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He couldn't help but watch her with utter silence. The so called Cold-Blooded King wanted to fall to his knees and beg her to be the queen he know he didn't deserve. Kronos wanted her to have his sons and his  daughters this moment. Watching her take care of her siblings, caring the little Tatiana in her arms.

She shook her golden locks, that have seemed to have browned from the sun. "No, no we've never done that. I couldn't...let myself. It didn't feel right. We planned to do it," The King let out a growl but she continued. "After our wedding but that never happened." Kronos hummed looking Opalescent  over. The bond between them had made that split between the old couple. Which Kronos was deeply thankful for, as selfish as he am. He wanted to be her first and her last.

"Well that's too bad isn't it?"The King smirked. She shook her head, gasping as wet arms threw themselves on her.

That night the kids had convinced Opalescent for them to camp out on the beach for the last day here. After four hours Opalescent had put them all to bed. She sat still next to the fire, her eyes closed as she listened to the waves crash into the rocks to the sides of us.

"Darling,"The brooding man whispered into her ear. As she tried to open her eyes Kronos shook his head, slipping behind Opal. "Stay just like that." The King rasped in her ear, pushing her hair back and resting his chin against her shoulder. Kronos looked to see her eyes were still shut.

"I don't want to go back, Kronos." She whimpered.

Kronos sighed, moving away from her. "You need to let what I've decided just to happen. Understand?" She nodded but her eyes didn't connect with his glowering eyes. "I'll wake you when it's time. Go to sleep." Kronos said, taking a stand. She looked up at the man who seemed never to get the pleads she lets escape, nodding her head.

She smiled at him anyway, the bright light of the pale moon reflecting on her spotted face. "Goodnight, King Kronos." She crawled into the tent.


"Do you have everything packed?" Kronos asked the children as he held onto their sister who was still asleep. They nodded their heads sleepily. "Alright, load up." Gesturing to the plane. They listened, only a few yawns and murmurs was heard as they dragged their feet on the steps to the jet.They loaded into the private jet. Kronos was ecstatic to be leaving from the island of mutts.

He could barely tolerate lycanthrope. The smell of one made his skin crawl.

He sat down, Opalescent curled to him. Her body in nirvana at the close contact with her mate. Kronos looked down at the women who he had cradled to his heavy arms. She was so small but something in her made him bow down to her. It was becoming harder and harder to fight the urge. She was his sun. He warmed his frost bitten skin. He felt the need to breathe again.

And every time he filled his lungs it was full of her intoxicating scent.

"Where are we going?" The littlest one asked. Her eyes looking at her older sister and back up to the abstruse man. She was sat up on Landon's lap. Flo in Lances. The King sighed, his fingers trailing a path he'd only touch across Opalescent's face.

"Somewhere. Someplace." That was good enough for Tatiana. She kept quiet until she realized the funny look the King was giving her sister.

"No eat Opal. Don't eat her." She stated in better grammar. Her eyebrows furrowing. Kronos peered up at her, lifting Opalescent closer to his lips, they gently touched the vital vein on her neck causing her to moan gently in her sleep.

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