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I sighed to myself, getting a quick shower in and doing what needs to be done considering my hygienic needs. I tied up a rusted color midi skirt around my waist. Useful pockets sewed on the sides, I wore a white shirt tucked into it. I slipped on some white heels and walked out of the room while attempting to tie my hair up but I eventually gave up for now.

I walk around the palace looking for somewhere to start my chores. My steps are haltered as I hear hushed voices start to escalate.

"I'm tired of this. Stop this now Natalia. You can't have both of us. You can't have me laying around like some security toy." Benson snarled into the face of the head mistress, Natalia herself. My lips parted on their own record, Natalia and Benson are actually mates.

I hid behind one of the large pillars of the arches. Feeling intrigued, I couldn't help but listen for some reason. I felt terribly sorry for Benson. From the distinguished look on his face he looks so hurt.

"But that's what you are." She snapped. My eyes widened at the harsh words she spoke to her own mate. "I don't want you nor do I need you. The humans have one thing right, mates are irrelevant. Unnecessary to life! I want Kronos-" I covered my mouth with my hands as Benson slapped Natalia clear across her cheek.

Her eyes grew black and she thrusted her hand, Benson grunting and dropping down to his knees. Black veins showing on his skin. "How dare you!" She shrieked, a heaving mess. She looked as if she was about to cry.

"You-I won't live without you. Even if yo-you treat me like fucking shit. I've s-seen you be-before all of this. You-you turned m-me ha-had be turned into th-this for y-your own selfish reasons!" Benson bellowed, shamelessly crying as Natalia used her powers against him.

She shook violently letting out a scream causing my ears to start bleeding. Along with Benson.

I felt hands cover my ears as things started to go black. Someone pulled me into their chest and I was flashed into another room. I let out a groan, squeezing my eyes before slowly opening them back up. My head hurt as it felt like my brain was pounding against my skull. I look to the person who came to my help. I had thought maybe it was Dimitri, even Visile.

No. No it wasn't.

"You shouldn't be snooping. I hate maids like that. I tend to kill them." Kronos says looking down at me. I hear a giggle behind me causing me to jump up as I see one of his naked mistresses. I make a face as I find out I was on the same bed as her.

She stretches her arms. "No, no daddy you don't. You absolutely hate them!" She giggles annoyingly. I quickly turn away wiping the blood from my ears and heading towards the door.

"It won't happen ag-" I'm cut short of my sentence. Kronos grabbing me, I fall back roughly into his chest. My voice altering.  His hands filled me up with something I didn't want to feel. I didn't want his touch that was completely run down. His touch that every woman may have possibly felt.

"Don't make me punish you little human. Little girl, you're completely lost here." He smirked looking me up and down. "You dress as if you're older than me." He teased. I felt my checks splash pink.

"She does daddy she-" I gasped loudly as Kronos grabs her, opens the door and throws her out violently. Slamming the door shut causing it to shake. I cautiously, painfully slow, look up at him.

"Fuck." He growls, his eyes black for a second before he looks back at me. I open my mouth looking around. This was awkward, I didn't want to be in this room with him.

"Do you always let people walk all over you, Opalescent?" He questions darkly, I put my hands behind my back and walk inside the room. I ponder the question.

"What do you mean?" I ask grabbing the sheets of his large bed and tugging them off. I was actually a little confused by what he meant. If he's talking about my siblings-I pause looking over my shoulder. He smirks as I do, taking a seat on a chair in the room.

"My sister has told me something very interesting to me. Your brothers, twins, young rambunctious boys-they stole from me. Not the little thing in front of me." He chuckled to himself, his eyes drinking me up.

"I-I..." I take in a sharp breath, shrugging my shoulders. "I'd do it again. That's not walking over someone I'm there-" He cuts me off again. Causing me to clench my fist around the silk sheets.

"That's not what I was getting at, Opalescent. You've let your little brothers hit you before. On many occasions. You've let them speak down on you. You let my mistress just now speak disrespectfully to you. You let other people help you but you won't help yourself. You're weak. You believe in love-" I cut him off, turning around to face him.

"I do. And?! What does it matter. My brother are disrespectful to me. But does that mean I'd let them die in the hands of you?! Why-why does your people think that love is something that makes you weak? Love can only make you weak if you're weak yourself because you can't handle it and you don't deserve it. I don't care what people think of me or say to my face. Especially if I don't care for them." By the end of my speech i was standing directly in front of him.

My eyes widened and I was quick to pull away. Just as the door burst open, Natalia walking in. I sigh, "If you'd excuse me."

"How was work today sister? Nothing bad happened right?" Flo asked me kindly, I smiled at her tiredly. I shook my head no and let myself fall freely onto the bed.

"No. I just want to sleep." I muttered, already half way there.

I gasp awake, I feel wetness around my body. Stuck inside my clothes and in my hair. I slowly sit up, my eyes widened as I bring my hand up to my face. I scream as I see blood, blood all on my body. I stand up looking around.

Bodies of men and woman all around.

"Help! Help!" I scream, I turn, gasping as I see Kronos, Natalia behind him, her arms draped over his shoulders. "Kill her. Kill it. Or I will." I stumble as I take a step back. "I-it?" I whispered just as I felt something move in my stomach.

I look down my eyes wide, "No." I whisper. I look up to see Kronos stalking towards me. "No, no, no!" I scream turning around and running, falling into the puddle of blood and sinking into it. I was suffocating.

"Sissy, sissy. Wake up, it's just a dream. Just a dream." I can hear myself gasping for air, my eyes fly open. "We need to leave." I whispered to her as she wraps my head into her arms.

"Are you in love with the king?" She asked softly, "Almost." She sighs, looking down between us. "How can we escape?"

An idea pops into my mind. "You'll escape first...then I'll follow you." I whispered into her ear so gently I prayed no one was behind that door.

"I had a dream..." Flo's eyes widened, she looks at me. "I don't think-I don't think-" I let out a sigh. "There was blood in it. And I could hear Tobias." Tears leave me eyes, Flo tears up with me.

"The dream was written in blood." She whimpered. I nodded my head. I have dreams, dreams like my mother would have. And if there is a sign of blood in the dream, the dream is going to happen in the near future. Not the complete story you set in your mind but something of the sense. Well, that's how it plays out for me.

"A-are you going t-to die?" She sobs, I shake my head. Pulling her into my chest and kissing her face.

"No. No I can't be apart from you." I told her laughing. "What do you think had me survive here for as long as I did. All I think about is you and the boys, the baby. I have to see you guys grow." I wiped her tears away, whispering softly to her.

"Come on, it's late. Let's get back to bed princess." Flo smiled, blushing sweetly. I kissed her forehead and rolled out of bed. "I'll be back." My voice quivered as I moved to the bathroom.

That dream, cryptic or not. I knew the message.

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