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We knew how to shut each other up. I watched happily as a yummy looking plate of hot food gets placed in front of me. I frowned at Kronos grabbed my fifth glass of milk tea I've had, setting it down far from my reach. "No-no more for you, bunny." My eyes widened. I look up at the waiter as he grabs the eighth empty liquor bottle and placed another brown liquor glass down next to Kronos.

"Kronos, you've had enough-" I gasp as he pats my hand with a pout.

"No! Eat your food. I wanna see your face when you take a bite." He said folding his hands together, placing his elbows on the table and laying his chin on his hands. Watching me with a blank face that he kept even if he was tipsy.

I picked up the piece of bread I was given and used that to put in the curry. I pushed the food in my mouth, my eyes closed on there on as I groaned. "Oh my god." This has to be the best thing I've ever tasted.

"Very good, no?" I smiled at his question and nodded my head.

I struggled to walk as this 6 foot 8, full muscle man leaned most of his weight on me. He had untucked his black button up shirt, his hand tangled in my hair. He had taken out my ponytail, mumbling about how my blonde was disappearing. "I want it back." He said glaring at my head. I looked up at him rolling my eyes playfully.

"Usually it gets lighter after it darkens. Be patient." I spoke to him as if I was speaking to one of the kids. Since I didn't know how to drive we had to walk back to the vila. Kronos let out a long dramatic sigh, and kept on staring at the side of my face as we walked. I did my best to ignore him but the tingles and butterflies in my belly were harder to look past.

I sat Kronos down on his bed. "Can you stay here for me? I'm just going to grab you something you can sleep in." He nods his head. I smile and pat his head. "Good." I turn around and he's latched onto me from behind. His slumps his head between my neck and my shoulder causing me to gasp. I moan as he gently drags his fangs over a sensitive spot on my neck. "K-Kronos." I whimpered.

"Don't pat my head." He grumbled in my ear.

We walked together to his closet. I grabbed him a pair of sweats and a basic tee shirt. "Good?" I asked him and he nodded. We walked back to the bed, Kronos right behind me. His arms around my waist and his front pressed against my back.

He sat down, I placed the pajamas to his side. "Good night, thank you for helping me. Hope you sleep well King." I said giggling a little, I turned to leave but my arm was caught and pulled back.

"Help me." He whined, pressing his head on my chest. "My arms feel numb." He looks at me expectantly. I nibbled on my lip, I pointed my finger at him.

"I'll only help you with your shirt, okay?" He smirks and nods his head quietly. I hummed, shyly placing my hands on his chest as I worked on unbuttoning it. He took in a sharp breath as I touched his skin. My eyes darted up, I was only met with closed eyes. I smiled to myself and took his shirt off. I grabbed the other tee shirt, "Arms up." I giggled as he did, he looked down at the hair on his armpits.

"You don't mind hairy guys right?"

"Kronos, I told you I didn't want to put you in your sweats." I blushed as he brought my hands to his belt buckle. "Kronos." I warned and he growled lowly.

"Fine. I'll do it myself. I always have to do everything myself, tck." He must've thought he said that to himself. I frowned as he dramatically started pulling on his leather belt until he ripped it off with his strength. My eyes widened, I quickly grabbed his hands.

"Kronos! Oh my gosh you're impossible." I whispered shaking my head. "I'll do it. But do not say anything? Okay?" He nodded with a smirk and a light in his eyes. I shook my head and shakily unbuttoned and unzipped his pants. He kicked his pants off as I grabbed his sweat, I kept my eyes on his shirt as he put one leg in and the other one soon after. I pulled them up, my face red and hot.

"Better? Can you go to sleep now?" He smirked devilishly, he pulled me in. Pulling me in by my neck and my waist. I squealed as he nipped on my neck, "Kronos." I whined as he laughed wholeheartedly.

"You undressed me, naughty little thing." I yelped as he slapped my behind once again. I gently nudged him off of me, I pouted pressing my hand on my ass.

"Good night, Kronos." I pushed his shoulder and he went falling onto his silk covered bed. I laughed softly and made my way out the door.

Some part of me knew I wasn't going to get rid of Kronos that easy. Just as I stepped out of the shower there he was on my bed. I was thankful I had changed inside the bathroom. But I was just wearing one of his button ups. His eyes darkened immensely, his eyes dragged over me sensually.

"I like this picture." He rasped as he kept his eyes on me. I crossed my eyes and stuck my finger in my nose. "I'd still fuck you even if your face was stuck like that forever." I dropped the silly face and crossed my arms. I shyly ducked my head, he always makes me flustered in mere seconds.

"What are you doing awake?" I asked dodging his vow. He shrugged his shoulders.

"Maybe I'm not used to not having sex." He mumbled, I glared at him. He looked up at me with innocent eyes.

"I'm not doing that with you, Kronos." I told him sternly.
"Do what?"
"Huh? Go into more depth, I'm old."

I sighed, "I won't-won't make love with you, Kronos. So you can get off my bed." I made a motion with my hands for him to shoo.

He chuckled, "Just lay with me, please Opalescent." I scoffed, nice try.

"No. I'll take your room then-" He swooped me by my waist and pulled me into the bed. I groaned, my damp hair falling all over my face. I sighed and looked over at him.

"Promise. It'll just be cuddling?" I didn't trust myself. No mater how uneducated I am about this whole thing. But the way things were building up, I was going to let him tear through me.

"Promise. What's your middle name?" He asked me as he kept me tucked under his arm. His finger lightly dragged over my face, following the trail of my freckles.

"Adina. That's actually my first name." His eyes widened, I giggled at the shocked look on his face.

"What?!" I winced at the loud boom of his voice. I snickered to myself, smiling. "Adina Opalescent Underwood?" He brought together the riddle. I nodded my head.

"I love it." He told me looking into my eyes as if I was the prettiest thing he's ever seen. I didn't believe it.

"Why did you give up your mistresses if you love sex so much?" I ask his hands that rubbed against my back making me sleepy.

He shrugged, thinking in his head before he talked. "I'm only fooling myself." He muttered, his fingers caress the back of my thigh. "When I met Natalia, immediately I could never be satisfied with only her. It was impossible." I held down the grin and joy in my heart, I sucked on my bottom lip. Keeping in my excitement. "So that's when I started collecting mistresses. Since my blood is mixed with Incubus blood that would be needed. My desires can only be satisfied with my mate."

I sucked in a sharp breath, his red eyes becoming so mesmerizing. I was becoming more restless as I stared at this handsome god of a man. I was begging myself to try and find the mistakes he's done in the past, the ones I've known he's done. The hurt he's caused but I was pulling up a blank.

"Why are you putting me through this." I asked breathlessly, closing my eyes tight.

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