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I sat next to Kronos, our hands locked together. We stared at the council who were preparing to explain whatever it is to us.

"Natalia, is an original witch. The original witch. She is the same woman who has ruined the relationship between you and all the other reincarnations before. But even still, her plan to take over fails. All because she goes after the wrong person." A woman speaks first. They were all in grey, white, or black.

My eyes widened and I looked to Kronos who looked sick. "Kronos...you're old too." I wasn't saying that I didn't care about my mate having...sexual relations with Natalia but he shouldn't act like he was so young. He glared at me, our attention was turned back to the council as they laughed.

"So you're saying the one Natalia should have been going for all these life times is my mate? Adina?" Kronos asks, his hand holding mine more securely. They nod their heads.

"What always happens? Why does this cycle keep happening...." I pause, remembering the dream I had. My hand goes to my belly. I try to swallow the lump in my throat. "She-she kills me." I answer myself. The council looks down solemnly.

"What?!" Kronos booms. I winced, "Why haven't you fixed this before?!" Kronos was now standing, looming over the group of elders.

"Kronos, please. Sit down, let's just talk about this and how we could work around it." I had a hold on his arms, tugging on him. His eyes shot down to mine, and he slowly took a seat. I smiled at him, trying my best to mask the fear I had.

"You've been having visions, Adina?" A man asks, I slowly nod my head.

"I usually have them, only with big things. I know when it's a real thing when blood is shown in the dream-or vision." I spiel looking back towards Kronos who looked at me with a sad little puppy look. I smile and reach over to touch his face. I rub my thumb against his strong cheekbone.

"King Kronos, you can trust us. We will be protecting Adina with everything we have. If not the Gods will be taking things into their hands." Kronos straightened his shoulders, his face set in a dangerous look.

"If not I hope you know the repercussions. I have your faces engraved in my mind. If you fail me your hearts will fail you." Kronos said promisingly.

I awkwardly clear my throat, "Thank you for the tea. It really helped, it brought my voice back so quickly." The witches smile and nod their heads.

"Shall we take you back to the room you'll be staying in? Oh and Adina please be sure the King drinks this tea every night, every last bit." I nod my head, taking a look at the box of herbs the woman lifted.

Gabriel and Charmeine walked in, Kronos and I stood up and followed them.

"Are you okay? You woke up so soon...did you even get enough rest?" I asked Kronos as he pulled me onto his lap as we sat in bed in our new room. He chuckled, looking utterly exhausted.

"Why do you care so much?" He said sounding almost serious. I give him a scornful look shaking my head. "I don't need rest, gorgeous I need blood. I can't hunt around here since it's sacred ground." Kronos explains, leaning in and kissing my cheek.

"Oh." I said, I looked him over. "What happens if you don't eat?" I question.

"Oh, hm, the last time I went on a spree." He said nonchalantly. I tilted my head curiously.

"A spree?" I repeated, he grinned at me chillingly.

"I turn into the notorious Demon King. What you saw that day, that's what happens but I usually have some sort of control," He shrugs his shoulders. I licked my dry lips, trying not to show the discomfort I was feeling.

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