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I brush my teeth, rinsing my mouth after I'm done. I switch off the water and grab a book.

I take a seat by the window, a little tap causing me to pause. I gasp as I see Ida. She's crying as she looks at me. "Stay!" I tell and run out the door.

I bump into Evangeline making her scream. "O-Opal?" I wave at her but keep running until I'm caught, just a few inches from the door. Strong arms wrapping around my arms and chest, holding me captive. I look up at Kronos who's glaring down at me. Pure bliss blooms in my chest, an intoxicating burn in my veins.

"Kronos-" I whimper in pain as his grip tightens around me.

"Don't address me as such." I nod, "I'm sorry. King, may I please go outside." He narrowed his eyes. "For what? You wish to escape? See a lover?" I shake my head. "No. Ida, she's outside." His hands move down, one releases me and he opens the door, his mistresses watch as he drags me outside with him.

"I don't see her." He growls out. "Over here. Let me show you?" He looks me up and down. His hand wraps around my throat, my breath hitched. "If you try something I'll snap this neck. Understand?" I nod. "No. Say it." My lips part. "I understand."

We start walking, my back pressed against his front, his hand still wrapped around my throat.

"Ida!" I yell out, she stayed there like promise. With my sister. "Flo!" I screamed, pushing out of Kronos hold and fall to my knees and pull the girls to me. "No! S-stop!" I scream as Kronos pulls me away. Flo reaches towards me but Ida stops her.

"Ida Rose! What is this?! You've brought a human to my castle?! After you've disappeared for weeks!" Ida glares at Kronos. "I thought Opalescent was dead! You said she was dead!" She yelled, I looked to Flo with tears in my eyes. "Sister," She cried. "You lied. No wonder all the others stray from you. You're a monster." Kronos clenched his jaw.

"Enough of this. I'll give you to options. You kill that girl or change her." I scream, "No! Let me go-now!" I scream but he gripped my neck causing me to gasp out.

Ida glares at him. But smirks, "No. I've woken mother and father, by the way. It's been a week, they should be here any second." Kronos releases me and grabs Ida. I rush to Flo, pulling her to my chest. "You better be lying Ida Rose." Ida chuckles smugly. "I've decided to be like Opal. But if she wasn't with you. If she wasn't with you she'd be stronger. I've seen it. Seen it in my dreams."

"And mother and Father will put you back in your place." Kronos lets out a scary growl, slamming Ida into the castle. He grabs her necklaces, "Kronos! N-" He rips it off and throws her into the sun light. My eyes widened, she lets out a pained screamed, her flesh burning. Flo and I run to her, shading her.

I look to Kronos. "I'll make the decision for you then, Ida Rose. You've brought more pain to your idol than I have." My eyes widened. "Kronos. Wait, please-" He flashes in front of me, shaking with rage. "Don't say my name! Don't speak it out of these lips!" I let out a sob, "He's just mad," Ida laughs weakly as her brother leaves.

We manage to get her to shade, Flo trying to fix her necklace. "How come you need this?" Flo asks, we still cling to each other. It felt unreal. "Because I was cursed." She said rolling her eyes and shaking her head. "That bitch, Natalia. But she's going to get what she deserves. Soon." I've noticed something about Ida. She's grown. She looks about seventeen now.

"Ida...you've aged." I say looking her over.

She smiles, cradling my cheek. "Opal, you've brought me to the light. I'm old, you showed me love and affection, so I thought it was time for me to grow a little bit more older." I pout, "But-" She giggled. "I understand, you wanted me to grow up with a lot more than you gave me but trust me, it was so much to me. And you don't have to stop." I laughed at her shy look.

"Of course not, thank you for bringing me my sister." I said looking down to Flo who jumped in my arms.

We hold each other for awhile. "Come," Ida says standing up, she was taller than me now to. "Couldn't you have aged to fourteen?" Ida scoffs, "No. That awkward age? No way." I hold Flo as we walk, following Ida.

"How are you, my love? Oh my god, the baby. The boys." I started to panic and Ida looked back at me. "They're taken care of, relax." She laughed shaking her head. I just stared at her and Flo laughed, squishing my face. "Oh. Okay, okay." I looked back to Flo.

Kissing her face and tickling her sides causing her to giggle. "Oh, my love!" I cried. "You're ten years old!" I cried shaking my head. "Sissy, I've missed you so much. I cried everyday, thought about you everyday." I smiled, it was crazy to think I've been here for almost a year.

"The boys?" Flo smirked. "They cried too." Ida came in. "I hate your brothers. Sorry not sorry." I giggled shaking my head, I wrap my arms around Ida. "Thank you so much, I love you. You're apart of my family, always." Her eyes teared up and she hid her face in my neck.

"My two little girls." I said as the two girls laid their heads in my lap.

"Did you two at least bond when you were at age six, Ida?" Ida nodded playfully blowing air in Flo's face. "Yeah, Flo's like my little sister." Flo rolled her eyes. "I was older than you...physically for a little bit." We all laughed. "How'd you get along with the boys? How's the baby?" I ask. "Well, your brothers are complete jackasses, I was about to kill them." My eyes widened and Flo nodded.

"But the baby, I loved so much." I let out a breath. "You don't need to worry about Kronos hurting Flo. Not only is our parents awake...they've woken our siblings."

"Is that a good thing?" Ida smirked. "It should be."

hello lovelies! omg I've been gone for nearly a week! the holidays are here and I'm hoping that's a good enough excuse??? aha anyways, here's another chapter!

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hello lovelies! omg I've been gone for nearly a week! the holidays are here and I'm hoping that's a good enough excuse??? aha anyways, here's another chapter!

I hope to see those few who comment comment! It always seems to make my day!

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