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"Adina listen to what I have to say!" Kronos grabbed me and dragged me back to the bed where I was sat down.

I couldn't forgive myself. How could I just let go of the fact that Kronos is that type of man. How could I forget so easily what kind of cruel intentions he has. I pushed him away from me, "Why did you do it?! You were a coward and left right after! Leaving me to-to hide his dismembered body from the kids." Kronos takes a few steps back after all my pushing and shoving.

"I did it out of pure rage and hate. I wasn't even supposed to be there. I was so heavily under Natalia's spell back then, it was during a small time that she had left so I went to patrol with my men. We were checking human housing making sure nothing with them was alarming. As we closed in on your house I had them all turn back, your scent had washed away Natalia's control over me. And when I saw that man walk out, and then you. You took my breath away,"

I cry harder as I see Kronos start to tear up himself.

"With our world Adina, the dark creature world you've started to know of...if someone threatens to take away your mate, you take away their life. He was a threat, and baby I couldn't stand that smile you were giving him. Because I was supposed to be the one to give you that happiness. So when he attempted to propose I couldn't handle it. All the emotions that overwhelmed me...and I reacted the only way I knew how." I stay limp, my shoulders slumped back as tears leave my eyes.

"He was innocent." I croaked. "He died because of me. Because I was fated to you." I press my hands to my eyes.

"I regret it, I regret killing him because as much as I don't want to say it...he was a big part of your life. But I can't go back and erase what I did." I look at him, I sniffled. "I'm sorry." He told me sincerely.

"Why did you leave?" I asked, I didn't understand why he would kill Tobias and then just run off. Kronos sighs, his thumb brushing my tears away.

"I don't remember why...this tea is bringing back all the memories Natalia had suppressed." He tells me, looking at my face aimlessly. "Do you forgive me?" I sigh, closing my eyes.

"I can't say right now." An idea popped in my head. "I'll be right back. I need to find Charmeine and Gabriel." Kronos furrowed his eyebrows.

"For what?" He questioned, his eyes following me as I move around.

"I'm going to meet him, I'm going to try and see if I can connect with Tobias like I do in my dreams." I left before he can give me a rebuttal. "Gabriel? Charmeine-ah!" I scream as they appear in front of me.

"You summoned us?" Gabriel says as they both stare at me with an amused look. I press my hand to my chest, I didn't think they could just...poof right in front of me.

"Yes, i was wondering if you guys can help me try to get in contact with someone who has passed away." The two messengers look between themselves. Nodding their heads as they form an answer between each other.

"Yes, that shouldn't be a problem. Especially since it'll be good training for you. This will be a good start for learning how to control the visions you get and how you can open them up." Charmeine said with a happy smile.

I followed the two down the long empty hallway. Trying to mentally prepare myself for what was about to happen. I couldn't believe I was thrown into this world, but I guess I have always been fated to this way of life. If everything goes right, I'll tell Tobias that I'm sorry.

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