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"I don't want to see a teacher, Kronos." I groaned. He gave me a look, one that made me realize there was still a little bit of him that was still the same from when I first met him.

"Listen to me, it's just a test to see where your levels are. The girls aren't here, they're in school right now, so don't feel like you need to put them first." He appeased, I took in a deep breath. I was embarrassed, schooling had been banned by the time I barely finished eighth grade. Luckily I was ahead of the curb, and after schooling had been taken for humans my mother tried to teach me everything she and my father knew.

I just didn't want to seem like such an idiot to Kronos. He raised his eyebrows, daring me to test his patience.

"Go, it shouldn't take that long. I'd advise you to listen."

I didn't waste anymore time. I walked to the living room of the comfy Greek home. Kronos was still short tempered as always. I smiled as the man stood up, giving me a warm smile. He seemed to be frozen in time, only looking to be the age of fifty.

"Ah, the famous Opalescent Underwood? It's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Doctor Valentine." We shook hands, he guided me down onto the sofa. "So, I'll just be giving you little test of your knowledge. Nothing that'll hurt too bad." He said jokingly, I chortled.

I finished the last test which seemed like complete gibberish to me but I gave it some effort. He laughed at my uneasy face. "No judgement here, may I ask how old you are, Opal?"

"Nineteen." I answered, watching nervously as he looks through my papers. I winced a little as he made red marks across the page.

"Oh, still so very young." He comments, I blush and shrug my shoulders.

"Thank you." I always forget that I'm still a teenager. Sometimes I feel just as old as Kronos. Tobias would always try and make me do teenage things but I we'd only get to enjoy them for such a small time. I had the kids and he had work. My heart aches for Tobias, I wish he didn't have to die so young. Not because I'd want to be with him in a romantic way but because he was my best friend. He deserved better.

My mind flashes back to that night. That hidden man who was cloaked and kept discreet by the night. But what I can remember is the scar on his hand. The deep haggard line that goes from the little crease between his thumb and finger down and to the right of his wrist and slashes into his forearm.

"She is exceptional for a human who has an education level that she has. All her levels reach to about 10th and 11th grade stand point. She's a quick learner, so she'll catch up in the matter of six months or so." Doctor Valentine gave Kronos a run down of my stats.

Kronos nodded along to all the tips the Doctor was giving him. Looking down at the papers he had in his hand. "Yes, thank you Valentine." Kronos parted cooly. The Doctor gave me a final wave goodbye and walked out the door.

Kronos' eyes locked with mine, I can see how he was in a irritable mood. I give him a slight smile, he took in a breath. "I'll be in the room." Before I could get a chance to give him some sort of answer he flashed away.

I sat on the sofa, a laptop in my lap. "Wow so fancy." I whispered to myself as I did the online classes Doctor Valentine had set up for me.

Soon a little one is placed on my chest, and Flo wraps her arms around me gently. "Hello my girls. How was school?! I made you some snacks." I closed the laptop and sat up. Picking up Tatiana and giving her a kiss on her cheek, Flo stood on her toes as I bent down and kissed her on her forehead.

"It was good. We wear uniforms." Flo says gesturing to her red, white, and black color coordinated outfit.

I looked to who Tatiana who yawned, giving me a shrug as she plopped her head down on my shoulder. "Boring." She said shortly. Flo shook her head as I laughed.

"Is the King upset?" Flo asked as I tucked her and Tatiana to bed. They cuddled close to each other as they looked into my eyes for an answer.

"I just think the king is overwhelmed." I said brushing their hair back from their eyes.

"Overw-whel-?" Tatiana trailed, I smiled kissing her cheek.

"Worked up." The pair nodded their heads, figuring out what I meant.

"Why is he so worked up?" Flo asked, Tatiana raised her eyebrows. I sigh, shrugging my shoulders.

"That I don't know."

just a little itty bitty filler for you guys! next chapter will be up possibly by tomorrow, please do me a huge favor and comment! I love reading them

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just a little itty bitty filler for you guys! next chapter will be up possibly by tomorrow, please do me a huge favor and comment! I love reading them.

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