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"Ida, sweetie. I really have to go." She wailed, shaking her head. "I don't wanna be alone anymore! Opal, please!" She cried, squeezing my neck too tightly with her arms.

I coughed, "Ida." I tapped her back and she gasped, looking down. "S-sorry, Opal." I smile at her, cupping her ice cold cheek.

"Hey, silly silly." She hides her smile, "I'll be back." She frowns. "Everyone says that." I pinch her nose. "Well, I'm not everyone. I pinky promise." She looks up, confused. "Pinky...promise?" I nod, holding out my pinky.

"We wrap pinkies," I instruct and she does. "And we make a promise. And whisper it to them." She nods and we do it together. "Now, if we break the promises we have to break each other pinkies." Her eyes widened and she laughed.

"So don't forget." I warn playfully, she nods, pulling me in one last hug.

"Please, please don't forget me." As she's hugging me the door opens, I look over my shoulder to see the king. My eyes widened a little bit, I don't think I was allowed to really talk to Ida. I remember Evangeline saying she cleans the rest of the house.

I mean she technically is six years old...why would you make a six year old clean a whole half a palace by herself?! Who would do that?

Him that's who.

"Brother! Brother!" My eyes widen even more, my breath catching in my throat. Ida attached herself to his long leg, "I want Opal to be my nanny! I want her to sleep with me too! O-or be in the next room." She says shyly, blushing as she looks at me and back to her brother.

I timidly stand there, the king had his crown on and wore a all black suit. But he didn't wear the coat, just the button up, slacks and shoes.

He stared at me, listening to his sister ramble about me and what we did today.

"Please brother, pleas-" He cuts her off with a sharp tongue. "Enough, Ida Rose! Be quiet!" He yells, Ida cowers back, her head down. My eyes widened, and I'm hurt for her. "What is your problem? Why yell at her? Obviously no one shows her the attention she needs if she's this eager. You never do that to a child-" My words are cut short as my throats cut of air and I'm slammed against the wall.

A pain on my back blossoming.

"How dare you speak to me that way. Just because you're my-just because I saved your pretty ass before doesn't mean I'll do it again." He slams me down to the floor, Ida runs over, kicking the king in the leg.

"You stupid big head meanie!" She yells as she stands in front of me.

"Shes human! And she gets hurt even faster and more than other ones! She's my friend! I helped her! And she was nice to me, a-and said I was pretty! And liked my drawings, and my arts and crafts!" I reached out and grabbed her hand. "Ida it's okay. Your brothers right...he's above me. I shouldn't have stepped out of line." Ida turns around and falls into my chest dramatically.

"B-but-" I hush her softly, rubbing her back.

"I know, it's different. With him and me, Emma or Evangeline would get the same treatment." She snuggled into me, sniffling. "Yeah." She said defeatedly. I look up at the king who watches us with a clenched fist.

"Get out. I can't look at your fucking face." Hey tells me and I take in a breath.

"No.." I smiled down at Ida. "Hey, we had a pinky promise remember?" She nodded sadly. "I'll be there." I told her as I stood up, bowing my head at the king and walking out.


I look up at my brother with teary eyes, "You ruin everything." I growl at him, jumping on my bed and slamming my face on my pillows.

"She's human. Once you get bored of her you'll just kill her." I look over at him angrily. "No I won't! I don't want human blood anymore! I don't wanna hurt them!" I cry wiping my tears away angrily.

Big brother was being so stupid, and mean, and ugly. He closed his eyes tightly and pinched his nose like he does when he gets angry.

"Ida-" I jump in. "No! She was bleeding, a-and I didn't even want her blood...or I didn't hurt her or drink any. When she fell on the floor-" Brother interrupts me making me frown. "She collapsed?" I nodded, "She was just walking, and I was watching her and messing with her a little and then she fell and started crying and yelling a little."

He looked me over.

I looked at him, grinning. "Brother...Opal is your-" Before I can say anything he snaps my neck.

I wake up growling and hissing. Stupid big brother, I rub my neck and sigh.

I made a new friend, I giggled remembering Opal. I wondered how she got her, and why she was so nice and knew how to make me feel better each time.

My door creaks open and I cower back in my bed as I see who it is. "I hear you made a new friend little bitch. How sweet, you can only make friends with pathetic humans." I frown, "Leave Natalia." I say shyly.

She chuckles, tilting her head. "Oh, look at you. Snapping back." My lip wobbles as she slaps me.

"Remember little bitch. I have your brother wrapped around my finger, I can make him banish you so quick it'll make your head spin." She slaps me again, "Got it?" I nod my head and she smirks.

"Oh, sweetheart? Dinners ready."

And another update! If you haven't noticed I tend to update every two days, if I don't it's because the reads on the previous chapter aren't where I want them to be

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And another update! If you haven't noticed I tend to update every two days, if I don't it's because the reads on the previous chapter aren't where I want them to be.

Anyways I hope you like the chapter!

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