangeline asked as we ate dinner. I nodded my head, smiling. "Yeah, she reminds me of my sister, Flo." Evangeline smiles, "Im surprised." She says shaking her head.

"She usually hates people. No matter what kind. When I first came she nearly ripped my heart out the crazy little shit." I put my hand to my lips. "Really?" Evangeline snarls, nodding her head.

"Yeah...but look. You're human and she was all over you." I smile, "I always got along with kids. I wanted to be a teacher but," I trail off shrugging. "Besides, she's sweet and good hearted it's just...I think someone hurts her." I say frowning.

Evangeline looks away. "Someone does, its that bitch Natalia." Evangeline says shaking her head with a angry look.

Emma said her name before. "Yes, and I guess the king doesn't show her much attention and she pushes you guys away." Evangeline sighs, pouting but then shrugs. "Tough shit! But she is a princess, Opal. You can't feel that bad." I shake my head. "Evangeline..." I scold and she gives me a look.

"What! She's set for life. Once she gets older she can kill Natalia if she wants. Or...not if the king and her finish the mating ceremony." My mind focuses on the finish and mating ceremony. "Finish? Mating ceremony?" I question, pushing my plate away.

Evangeline's eyes catch it but she covers it up, "Yeah, I mean he's claimed her, fucked her, and they've drank each other's blood. All he needs to do is mark her then she'll be queen." Evangeline says the last part in disgust.

I feel disgusted myself. "Oh." Is all I say, "but the funny thing he has other mistresses, all those naked girls are his sex slaves. They'll do anything and everything he asks for." I stand up, "I-I'll pick up after I-take a shower. Excuse me." I stumble over my words, I walk out putting my hand over my mouth to cover my sobs.

I lock myself in the bathroom. Quickly ridding myself of my clothes. I step inside the shower, starting the hot water.

I let it run over my head as I fall to the floor. I was convinced that I might have Stockholm Syndrome. As I wash myself I thought about the king, his haunting good looks. But his crimson eyes that can't help but make me sick. I was far from home and even if I did escape the people of his kingdom would smell me and know I'm not one of them.

I step out of the shower, brush my teeth and hair.

I wrap a towel around my body and walk out of the bathroom, walking to my room and closing the door.

I drop the towel, grabbing a pair of panties and slipping them on. Evangeline had give me some, all thongs something I've never worn before. But these were the only new underwear she had to give me so I couldn't complain. I look around for a shirt or any type of pajama clothes.

I didn't mind being braless, I personally hated bras, they're were to uncomfortable to me.

I stop in my tracks as I feel a heated gaze on me, causing me to bring my hands up and cover my boobs. I look around seeing no one around, the curtain was drawn as well so no one could see me outside either. I sigh, I'm just being paranoid.

I drop my hands and turn around, looking in the closet. I grab a shirt and find some shorts. I pull on some knee high socks because I know it'll be colder than it is later in the night. I look around once more, the feeling of someone watching me still hanging over my head.

I walk downstairs, Kaleb and Evangeline cuddled up. Emma hasn't gotten back home yet, she leaves earlier than everyone else and comes back even later.

Arthur was up in their bedroom resting, probably waiting for his mate.

"Wanna watch some television with us, Opal?" Kaleb asks, the two of them looking at me. I smile and shake my head, "No, thank you though. I'll just be putting my dishes away and heading to bed." Evangeline pouts, "Aw, Opal! Please don't." I grab onto my plate. "I'm really tired. Tomorrow, okay?" She nods sadly and I walk to the kitchen.

I grew sadder and sadder as I thought about my family.

The worry eating me up, anxiety forming a deep pit in my chest.

I walked upstairs with my head low, I climbed into bed, discarding my shorts and sobbed into my pillow. I was so scared, I didn't know what my siblings lives were going to be like. How were they going to eat and get money to pay the bills.

Maybe if I just would've had more of a careful eye on the boys this wouldn't have happened. We wouldn't be in this position.

I wake up the next morning, earlier than usual. Emma was the one who woke me, she smiled down at me as I blinked my eyes open. "Good morning, dear. Today you start your new job as Ida's nanny." I smile. "Really?" She nods.

"Yes, the king ordered me to inform you. And get you in there quickly, around my time." I nod, sitting up. "Thank you, Emma. I missed you." I tell her smiling, she grins. "Thank you, sweetie. I missed you too, and everyone. Goodness." I smile, "Alright. Let's get dressed. We have to hurry you sure are a tough one to wake up." She said laughing and I nodded, shyly apologizing.

I quickly get up, pulling on a black turtle neck, and buttoning some grey trousers.

I left my hair in its wild way, rushing to the bathroom and brushing my teeth until it was minty fresh. I washed off my tooth brush and put it back in the container.

I glanced at myself in the mirror, the grey trousers fit me well, but got a little baggy at my legs. Emma handed me some heels, "These will match." She says giving me a wink, I had small feet. Thanks to my short height so I was happy that they fit.

"Alright, ready?"

And another chapter all up and ready for your eyes!

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And another chapter all up and ready for your eyes!

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