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I was glad that Kronos wasn't stressing over how much I needed to be looked after 24/7. He was so involved in the pregnancy, making sure I was comfortable. He was happy everyday, reading to the little sleepy thing inside of me. Always asking me if I was hungry.

The council had told us since we were giving birth to a half breed the safest thing would be to give the baby a little amount of blood. Which I got from Kronos.

While Kronos and everyone else helped with distracting me, Natalia's face always lingers in the back of my mind. No matter who insisted to me that she wasn't here I knew she was lurking. I could feel it. The people around me must mistake my anxiousness for her appearance as fear. But I was over that, I was eager to get rid of her. I was ready to have my family, and in order to do that Natalia needs to disappear.

"Adina," I look up, smiling up at Kronos. "Baby, you need to sleep." He orders, his hand falling on top of my head. His hand slips to my cheek, I sigh contently. My eyes falling shut for a moment as I soak in the gentle touch. "Here, I'll lay with you." Kronos eagerly slipped in bed with me. Wrapping his arms around me, his arm slung against my belly. He gently kissed my shoulder.

"I'm right here, my love. I'm gonna protect all of us, don't stress." Kronos whispered in my ear. I smiled, holding his hand that was rested against my belly.

I chuckled as he snuggled against me, my eyes slowly closed as Kronos played with the skin of my belly. His other hand playing with my hair.

I fell asleep feeling safe, warm, and happy.

Months had passed and my due date was two days away. I had pushed the malicious thoughts in the back of my mind and have just stayed happy.

I sighed to myself as I look in the mirror, my body turned to the side as I gently and lovingly rub my hands over my belly. I was so big, exhausted, and ready to have my baby in my arms.

I look up as arms wrap around me, I smile at Kronos. "You ready to go on our walk?" For these couple of weeks that's what we've been doing. Taking walks to see if it would help with anything.

"Mhmm." I replied, laughing as he kissed my neck.

"Mhmm." He mocked, leaning down and kissing my belly.

Kronos and I walked along the path we usually take, but not even ten minutes in a sharp pain rolls through out my back and abdomen. Water pools down my legs, I gasped gripping onto Kronos' arm with a tight hold. "My water...the baby's coming." Instantly Kronos picks me up and flashes us back into the palace.

"Doctor! Adina is in labor!" Kronos shouts.

It all happened so fast but at the same time so slow. One moment I was in excruciating pain, and then next I had my beautiful baby girl in my arms and my husband right next to me. Kissing the top of my head, and whispering things to me and my daughter. But all I could do was stare into her beautiful eyes as she slowly started to stop her wailing.

Her shirt hair was black and had a slight wave to it like her fathers. But she had my eyes and my nose, but his lips. I smiled, tears falling down my face as I gently brush my fingers against her frail skin. "Violet." I mumbled with a grin, I looked up at Kronos who had just as many tears as I did.

He nodded his head, "Violet Josie Erebros." Kissing me with the softest and loving kiss he's ever given me.

I was happy, happier than I ever thought I could be. My siblings had all returned to me, I had my daughter, and my mate. Everyone was happy and healthy.

Violet was now three months old, she was small but growing so fast. Always smiling and giggling, she made my heart always warm up.

I smile down at her as I watch her sleep. She was besides me in the bed, in her cute little fuzzy purple onesie that Carmen had gotten her. With my finger I gently curl my finger around a single one of her curls. I sigh, grinning, leaning over I press my lips against her squishy little cheeks.

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