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"Opal! Opal! Opal!" Ida crashed into me, I smile at her. "Good morning Princess Ida Rose." She blushed. "Good morning." She grumbled. I giggled along with Emma.

Emma bowed, "Good morning princess." She said giving me a sly smile.

"I'll be making everyone breakfast, would you like some waffles?" Ida gave Emma a look making me poke her. "Don't be mean, Ida." I scold and she looks to me and looks back to Emma.

"Yes...please. Thank you." I smile and Emma beams nodding her head vigorously. "They'll be right out princess." I smiled down at Ida.

"See, did you see how happy that made her." I asked as Ida grabbed my hand and made me walk.

"Yeah..." she said shyly.

I sat her in the chair, just as the other ones began to fill with the naked woman. But they actually wore clothes. Well, thin lace dresses that show everything.

It didn't seem to brother Ida though, it was like she was used to it.

They all glared and looked me over. But soon sat up straight as heels clacked against the marble floor. I looked up, meeting eyes with a woman. Her eyes were something else, something I haven't seen before. They were a bright purple color, the lining black.

A witch? I couldn't really be sure. Her eyes pierce at me and her steps seem to falter.

I looked down as Ida moved closer to me, this was Natalia wasn't it.

I felt a deep hatred for her, it was instant. For reasons I knew but didn't want to say out loud. She strutted towards me, kicking my chair a little as she sat at the top of the table.

I looked back down at Ida who pushed away her food. "C-can we go now, Opal." I nodded, "Alright. You sure you're not hungry?" She nodded her head quickly, jumping in my arms. I giggle, grabbing the plate in my hands and walking it to the kitchen.

I pat Ida's butt, "Scrape your plate clean and give it to Emma, please." Ida grinned and grabbed the plate skipping to the trash bin and doing as told. "Thank you Emma!" She said as she ran back into my arms.

As we walked back out whispers stopped and stares started. I looked to Natalia, her eyes blacking out fully as she looked at me with the hatred we both shared for each other.

I looked away bored with this stare down.

I sang the song as Ida was laughing, rolling in her dress. "Again! Again!" She laughed. I giggled, "The itsy bitsy spider went up the water spout! Down came the rain and washed the spider out, up came the sun and dried up all the rain and the itsy bittsy spider went up the spout again." Ida clapped her hands together.

"How have you never heard that song before little lady!" I cry out tickling her sides.

I smiled at her little accent, most vampires do but hers was different. I'm pretty sure it was Romanian or Bulgarian I couldn't tell.

"Are there other ones?!" I nodded my head and she screamed making me laugh. "Wait! Opal, why didn't you brush your hair?" She asks, her little nose scrunching up. I laugh, "Because I didn't have time to, silly silly." I said playfully poking her in the sides.

She takes ahold of my hair gently, pouty lips on her face.

"Can...I play with your hair?" She asks, with hope in her eyes. "Okay, but no cutting." I say pointing a finger at her. She giggles, hopping around. "Yay! Okay!"

As she starts on my hair she shakes her little hips making me giggle.

"Are you a mommy, Opal?" She asks, I look at her in the mirror, smiling. "Kind of." I answer, her eyebrows knit together. "Kind of?" I chuckle, "Mhmm, I raised my siblings like I was there mom. My little sister, Flo sometimes calls me mom." Her crimson eyes sadden at my words.

"You have a sister?" I nod my head. "You love her more than me...you would leave me for her." Her hands drop at her side and my heart hurts for her. I turn around picking her up in my lap.

Poking her in the tummy. "I would take you with me. You and Flo would love each other." She looks up at me, her chin wobbling. "R-really? You'd t-take me with you?" I nod, wiping her tears. "Mhmm." She was a growing vampire, and obviously everything in them is heightened.

So as gentle as I was with Flo it would have to be doubled with Ida. And she's never gotten this care or love nor the attention I'm giving her now.

"I want you to be my sister, Opal." She said, "Instead of V-Vasile, or Dimitri, Carmen, and especially-" The door opened, the king in all his glory stepped in.

He stared at me, I was a hot mess. My hair worse than I had it earlier from Ida's playful hands and my heels were somewhere else leaving me bare foot. I grabbed a hair tie and reached to tie my hair back but he stopped me.

"Don't." He ordered. I slowly let my hands drop to my lap, not wanting another show of what happened the other day.

"Stay away, you'll just hurt Opal. I've seen it in my dreams. You just do it over and over and over again." My heart slams at that, what does she mean by that?! "Ida I could careless about your little human pet. Our cousin, Istvan is coming." Ida jumped up, spinning around with her arms up at her sides.

"When?!" She squealed.

"Now. Sorry little cousin, had to stop for a little bite." I almost fainted as I see him stroll in, his breaths coming out uneven and ragged.

Blood all over his mouth and dropping down to his chest and drenching his shirt. He takes out a cigarette and lights it as Ida wraps her arms around his legs.

He was tall and slim and his eyes dilated as he saw me

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He was tall and slim and his eyes dilated as he saw me.

Dun-Dun-DunnnnnnHope you've enjoyed this chapter! One is currently cooking in the oven as I publish this!

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Hope you've enjoyed this chapter! One is currently cooking in the oven as I publish this!

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