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I play around with the food on my plate. I look up at the grandfather clock in the "break room" which was just the helps house kitchen. I jump in my chair as I hear the front door open and slam shut, shaking the house. I stand up and move to the source of the noise. My eyes locking with Bensons figure. I slowly move over to him.

"Benson? Benson?" I shake his shoulder, my eyes widening as he grips my throats and pins me against the wall.

His black eyes fade to his regular crimson as he stares back at me. "Sorry, I-I'm sorry, Opal." He lets me go, I gently touch my neck. I take in some air, I give him a light smile.

"It's okay...sorry I startled you. Are you okay?" I asked him gently. He stared at me, maybe asking himself if he should tell me what the matter was. "Tell me when you're ready-" My eyes go wide as he pulls me into a hug and starts to sob.

I started to tear up as well, we hugged each other tightly until Benson started to settle down.

"Listen, Opal. Something I can't tell you about Natalia. She is still my mate and I can't help but love her and want to protect her. But I'm leaving after the ball tomorrow night, I'm going to the sun mountains to perish." My eyes widened, I grip his arms.

"N-no you can't! Benson-" I scramble for some words to reason him with but he gently shook his head.

"It's...it's time for me. There's no hope, she's set her mind." My lip wobbled and I pulled him into me. "I can't live without her. I can't watch her l-live with another man and pretend-" He takes in a labored breath. "I have to end it here before I do something that'll just cause me new pain."


I stare blankly out to the open as I polish and tighten up the ballroom. I couldn't enjoy the view of the newly found place of the palace. I was too worried about Benson. Evangeline and her mate connect eyes, talking through their eyes.

"Are you feeling well, Opal?" Kaleb finally asked, Evangeline besides him. She gives me a gentle smile. I smile back nodding my head, Benson wanted me to keep his decision to myself. So that's what I was going to do. Until I figured something else out.

"Yes, sorry. I've been spacing out a lot. Just trying to get work done." They both smile, nodding their heads. Evangeline jumps on me, wrapping her arms around me. She lets out a loud sigh and lays her head on mine.

"Don't work too hard, princess." She jokes playfully poking me. I laugh rolling my eyes.

As we worked until we finished an idea formed in my head. I quickly walked over to Benson who was currently chopping up firewood for the palace and for the cook. I felt myself blush, Benson wasn't wearing a shirt. His muscles were flexed as he carried the axe, smashing it down on the brink of wood. "Um, Benson?" I ask raising my voice slightly, enough for him to hear me.

He stops, giving me a nod. His face masked with a sadness to it. "Yes, Opal? Are you okay?" He chuckled at the look on my face. I quickly nodded, grabbing his wrist. We both pause as we feel someone watching us. I look around and over my shoulders.

"I need to talk to you." I all about mouthed to him. He furrowed his brows and gave me another nod. He took off his gloves and grabbed his shirt. "I need to ask a huge favor." His eyes soften at the request. He pulls me into his chest, a silent way in telling me to whisper as softly to him as possible.

"Take my sister with you. Drop her at a sanctuary. I've had a dream...things aren't going to be good." I whisper as gently as I could.

"You're a visionary? A-an-you can see the future." He whispered. I shook my head but then stopped and nodded.

"It's complicated. But can you do that?" I ask him in a hurt voice, my throat hurt as I tried to hold in my tears. I wanted my sister here with me but I know this aren't going to be all rainbows.

"I don't know, Opal. I'm leaving so I can sacrifice myself...I-" He sighed as I squeezed him tighter. "Okay. Okay...why don't you come with us?" I stopped. Pulling away from him slightly. He gave me a look, his eyes sparked with something.

He pulled me back into his chest. "The thing, to get rid of the feelings for the King. You have to repeat this, I, Opalescent Underwood, reject you, Kronos Erebos as my mate." My heart dropped and I quickly pushed him away. Tears filled my eyes, I shook my head blinking them away.

"Opal...breathe." Benson told me walking closer, I couldn't. I press my hand to my chest, then up to my throat.

He was my mate? Kronos was my mate. I let out a loud sob. Turning around and running back into the castle. All the thoughts rushed into my mind as I quickly made my way to the den. Some lose ends connecting. The pain I've been feeling was because of our connection. The reason I couldn't love Tobias with everything single thing in me was because of him.

The reason why I couldn't even think of being with another man, kissing another man made my stomach turn, was because of him.

He's the reason why I've been screaming in pain. Not being able to eat, seeing him with one of his many mistresses had my food being spilt back into the toilet. That excoriating pain I've been feeling was because I could feel his betrayal as he had his way with his mistresses.

I screamed into the pillow, hot tears damping the material. I screamed as loud as I could for as long as I could, until my voice died out and my muscles of my throat burned.

He's known. And that's why he didn't kill me.

A dress has been delivered when I had been in the shower. The girls, Flo and Ida where on my bed. Playing with the dress and talking amongst themselves giggling with each other. I held quiet an angry face, something the girls noticed. Flo took notice of it right away. She stood up as I flicked my head at her.

Ida stood up to but I shook my head. "Ida I need to talk to Flo alone. We'll be out soon." My chest hurt at the look at her face. I walked over to her and peaked her cheek. "Go get ready. I can't wait to see my little princess in a princess dress." She instantly brightened up. She smiled at me and nodded.

"Okay! I'll be right back!" She flashed out of the den. I waited, talking about something else for a few minutes until I thought it was clear.

"We're leaving tonight." I told Flo as low as my voice could go. She gave me a sad look, looking down at her shoes. She gave me a nod. "I'm sorry baby, but we have to. We a-absolutely have to."


hello guys! thank you to the single person who commented on the last post haha! it means so muchhh I hope at least two-maybeee four of you comment. Just so I could see how you guys are liking the book and how you think of the plot and what's going on. Just a thought!

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