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The only thought I had in my mind was-maybe I can get released. I know it was impossible but he didn't kill me.

And my siblings are just back at home probably thinking I'm dead. Lost, scared and helpless.

I needed to get back to them. But I knew he wouldn't just let me pick up and go.

So my game plan was to get lost and hopefully he would find me and I'd be able to ask if maybe there was a way I could get back to my home with my family.

I lug around the cart, my shoes echoing as I take the steps that would may change my position. I look around, the classical paintings and sculptures on every corner and walk. The inside of the castle was simply black and white. A world of no color.

The walls and ceilings were paintings of angels and destruction.

As I look down I see a flash of something, a ghost of a child. This place is haunted too?!

I try to keep my composure...but I'm a scared cat. That's something that my brothers...always seem to hate about me. I ignore it...until I see it again, and a childish giggle is released. Definitely haunted. I let out a squeak, trying my best to move my short legs to move faster. But my whole body shuts down as the pain before comes back ten fold.

I collapse, a pressure on my head has my eyes tearing up. The same pain in my uterus worse than ever, I gasp out in pants. Trying to stand up but I couldn't move. I felt paralyzed as blood seeped out from my nose.

"No, n-no." I said panicked, I brought my violently shaking hand to wipe it away but it was too late as a body found mine.

Hypnotizing eyes lock with mine, a soft high voice says, "Asleep."

I let out a soft moan, turning my head into a soft squishy pillow. I blink my eyes open, remembering the pains and the compulsion. "Stop moving!" I hear a voice say. I blink my eyes open just as I feel lipgloss slide onto my bottom lip. My eyes focus on a small girl on my chest, straddling me.

Her hair was dark and cut short to her shoulders, she had pretty olive skin and cute dimples as she stared at me grinning.

She looked to be the same age of Flor, maybe even younger.

Her crimson eyes looked at me and she giggled. Wrapping my blonde hair around her small little finger. She looked like the king, I tilted my head and my heart ached as I thought this were to be the kings daughter. Why did it hurt so much? Why do I care?

"Hi." She squealed like a giddy girl. I giggled, wincing as she bounced on me.

"Oops! Sorry." She said stopping her movements. "It's okay...did you help me? And bring me here?" She nodded quickly as I looked around the pink and purple colored room. I smiled softly, "Yes! You started to bleed...but I didn't feed from you! I promise...I don't want to do that anymore. Even though you smelled super super good! I didn't!" She said, pushing her face close to mine.

I smiled, "Thank you so much-" she cut me off.

"What's your name?!" She all about shouted. "I'm Opalescent. But you can call me Opal. What's yours?" Her eyes shinned over at my name. "Ida. You're really pretty, just like your name." She cooed shyly.

So this is Ida. She really is hard to miss.

"You're really pretty. I love your hair, such a pretty color." I tell her, smiling. Instantly her hands grab onto the dark chocolate hair. She beamed, "Really?" She asked eyeing me, to see if I was lying.

Which vampires could sense if you lie or not. I nodded my head, "Yup, I've always wanted dark colored hair. I think it would match me better." Ida shook her head. "No!" She yelled, "Don't! Your hair is so pretty, and soft, and it smells good." She said in a funny voice making me laugh.

"Thank you, Ida. So," I said groaning as I picked her up and walk over to a mirror. My eyes widening at how well she did my makeup.

"You did this?" I ask her, she nodded. Happily bouncing in my arms.

"Wow! Ida, it's so good! It's perfect." I praise her and she blushes, putting her face in my neck. "Thank you." She mumbled and I laughed. "Wow." I whispered as I looked at the perfect winged eyeliner, pink glittery eyeshadow.

"Ida, how old are you? If you don't mind me asking?" She fiddled with her fingers. "106 years old." She said biting her lip. Wow. "You look really good." She looks up at me and burst out laughing.

"It doesn't work like that!" She says giggling. "Silly, silly." She says knocking on my forehead playfully.

I raise my eyebrow, "Oh, please inform me Princess Teacher Ida." She laughed at that. "Okay!" She chirped and hopped out of my arms, grabbing my arm and pushing me back on the bed.

"Mommy and daddy made me! Pop! I'm here! Then I stay in the tombs...until I'm ready to come out which was six years ago!" I blink. What? I nod my head, pretending as if I understood. "Oh." I said nodding my head.

She smiled, "Yup!" She said climbing onto my lap.

"I like you." She tells me, cupping my face and squishing my cheeks together. I crossed my eyes making a silly face as I tried to stick out my tongue too. She laughed loudly, her silly laugh echoing through the palace.

"Maybe...maybe you can be brother mate." She tells me, I furrow my eyebrows. The king has a son too?

"I don't know, maybe he already has one." I say nicely. She shakes her head, "No. its because he's a meanie face."

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