End of The Road and Start of Something New

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Apparently, long ago humans and vampires didn't live in peace.

But the way it is now, I couldn't see how that would be possible. Everything between the two species seem friendly.

But like my parents said, it's been over two centuries since then. And it took a lot of hard work, empathy, and understanding of each other.

I don't know why, but it always makes me exceptionally happy that we as humans get along with the vampires now.

"Adina! Hurry, you're gonna be late for school!" My mother shouted, I groaned quickly brushing my blonde hair out as fast as I could. Wincing as I brush a little too hard.

"Coming! Coming!" I said as I shoved the brush in my backpack. I raced down the stairs, kissing my parents on the cheek. As well as my twin brothers and baby sister. "Bye guys! Love you!" They all smiled at me.

"We love you too." Mom said with a smile.

"Learn something." Dad said sending me a playful wink. I giggled, shaking my head playfully as I shoved my feet into my MaryJanes. We had a strict dressed code due to our uniform but I didn't mind too much. Less time fretting about what to wear.

And plus, I got new MaryJanes from Doc Martins for Christmas this year. The girls skirts were mid thigh, jet black with a single white stripe near the end of the skirt. We had to tuck the white short sleeved collared shirt that we also had to tie a black ribbon into a bow. The white shirt also had black linings on it, along with sleeve and collar.

Too add some color I simply had some baby pink socks that had cute little yellow flowers on it.

I walked over to the metro station, catching my bus just in time.

"Jeez! Look who's finally here." My best friend said, her eyes golden eyes glowing as she teases me. I rolled my eyes at her, taking my seat that was next to hers. Her curly hair was as beautiful as always, "Doesn't the 'fro look good? Finally took out the braids." She giggled.

"Ava, you always have the best hair out of all three of us." Naomi chimes as she takes a seat in front of me. Ava smirks, chuckling.

"Well, I just didn't want to brag." We all let out a laugh.

"Well, listen to this. Apparently, one of the royals will be going to school with us." Naomi said with a large smile, her bright red eyes gleaming as she smirks. Ava and I look at each other with looks of surprise.

"The prince?" Ava asks, suddenly intrigued. Naomi bites her lip shaking her head.

"Yes, in all his sexiness." Naomi just about moaned, causing me to let out a loud laugh.

"Hopefully he's my mate." Ava said dreamily. Naomi scoffed, throwing her black hair over her shoulder.

"As if!" She snarled.

"Girls, girls. Stop the fighting, look at my girlfriend for example. She could careless about some royal vampire princess, right babe?" I laughed as Tobias pressed a playful kiss to my head.

"Shut up, Toby." Ava said rolling her eyes.

"Yeah, plus you and Adina aren't even officially going out. Since you're too much of a boyish dweeb for sexy ass Adina." Naomi said, her slanted eyes narrowing at him. Tobias dropped his jaw, taking his seat behind Ava as he gasps.

"As rude as ever, Naomi. Can't I take my time wooing the girl I love?" I hid my blushing face at Toby's words.

It's not that I didn't find him attractive...but I just didn't love him romantically. We've known each other for so long, since we were babies. Maybe I'm just not overlooking that.

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