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"I missed you guys so much. I gave the boys Carmen's address did you get any letters from them?" We laughed at each other as we all wiped away our tears from the others face.

I sigh, and breathe them in as I gather them in my arms and lay back down on the bed. "All we need is the boys." I mumble with my eyes closed. Tatiana yawns and Flo stretches out.

I keep them close to me, Tatiana in between Flo and I. I hum softly, slowing closing my eyes. The warmth of my sisters bodies lulling me to sleep.

"No! No! Kronos that's just not right! You can't do that!" I heard Carmen yell. I looked down at Flo who just shook her head and shrugged her shoulders. We had just woken up from our nap, we had been startled by loud voice. Those voices belonged to the dysfunctional royal family.

"So loud." Tatiana growled, rubbing her cheek against my chest as she tried to fall asleep again.

"Why the fuck not?! I want to do this the way I want-" Kronos was shut up as Carmen slapped her hand on his lips, harshly. Almost like she was waiting for an excuse to do so.

They all looked at me. "Opal...Hey." Carmen spoke with a suspicious voice. I smiled awkwardly, letting out a laugh.

"Hello, Carmen." I looked towards Kronos as he suddenly started to walk to me. I look at him funny, Xavier grabbed Flo and Carmen picked up Tatiana from my arms.

"Adina Opalescent Underwood," The way Kronos said my name sparked shivers to travel over my body. He paused, grabbing my wrist and kissing the inside of it. I furrowed my eyebrows, suddenly growing anxious.

My eyes suddenly started to widen. "I want you to become an Erebos. Not just a Queen to my people, but I want you to become my wife. The ruler of my heart and soul. I can't have it any other way." Tatiana and Flo giggle while I look at Kronos with my jaw slack. I look at him, his knee on the ground. I drop to my knees. "Please become mine. I know marriage is something important to you. And I'm not just doing this for myself...I'm doing it because since it's important to you it's now important to me."

I cup his face with tears in my eyes. "Please, please say yes." He whispered to me with a desperate look. He looked scared, I laugh, jumping on him until we both roll on to the floor.

"Yes. Yes! I'll marry your crazy vampire ass!" I kissed all over his face. He grasped my face, pulling me into his face.

"That was terrible I felt like throwing up." Kronos muttered into my lips as he finished kissing me roughly. "Don't make me wait like that." He told me grouchily. I giggled, screaming as he slapped my backside.

The people who we totally forgot were watching clapped. Tatiana and Flo running over to us, throwing their arms around us. I smiled at Kronos, I gasped as I felt a cold metal piece slipping on my ring finger. I looked, a shiny heart shaped diamond staring back at me. The band of it seemed to me made of ruby.

"You stole my cold, dead, heart. I love you, Adina." My lips trembled, I hold Kronos close to me as I cry.

"I love you too."

Carmen let out a loud sigh, "Well...this was cute but it's not enough! My sister-in-law puts up with so much of your shit! Luckily I prepared for anything, Xavi, the books please." Xavier smiles as Carmen pecks his lips as he hands her six albums.

Carmen shoved Kronos to the other side of the room, making me gasp out loud. Kronos let out a growl, "Shut up! Anyways, I've made all these detailing six types of weddings I'd think you'll like." I smile, pulling Carmen in a hug.

"Thank you, Carmen. Which ones the cheapest?" I asked, she let out a whine.

"No! I won't tell just see which one you like the best. Money isn't in the picture. It's limitless." I looked back at Kronos who was now sat with Xavier. He gave me a smile.

"She's right, Adina. Don't worry." He eased my tense shoulders. The girls already ripped open the books, awing and shoving the books in my face trying to gain my attention.

"So, I already bought all the dresses all perfectly tailored to you." Carmen said smiling proudly. My jaw dropped.

"What! You've bought them all?!" I choke out. Carmen laughs at my expression, nodding her head.

"Mhmm!" She chirped, answering me as if wedding dresses don't cost a hefty sum.

"Sissy! Look at this one!" Tatiana said handing me the book, a beautiful white lacy tight dress looking back at me.

"Girls this book is for you." Carmen said handing the book to Flo, Tatiana racing over to her to get a peek. I smile to myself and look back at the wedding gowns. I sigh the four I went through all too fancy, heavy looking, and flashy for me. I move on to the next, my lips parting as I see the dress.


Carmen nudged me, a smirk on her face. "Come on, get up."

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