Chapter Two

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I walked out of his office furious. He was a class A prick. I walked out to see my Mystery Man sitting in a chair just outside Mr. Styles' office.

"Hey, Liv. Wanna go get that coffee now?" I shook off all bad thoughts and nodded. We walked down to the elevator shortly joined by Mr. Styles.

"Shawn," Mr. Styles spoke quick and bitter.

"Harry," my Mystery Man spoke in an equal tone.

"I didn't know your name was Shawn. That's cute," I whispered to him.

"Yeah, that's me, Shawn Mendes," he swung his bag behind him and pushed me against the wall. "How about we skip the coffee and go for drinks?"

"Could you guys, maybe uh... do this when I'm not in here?" Mr. Styles spoke. Ugh, it's hard trying to be petty I'm tired of saying, Mr. Styles. And Harry does have a nice ring to it.

"Is there a problem, Harry?" Shawn spoke still looking down at me while he had me against the wall.

"Actually, there is. Your behavior is very inappropriate and you're superior asked you to stop. Now, he's telling you." 

Shawn quickly let me go at Harry's use of the word superior. But that didn't stop him from grabbing my hand and intertwining our fingers.

We reached the lower level and all of us stepped out. Shawn and I hurriedly exited the building. And to my car.  He opened the door for me and I rolled down my window.

"Meet me there?" He said with a giant smirk.

"Yeah, I just gotta drop somethings off at home and change," he nodded.

"Okay, see ya. Drive safe"

"Back at ya, Mendes" I winked at him before driving away.

I arrived home and stuck my key into the door. As my key was in I heard feet shuffling to the door quickly.

"Olivia!" she yelled with a high pitched voice.

"You know I'm right here there's no need to yell," I rubbed my temple with my fingers.

"Sorry," she said while following me up the stairs. "How'd you get him to answer all the questions?"

"What?" I started, I didn't even ask him one of them.

"Never mind that. What are you about to do?"

"I'm about to go out for drinks with a hot stranger!" I said with a small shriek at the end.

"Oh, we gotta make you look hot. I mean you look hot now we just gotta make you..." she paused. "," she chuckled.

"Okay, make me," we laughed at how awkward her wording was. Kate matched a pair of black boots, with fishnet tights, a suede black skirt, and a maroon crop top that showed the fishnet tights off on my waist. And I topped it off with a tight leather jacket and a messy bun.

"Wow, babe you look like a total snack!"

"Thanks, Kate. Alright, I'm heading out. Don't wait up," I winked while closing the front door.

I drove to the bar on B. That's where Shawn and I are meeting. My heart rate picked up speed as I was actually nervous. I saw him sitting on a bench in front of the bar.

"Hiya, stranger," he stood up and threw his arm around me. "Let's get this party started."

"So, what do you want to start off the night?" He asked while looking down at the menu. His eyes traveled from the menu up to me then to the door. His eyes widened.

"What's wrong?" I turned to see Harry waltzing through the doors. I rolled my eyes and leaned towards Shawn.

"Wanna go dance?" I batted my lashes.

"Let's go," he stood up and took my hand and guided me to the middle of the dance floor.

As we moved our bodies in sync, our hips reflecting the same movements, the electricity flowing between us. He grabbed my waist and flipped me towards him. He placed both his hands in my hips and pulled me into him. I clenched my eyes shut as he placed small ticklish kisses down my neck. I moaned into the air, letting my hands travel up his back and into his hair.

When I opened my eyes they landed directly on Harry, who kept his eyes on me. I closed the distance between Shawn and I connected our lips. His strong hands went straight to my butt gripping harshly. I pulled away and looked back at Harry. His back was now to Shawn and I.

I excused myself from the dance floor and walked over to the bar. I hopped into one of the seats to relive my feet.

"Ugh, these shoes are killing me!" I said to myself hoping no one would hear me.

"You're telling me, Chica," the Spanish girl, just about my height hopped, into the chair next to me. She sighed hard and laid her head into her hands.

"Two shots, please," I slurred. I looked back to see Shawn dancing with another girl. I guess that didn't take long. "Ugh, my life sucks."

"Same, boo, same," she said. "But what's got you all messed up?"

"Well, first I interviewed this man today and he a total dick," she nodded and made a small noise. "And now my date is dancing with another girl," I finished turning back to see Shawn still dancing with the same girl.

"Ah, now that's messed up."

I scoffed, "You're telling me," I turned back around passing her a shot and downing mine.

"Someone who can hold their drink, you're a girl after my own heart," she nudged me. After a couple more rounds and exchanging each other's numbers: it was fair to say that we were done for. "Let's go dance," she slurred while jumping out of her chair.

I stumbled to stand to my legs weak. I walked like a baby taking its first steps. We danced hard without a care in the world. I hadn't seen Harry or Shawn and I was starting to enjoy my manless night.

I started this day stress-free and I'll end this day stress-free was the type of mindset that I had. That was until I felt a pair of hands on my hips.

"Hey baby," the deep voice whispered in my ear sending an eerie shiver down my spine.

End of Chapter

[A/N] Sorry for the short chapters, but they will get longer as both time and my writing grows. Feel free to leave comments, feedback, ideas, anything. Ttyl...

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